Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, June 22, 1916, Image 10

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    ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Want and For Sale Column
5 cents per line. Cash in advance
For any anti all kinds o f hauling,
phone John Herring,
care Krieger’s, Estacada.
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
+ + + + + ♦
U n d e rta k in g a n d E m b a lm in g
Ripe Italian
Prunes for drying. $20. a ton,
delive ed to the Estacada Can­
If you desire to sell your
prunes this season, contracts
must be closed before July 1st.
For further information, call up
R. C. Deming, Estacada.
contracts, write B. M. Hurst,
311 Front St., Portland, Or.
L A. Chapman
Licensed Embalmer
♦ Store or Residence
Hearse and Morgue
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Patton’s Friends Loyal
Henry V . A d ix,
P hysician
Local and Long Distance Telephone
The doctor’ s phone can be connected with your
home phone at night if requested. One long ring
Dr. L. A . W ell*
U enlist
Associated with Dr. H. V. Adix
Dr. R. Morse
P hysician
On Friday afternoon, June
23rd, at the home of Mrs. J. R.
Hughes on the Currinsville Road,
one of the popular C. 1. C. silver
teas will he held, with all ladies
The Misses Helen Wooster and j
Thelma Eschleman o f Estacada.
spent a few days last week en­
joying the pleasures o f farm life,
at the Gid Krigbaum ranch in
Mrs. Frank Shoaltz and son
James o f Hood River, are in Es­
tacada this week, visiting at the
home o f her uncle, L. A. Chap­
The many Estacada' friends o f man.
Mr and Mrs. Jas Freeman o f
Theodore Turel, has returned
Portland, were pleased to learn
to his home in upper Dodge, a f­
this week, that a baby boy had ter a year's absence in the U. S.
arrived at the Freeman home, Navy, having received an honor­
able discharge.
Monday, June 19, 1916.
S urceon
Tests Eyes and Fits Glasses
Main and 5th Sts.
Telephone Connection
Claude W. Devore
Attorncy at-Law ..id Notary Publie
Estacada. Oregon
Stone & Moulton
A tto rn e y s - at
Phones- Pacific 405.
4-5-6 Stevens Bldg.
- Lnw
Home A 270.
Oregon City. Or.
The Insurance Man
Oregon Fire Relief A.ss’n
O f McMinnville, Oregon.
Also First Class OLD LINE Insurance.
Automobile Insurance A Specialty
Phone 513
Team Work, Hauling and Packing
W o o d delivered, any amount or length.
10c per RiH.
W. M. Yuntt
S. E . Wooster
Estacada, Or.
R epresenting
Niagara Fire Insurance Co.
Established 1850
Miss Iv v Elder o f Los Angeles,
arrived Saturday at the home of
her sister, Mrs. Frank Ewing o f
Springwater, where she will re­
main for the summer.
Oftii e on Main Str. between let anil 2nd
driven out all illegal deer hunters
and in many cases has turned in­
to clean, law abiding sportsmen,
men and boys who formerly did
not believe in game protection.
It is hoped that the rumored
appointment o f a successor to Mr.
Patton is a mistake, but whether
correct or not, the Governor o f
Oregon and the members o f the
State Fish & Game Commission
will know the esteem in which
County Warden Ben S. Patton is
held by the taxpayers and resi­
dents o f the agricultural and
mountain sections o f this county.
S urgeon
Office Adjoining Residence
In the matter o f the estate o f
J. C. Tracy, deceased.
Notice is hereby giver, that Martha I
Tracy, the executrix o f the estate J. C.
Tracy, deceased, has rendered and pre­
sentee} for settlement, in the County
Court f«»r the County o f Clackamas,
State o f Oregon, her final account o f
administration o f said estate; ami that t
Monday, the 26th day o f June, 1916, at i
ten o ’clock in the forenoon at the court­
room o f said court, at the court-house,
in Oregon City, in said county, has
been appointed for the settlement o f
said account, at which time and place
Any person interested may appear and
contest the same.
Dated, May 25, 1916.
Martha Tracy,
Executrix o f the estate of
J. C. Tracy, deceased.
Claude W. Devore,
Attorney for Executrix.
Date o f first publication, May 25, 1916.
Continued from first page
A monstrous petition is now
WANTED Two men to split going the rounds o f this par t of
cordwood. Tools, Cooking Uten­ the county, asking the Commis­
sils and Stove furnished. 50c a sion to keep M '. Patton in the
cord. Telephone or apply
office. A similar petition is being
N. C. de Konne,
circulated at Molalla and one at
foot o f Douglass hill. Eagle Creek. Sandy, as his friends there are
just as indignant over the report­
Eight 10 weeks ed appointment o f a successor, as
old Berkshire pigs, $2.50 each. those in Estacada.
Four young fresh Milk cows,
In speaking o f Mr. Patton’ s
Mrs. H. Gilmore, Dodge,
friend’ s, it does not mean a lim­
Estacada, Route 2.
ited clientele o f close acquaint-:
STRAWBERRY PLANTS - ences, but includes hundreds o f
people, who only know him for|
Clark and Dollar $2.50 per M.
Cash with order.
No orders his work in game protection and
j kindred pursuits.
taken after July 15th.
W. R. Woodworth,
Many parties have written per­
Estacada Heights.
sonal letters to the state’s exe­
cutive, with the ladies o f the Es­
C E L E B R A T E the 4 th —at tacada
______ _____
^__________ Club
Civic Improvement
Estacada and have your pictures) joining in the remonstrance,
Police and Dele' fives Are Using
taken by
A. M. Stephens
Mr. Patton, during the five)
Lip Reading in Place of
FOR HIRE Day or night i years service locally has proved j
the Dictagraph
Chevrolet Auto Service.
Phone j to be more than a mere gamej
Cascade Garage,
S. P. Pesz- warden, but has embodied in the
work a large amount o f eduea-1 Thousands o f deaf people are today
necker, Proprietor, Estacada.
throwing away all hearing devices and
| tional method. He has personal- enjoying
all conversation. This method
is easily and quickly acquired thru our
GOOD MEALS 25c at the Log
Absolutely the only thing o f its
Cabin corner 3rd and Main Sts.
animal life, has gathered local kind in the country. Our proposition is
Estacada, Ore.
original. We guarantee results,
county statistics and is a constant entirely
Mrs. E. A. Adams, Prop
it will amaze you. Cost is trifling. See!
contributor o f instructive articles what New International Encyclopaedia j
FOR SALE Span small mules, ) for several magazines, among says on Lip Reading. Hundreds o f people I
5 and 6 years old, gentle, and | them being the Oregon Sports­ with normal hearing are taking up Lip
Reading for the many additional benefits * 1
good drivers, with harness and man,
gained. You can understand what the ac- j
two seated buggy.
Write or
Mr. Patton has done more for toreare saying in the moving pictures. 1
phone A. Demoy, Estacada.
the propagation and protection You can understand wha* people are say- |
ing just as far away as you can see them.
of game and fish in this commun­ The
eye understands beyond t he range (if
Holder Elected For Three
hearing. Send no money, but mention ,
bined. He has labored for hours thi9 paper and statVwhether or not you;
Year Term
in the disagreeable work o f fish are (leaf. All particulars will be sent you ¡
absolutely free and with no expense to!
At the annual Estacada school liberation, has spent many cold you.
Address, School o f Lip Language. !
Kansas City, Missouri, j
meeting, which was held last
cold winter in providing food for
Monday evening at the school
the game and song birds, has been
Lee Bronson o f Estacada, last
house, and which as usual was a prime mover in the establish­
fifteen or twenty minutes late ment and conduct o f the Estaca­ week sold his Chevrolet car to
in starting, W. H. Holder was da Rod & Gun Club and also en­ S. P. Pesznecker o f the Cascade
Garage. Mr. Pesznecker will
reelected to serve a three year forced the laws regulating game use the machine for general
livery work, while the former!
Mr. Patton has investigated owner will probably buy another’
Twentv-six voters and a few
and secured the conviction o f
students attended this important , many offendere; has substantially machine in a short time.
meeting. In the reelection of
Mr. Holder, the secretary was
ordered to cast a unanimous bal­
lot; as was also done in the elec­
tion of Mrs. L. E. Belfils to suc­
ceed U. S. Morgan as clerk.
Mr. Morgan did not care to
assume the responsibilities o f the
office another year, unless the
remuneration was increased to
pay for the labor and responsi­
bilities involved.
After listening to and accepting
the report of the clerk and at­
tending to a few minor matters,
the meeting adjourned.
M. D.
Cash Capital $1,000,000
Catarrhal Deafuern. Cannot Be Cured
b y lo c a l a p i> U ca U c»'». a a th / u l & m k - i u u
(h e d i a e U v d p e n .^ r t c f ( h e
tu sT e
la o n ly o n e w a y t o c u r e c a t a r r h a l d e a f ii. 11.
a n d t h a t la o y a c o u s t lt u t i
i r«r.«cdy.
C a t a r r h a l D e a fn e s s la c a u s e d t y a u In­
h u m e d c o n d it io n o f t h e m u c e t is lin in g o f
t h e E u s t a c h ia n T u b e .
W h e n t h ia lu b e la
In fla m e d y o u h a v e a r u m b lin g «■ •uni o r
I m p e r f e c t h e a r in g ; a t :d w h e n it la e n t ir e ly
c lo a e d . D e a f n e s s la t h e r e s u lt.
U iiK -ss t h e
I n fla m m a t io n c a n b e r e d u c e d a n d t h is t u b e
r e s to r e d t o Ita n o r m a l c o n d it io n , h e a rin g :
w il l b e d e s t r o y e d f o r e v e r
M a n y ca a e a o f
d e a f n e s s a r e c a u s e d b y c a t a r r h , w h ic h la
a n In fla m e d c o n d it io n o f t h e m u c o u s s u r ­
fa ce »
H a ll ’s C a t a r r h C u r e a c t a t h r u t h e
b lo o d o n t h e m u c o u s s u r f a c e * o f t h e s y s ­
te m
W e w i l l f f r e O n e H u n d re d D o lla r « f o r
a n y ca se o f C a ta r r h a l D e a fn e s s th a t c a n n o t
b e c u r e d b y H a l l ’ a C a t a r r h C u re . C i r c u la r «
fre e
A l l D r u r f f l s t s . 7 Sc.
F . J C H E N E Y * C O . T o le d o , a