Want and Por Sale Column i cents per line. Cash in advance FOK SALE is the sign will have to be hung out in of the News Office before unless subscriptions now are paid at once. that front long, due, AUTO TRUCK H A U L IN G -1 For any and all kinds of hauling, I phone John Herring, care Krieger's, Estacada. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Undertaking and Embalming L A. Chapman Estacada H en ry V . A d ix, ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Office Adjoining Residence Operating Hearse and Morgue + ♦ + + ♦ + + ♦ ♦ ♦ + + ♦ ♦ ♦ M. D. P hysician and S urgeon Licensed Embalmer Phone Store or Residence PROFESSIONAL CARDS + ♦ ♦ ♦ Local and Long Distance Telephone + + FOK SALE Holstein and Jer-1 sey calves 3 weeks old. Estacada Wallops Oregon City Mrs. H. G. Trowbridge of Es­ Phone P. B. Dorais. tacada. treasurer o f the Estaca­ Continued from page 1 Springwater. da Tennis Club, requests that all lvvo ^Ai t - o ki: I , eamc in two years, filled the POR SALE Suckling Poland stands and flowed onto the side members o f the club, who have China pigs. Mrs. C. VVhitbeck, lines Sunday, made up of fans not paid their dues, kindly do so Estacada. and rooters from all parts of at once, as many bills have to be met within a few davs. TO TR AD E A vears subscri- E a s t e r n ( lackamas County With ideal weather the grounds ption to the News for $1. were in excellent condition and Notice Of Annual School Meeting 1 FOK SALE Horse, Harness, without the surrounding fence, Notice is hereby given to the Buggy, Mitchell Single Wagon, are a big improvement over the , , voters of ¿choo| I)istnet pole and shafts. Old local diamond with its high No 108 of Clackamas County. | W. H. Holder, Estacada. grass in the outfield. State o f Oregon that the annual i Italian I school meeting o f said District! Ripe WANTED Prunes for drying. ■«on n tnl i all games at home, Estacada will will be held at the School House; i i;.,„... i next Sunday make a trip to Can- delivered to the Estacada Can- b where they will tac£ e anoth. to begin at the hour of 8 o ’clock i nery. I f you desire to sel your J ' f h Chautauqua P. M. on the third Monday ofj June, being the 19th dav o f [ prunes this season, contracts contenders. The team will make June, A. D., 1916. must be closed before July 1st. the trip in the Lovelace, Bronson This mi meeting is called for the For further information, call u p ___. 0 __ i „ _>=> toncu me R. C. Deming. Estacada. For ! l ' purpose o f electing one director jt0 serve for a term of 3 vears, contracts, write B. M. Hurst, ers hope to accompany them. 311 Front St., Portland, Or. N °.u th.au EvSta.Cl dl? ha8,* ° tten and one clerk to serve for a term I together the best balanced team ot- j year year an(^ tbe transaction A BARGAIN Until Aug. 1st in yeai s, it seems a *shame that of business usual at such meet- next, subscriptions to the News the fans do not get together and ing. may be had for $1.. thereafter present them with suitable uni­ Dated this 31st dav o f May forms for the Chautauqua series 1916. the price will be $1.50. and balance o f the season. The FOR SALE Second hand present uniforms represent the Attest : U. S. Morgan, District Clerk. ! buggy good condition bargain discarded suits of every team for Fred Jorg, Chairman Board o f j price $10. Phone six years past, with all colors of Directors. Harry Snyder, Cazadero. dirty clothes in evidence. One hundred dollars would W ANTED Two men to split cordwood. Tools, Cooking Uten­ equip the team, with ten good Notice Of Settlement Of Accounts sils and Stove furnished. 50c a uniforms. Manager Lovelace o f- ! In the matter of the estate of J. C. Tracy, deceased. fers to contribute $2.50 towards cord. Telephone or apply Notice is hereby giver, that Martha a $100 fund to buy new suits and N. C. de Ronne, Tracy, the executrix o f the estate J. C. i foot of Douglass hill. Eagle Creek. the News will do likewise, so the Tracv, deceased, has rendered and pre­ remaining $95 should not be hard sented for settlement, in the County- FOR SALE Eight 10 weeks to gather, if every loyal fan Court for the County o f Claekama-. old Berkshire pigs, $2.50 each. w o u l d voluntarily contribute State of Oregon, her final account o f ; administration of said estate; and that - Four young fiesh Milk cows. 1 from 50c to a couple o f dollars. Monday, the 26th day o f June, 1916, at Mrs. H. Gilmore, Dodge, Any public spirited citizens or ten o’clock in the forenoon at the court­ Estacada, Route 2. I fans, who wish to help along a room o f said court, at the court-house, Oregon City, in said county, has good team and show their appre­ in been appointed for the settlement o f I W A N T E D All subscribers ciation. may get their name in said account, at which time and place who are in arrears in their sub­ print, (unless otherwise ordered) any person interested may appear and i scription account with the News, by giving their money to Mana­ contest the same. to please arrange to settle same Dated, May 25, 1916. ger John Lovelace of Estacada. Martha Tracy, at once. Parties not desiring to So let’s every fan chip in and Executrix o f the estate of continue the paper, will oblige the have Eastern Clackamas repres­ J. C. Tracy, deceased. publisher by so notifying him. ented at the coming Chautauqua Claude W. Devore, for Executrix. : in trim uniforms in which to trim Attorney Date o f first publication. May 25, 1916. P. R. L. & P. Co. the balance of the county teams. O p e ra te A t Loss Hstacada's line-up for Sunday 1 w as---- HEAR WITHOUT EARS Continued from page 1 L. Bronson c "1 do not know” he answered. N. Bronson P "That is a question for the fu­ Police and Detectives Are Using 1st G. Smith ture. and a serious one. It w ould Newell 2nd Lip Reading in Place of be a serious step to charge more R. Douglass 3rd than five cents for street car fare the Dictagraph C. Douglass s s from the suburban districts o f the Simmons L F. city. It would mean a serious de­ Thousand» o f deaf people are today E. Douglass G F. throwing away all hearing devices anil preciation o f property values out­ A. Smith R. F. enjoying all conversation This method side the five cent zone and great is easily and quickly acquired thru our loss to the people who have pur­ svstem. Absolutely the only thing o f its chased property in those dis­ B oard A n n ou n ces kind in the country. Our proposition is C ash Prem ium s entirely original. We guarantee results, tricts." . it will amaze you. Cost is trifling. See " I do not want to hazard a Continued from page 1 what New International Encyclopedia statement of what may come in formation being obtainable from says on Lip Reading. Hundreds o f people the future. I am only stating | the q ^ C., Union Stock Yards with normal hearing are taking up Lip Reading for the many additional benefits what appears to me to be the ■ ant| elsewhere. facts, from knowledge gained! The boundaries, which shall gained. Youcan understand what the ac­ are saying in the moving pictures. from the investigations that have constitute the limits o f the vari­ tors You ean understand what people are say­ just been concluded.” ous community districts, will ap­ ing iust as far away as you can see them. h ieve understands beyond the range o f pear in a later issue o f the News. T hearing. Send no money, hut mention Mrs. Louise Elder of Los An­ this paper and state whether or not vou geles arrived Sunday at the home ( ’ ¡i f f Sarver o f Cum nsville re- uredeaf. All particulars will be sent you o f her daughter Mrs. Frank Ew­ cently purchased a n e w silo, absolutely free and with no expense to; ing o f Springwater. where she th ro u g h C. ( . Saling. the local -vou- Address, School o fL ip Language, Kansas City, Missouri. wHt'make an Extended visit. agent. i-. The doctor’s phone can be connected with your home phone at night if requested. One long ring Dr. L. A . W e llt Dentist Associated with Dr. H. V. Adix D r. R. M orse PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Tests Eyes and Fits Glasses Office on Main Str. between lst and 2nd Residence: Main and 5th Sts. Telephone Connection Claude W. Devore Attorney at-Law a id Notary Public Estacada, Oregon 1 Stone 4 Moulton Attorn eys - Phones- ut - Law Pacific 405. 4-5-6 Stevens Bldg. J O H The N Home A 270. Oregon City. Or. BROW N Insurance Man Oregon Fire Relief Ass’n O f McMinnville, Oregon. Also First Class OLD L IN E Insurance. Automobile Insurance A Specialty Phone 518 - Gresham Team Work, Hauling and Packing W ood delivered, any amount or length. TIE SHED - 10c per Rig. W. M. Yonte FI RE I N S U R A N C E S. E. Wooster - Estacaoa, Or. R K P R K S E N T lN ti N ia g a ra F ire Insurance Co. O R IE N T IN S U R A N C E C O . Established 185(1 - of Hartford Cash Capital $1,006,(MX) Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by lo c a l a p p lic a tio n s , as th y ca n n ot reuen th e diseased p u ri.-u o f th e tu t. T h ere Is only one way to cure ca ta rrh a l deafness, and that is by a co n stitu tio n a l rem ed y. C a ta rrh a l D ea fn ess is caused by an In* flamed condition o f the m ucous lin in g of the E u sta ch ia n Tube. W h en th is tube is In flam ed you have s ru m b lin g sound o r im p e rfe c t hearing, a n d w h eu it la en tirely closed. D eafn ess is th e resu lt. U nless th e Inflammation can be redu ced and th is tube restored to its normal co n d itio n , h e a rin g will be destroyed fo r e r e r . M any cases of deafness are cau sed by ca ta rrh , w h ich is an Inflamed condition of the m ucous sur­ faces. Hall’s Catarrh Cure acts thru the blood on the mucous surfaces o f the sys­ tem. W e will glee One Hundred Dollars for any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot be cured by H all’s Catarrh Curs. Circulars free. All D ruffists, TSc. r J C11ENEY * CO . Toledo.