Latest Extra • Canby cancels Sunday Game. Estacada to play “ Peninsulas” here Sunday. EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County Formerly Estacada Progress V olume 9. N umber 39 ESTACADA WALLOPS OREGON CITY E stacada , O regon , P. R. L. & P. CO. OPERATE AT LOSS C ounty S eaters Lose Public S ervice Com m issioner G am e 22 To 7 S tates Facts The much heralded Oregon City Contrary to the general suppo­ Red Men. supposedly an aggrega- sition that all corporations and tion of baseball players, after especially railway companies, are being duly scalped, mutilated, an independent, money grabbing, stripped of their glory and ex­ piratical crew, gathering in many posed, proved to be nothing but more dollars than their expenses a good natured bunch of amateur necessitate, the Portland Railway ball tossers and pretty low class Light & Power Company, prob­ amateurs at that, with the Esta­ ably the largest corporation in cada team winning an easy vic­ the State of Oregon, will soon tory by the overwhelming score be forced to go before the Public of 22 to 7, on the home grounds Service Commission and ask for last Sunday. relief, according t o Thos. K. If the locals had not let down Campbell, member of the com­ in the latter innings, the score mission, unless t h e travelling might just as well have been 22 public stands by the corporation, to 0, but the home boys were which is and has materially built tempted to try extra batting up Portland and this part of the practise, coupled with a few state and paid its just share of fancjf diamond stunts, resulting the taxes, tolls and assessments. in a few errors. Mr. Campbell says: “The Port­ With Bronson and Bronson as land Railway, Light & Power the local battery, the slaughter Company, if conditions do not commenced with the initial inn­ change for the better, will be com­ ing, with nine runs to the local’s pelled in a short time to come to credit, when the smoke rolled the commission for relief. away and about ’sieen errors “ lam not speak ing for the com­ checked against the Red Men. mission,” Mr. Campbell s a id , Oregon City used three pitch­ “ but 1 am telling the resu'ts of ers, all of whom furnished easy the information I have gained batting practise for Estacada, from a three year study of the although the ragged support giv­ situation. en those twirlers, was enough to “I am holding no brief for the disgust any box-artist. Portland Railway, Light a n d After the first inning the visi­ Power Company, but I am simply tors realized that they were com­ stating conditions as they exist. pletely outclassed, so made the The company is giving as good, best, of the situaiion with plenty or better, service than any simi- of good natured rooting, hiding l a r company in t h e United a sense of shame. If the losers States.” had any excuses to offer, they “ You can ride 18 miles for a were not handed out here, but nickel and the people of Portland possibly may appear later in the have been getting that service season. I for the past year or more, fur­ To chronicle the hits made by nished to them at a loss by the the locals, would be to name the company. Jitney competition is complete line-up, with home runs costing the company $1500.00 a gathered by Carl Douglass and day, taken from the cream of the Newell, with three baggers by company’s business. Light and George Smith and Carl Douglass, power competition is taking the followed by a two sacker by Sim­ cream of that classification of the mons and singles galore by the company’s service out of the entire company. downtown district. Twenty cents With few exceptions, Estacada out of every dollar of gross rev­ played tight and fast ball, with enue earned by the company is c edit going to every man. Too paid to the city and county gov­ much credit cannot be given Doc ernments for bridge tolls, street Douglass, who plays the game improvement assessments a n d from start to finish, not only similar charges. covering short-stop and second, “ The city either cannot or will but backing up every play with­ not regulate the jitney operation, in his reach, which Sunday re­ with the result that the cream of sulted in stopping an overthrow the close-in traffic is handled by of third and killing a tally. the jitney, which pays no toils Space will not allow of giving i for bridge or street use, or gives each local player full credit for ■ no revenue to the city. his performances, for from the "The result of this is that the battery to the fielders, the team company is, and has been, oper­ is finely balanced and strong on ating at a loss, even figured on the stick work. the basis of valuations allowed by Manager Lovelace, who is the commission. The outcome largely responsible for the suc­ will be. in my opinion, that the cess for this year's fast Estacada company will be forced to come team, wore a smile Sunday, that to the commission for relief.” threatened to crack his lip and "Will that mean a readjustment the gate receipts of over $29 pro­ of transportation charges by the longed the happy expression. establishment of zone rates, or Probably the biggest crowd some> other plan?” Mr. Camp­ that has attended a regular ball bell was asked. Concluded on back page ' Concluded on back page T hursday , J une 15, 1916 E xpert To Be H e re N ext W eek Prof. J. E. Larson, Field Spec­ ialist in Agronomy, of the O. A. C. Extention Service, will arrive I in Estacada, Monday morning, June 19th and will spend that day in lower Garfield, where he will work with the farmers in the fields, offering such suggestions as to crop rotation, fertilizing, offsetting soil acidity, etc, as the results of his investigation may disclose. Messrs. Dillon and Botkin will act as official escorts for that day and all farmers interested are in­ vited to spend the day in the fields with them. Prof. Larsen will prosecute similar investigations in the Up­ per Garfield and George districts on the following day and on Wed­ nesday afternoon, June 21st at one o’clock will hold an informal talk with the farmers at the Family Theatre. It is likely that the services of Prof. Larsen can be obtained for similar research and help in oth­ er sections of this community. In as much as soil conditions are very similar in many parts of Eastern Clackamas County, the results and advice given re­ garding the Garfield and George conditions, should be of direct in­ terest to all farmers, all of whom are urged to join with Prof. Lar­ sen in the field and in the Wed­ nesday afternoon meeting. These researches and aid to the farmers are being handled thru the agency of Manager Ewing of tte Agricultural Department of the P. R. L. and P. Co. State Commission Sues F. W. Bittner The state industrial accident c o m m i s s i o n , by Geo-ge M. Brown, attorney general, Monday filed a suit in the Clackamas coun­ ty circuit court against F. W. Bittner, of the Bittner Plug & Shingle Co. of Estacada, to col­ lect $27.09, alleged to be due for industrial accident insurance. The commission claims that Bitt­ ner declared his intention of tak­ ing insurance under the compen­ sation act, but failed to pay the required percentage of his pay­ roll. Committee To Submit Plan Soon The Community Church Com­ mittee, comprising Messrs. Whit­ comb, Holder, Fleming, Dillon, Guthrie, Ely and Standish met last Saturday morning in Estaca­ da, where they outlined a plan for the organizaiion of The Commun­ ity Church. With a few exceptions and al­ terations, which are being con­ sidered by the members of the committee now, this plan should be ready to submit to the people of this community within a few weeks, full advance notice of the general meeting and a reprint of the report and plan of organiza­ tion will appear in the News in a later issue. $1. P er Y ear BOARO ANNOUNCES CASH PREMIUMS E astern C lackam as Fair O ctober 4-5-6 The official board of the East­ ern Clackamas County Fair met at the office of E. W. Bartlett in Estacada, last Thursday and def­ initely decided to hold the 1916 f a i r at the Estacada School Grounds on Wednesday, Thurs­ day and Friday, October 4th, 5th and 6th. The following is a digest of the coming prtffnium lists, which will be printed and circulated at a later date. This list only covers the cash awards, as first, second and third prize ribbons will be a- warded as formerly on other ex­ hibits. Community Premium: 1st prize $25. 2nd ’ ’ 15, 3rd ” 10. Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, (13 class­ es) $5. to each class; 1st prize $3. 2nd ” 2. Best Agricultural Exhibit, in­ cluding vegetables, grasses and grains; 1st prize $ 10 . 2nd ” 5. (This is to be by points, blue ribbon 5. red ribbon—-3.) Fresh Fruits: 1st prize $5. 2nd ” 3. (On points as previous exhibit.) Juvenile (6 classes), $2.50 to each class; 1st prize $1.50 2nd ” 1. Special Juvenile prizes $20. on best corn exhibit, prize donated by Dimick and Givens -divided $10, $5, $3, $2. Juvenile S t o c k Judging of Hogs; Boys and Girls under 15 years, not graduates of agricul­ tural eolleges $5., donated by(’. N. McAlister. Women’s Canning Exhibit best collections of not less than ’ -84 varieties of canned fruits, veg- etabls, meats and jellies; 1st prize $12.00 2nd ” 7.50 3rd ” 2.50 Women’s Cooking Exhibit consisting of one loaf bread, one pie, one cake, six dough-nuts, six cookies; 1st prize $5. 2nd ” $3. Best Dairy Cow in 2‘A days milking test $10. In the corn exhibits among the special j: venile events, the #20. donated Ly Messrs. Grant B. Dimick of Oregon City and W Givens of Estacada, will be gov­ erned by the rules enumerated in the News of May 4th regarding special seed corn, and only those who secured the 25 packages of seed corn, are eligible to enter this contest. In the hog judging contest, Mr. McAlister of the Portland Union Stock Yards advises all entrants to study up on toe subject, in- Concluded on back page