Our Store j is Known For The ; Quality Goods i We Serve To Our Customers First In Their Lines Vanilla I j Drifted Snow Flour ScM Ittf j ' o u __» Heinz Pure Food Products fc - Schilling's Extracts & Spices 2 ounces ! M. t J. B. Coffee I Red Ribbon Fruits | | and Vegetables In Cans and Jars E A ST CLACKAMAS SU P PLY CO. “ Your Satisfaction Is Our Success” I 1 With both mills in full operation we can supplv your every need in LUMBER of all descriptions SI LO STAVES Special Out for Home Built Silos As ever we can fill vour wants for Flour and Feed of all kinds c y l l l e n C& S a m s o n E*t«cada F L O II R________ F E E D __________L U M B E R C. C. M i l l e r Plumbing Metal impairing Electric Wiring and * Tinning Out Of Doors Concert One of the attractions at next S a t u r d a y evening’s Garfield Grange Strawberry Festival, will be an out-of-doors band concert, in the grange yard from 7:30 till 8^30 and as the Garfield Band is holding special rehearsals these summer evenings, in preparation for this concert and for the Esta­ cada July 4th Celebration, the audience is assured a treat. Other features of the program will consist of vocal selections by the Garfield Male Quartet; a duet by Miss Helen Bartlett and P. F. ! Standish; solos by Miss Elva ) Sltibley, Elizabeth Ingle and James Shearer; instrumental selections by Rev. C. F. Aue; readings by Mrs. H. A. La Barre and Edward Shearer; etc. From 9:30 until 10:30 straw­ berries. cream and cake will be served and a social hour enjoyed. Supplies Give Me A Trial ! I Born- June 12th to Mr. and Mrs. Schenck of Barton, a daugh­ ter. G eneral R epair W ork of All Kinds especially Gas and Steam Engine Repairs and Fittings All Work Guaranteed G ood R oads Days Owing to stress of work. Su- pervisor Albert Hitching and crew of the Currinsville road dis­ trict, last week forgot to give the News any advance information regarding that district's Good Roads Day, which occurs today, Thursday the 15th. Todays volunteer work will be confined to the hill on the main road near the Hale and Wade places, with the women joining in the work by preparing the pic­ nic lunches. On Tuesday, June 20th. a simi­ lar Good Roads Day will be held bv the Currinsville, Garfield and Estacada road districts in repair- ing, grading and generally work­ ing over the stretch of road lead­ ing from the foot of Wilson Hill to the Lone Oak Cemetery. i Teams and single hands arp wanted and everyone is urged to join with the workers on that day, bringing their lunches and picnicing in the nearby grove. The Estacada merchants are helping to make this event a suc­ cess by cooperation and dona- tions. The News just learned of a Good Roads Day which was held on the Zion Hill road in Garfield a few weeks ago, when the loyal taxpayers of that district joined and accomplished forty or fifty dollars worth of work in a short time. This latter item would have appeared in the New s be­ fore, only the editor is a poor mind-reader and all workers took it for granted that the other man was going to send in the I account of the work. Already, the Currinsville crew have graded and have ready for gravelling, the stretches of road leading from the Hitching corner towards the Saling place and j from the Githens comer up to the Steinman place, with good work also done on the Edgar Heiple road. In this connection, the News wishes to ask all supervisors or others to keep it advised of road work and developments, as such news is the kind of information which any newspaper likes to print. I i Tom Beebe and wife of Gar­ field are now touring California in their Ford machine. I C ourt Buy« Paving Plant This week we learn that the county court has purchased at a bargain, a complt te hard-surfac­ ing paving plant for $800 and we hope it will prove of more value than the l i t t l e c o u n t y f a i r grounds which they bought a while ago, yet it is doubtful if Eastern Clackamas will derive much more results from one than the other. Also, the good and loyal citizens of Oregon City are planning to adorn their burg with a county armory, to cost at least $10,000 of the taxpayers’ money. Preparedness is a good thing and armories are for furthering that policy, but Eastern Clacka­ mas will be prepared to fight some before it will stand by ard watch $10,000 go towards the adornment of the county seat. C ard of T hank« The family of Mrs. C. S. Allen wish to express their heartfelt thanks and appreciation to the many friends and neighbors for their sympathy and kindness dur­ ing the illness and loss of ;heir loved one. Worth Randolph of Viola has returned home, after attending the high school at McMinnville. V oting C ontest S tanding Following is a list of contest­ ants and their respective stand­ ing in the Thousand Dollar Mer­ chandise Prize Voting Contest, as shown by the judges' count, ending Wednesday noon, June 15, the prize being awarded to the contestant, having received the greatest numberof votes, during the past week, being the M. E. Church with 4 756 votes. Mrs Mable Wooster 888,604 Mrs D S Fleming 316.943 M E Church 228.280 Mabel Keller 149.444 Lucile Jones 127.769 Mrs Theo Harders 54,560 Abbie Wagner 48.237 Gladys Miller 47,282 Lucy Turel 20,446 Rosa Trachsel 12.106 Mrs. Bittner 8.736 Myrtle Looney 7.169 Erma Tenny 6.942 Galltna 5.630 Barney Gilbride 4,645 Mary Woodle 2.100 Mrs Della Vallen 1,830 Gaye Sarver 1.786 Vella Coop 1.300 G W Morgan 1.190 Mrs Guy Wilcox 1,175 S W Benjamin 1.160 E W Ficken 1,155 Veneta Page 1,140 Mrs Chas Duncan 1,085 Mrs. White 1,075 Gladys Joyner 1.030 Sadie Wilcox 1.030 Mrs R T Carter 1,025 Wilma Hitching 1,023 Tom Morton 1.015 Albert Lichthorn 1,010 A F Benson 1,010 The 20th weekly prize, an Oak Rocking Chair will be awarded the contestant receiving the highest number of votes, during the week ending at noon June 21.