At The Gresham Chautauqua, June 11-16 e -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<> inspirational Lecturers Com ing » * / ft Palm Beach Silk or Linen Summer Suit * A t $ 1 0 to $ 2 2 w e are showing the Finest Line o f Sum m er Suitings to he found in America. Now Is The Time EAST CLACKAMAS SUPPLY CO. “ Your Satisfaction Is Our Success” LUMBER With both mills in full operation - we can supply your every need in of all descriptions SILO STAVES Special Cut for Home Built Silos As ever we can fill your wants for Flour and Feed o f all kinds o411en Samson Estacada F L O U R ______ F E E D _______ L U M B E R C. C. Miller Plumbing Metal Repairing Electric Wiring and Tinning Supplies General Repair Work of All Kind« especially Gas and Steam Engine Repairs and Fittings All Work Guaranteed Give Me A Trial S OME people rhlnk au iuNpiratlonul let ture ih i»e un «ir canti«. Lui ir thev wouid ouly bear Arthur Kntnzkp o» Uni rieri e (¿unii Kotiei Hon at i'bautaiK|ua the.v wouid need tu ebanite tlien opmlons at oure. M ih . UolieiHou is one of thè inost delluhtfu! aliti 'haimiiui ladies voti will evor meet. Miai *»er Iettare will ulve you a uevt insiuht info thè problema of w om «.. Arthur A Franzke I h rnukliig hi» oud tour of thè Padttc < oast under ih« «u*pi es of thè ('hautauqua. • Viola Breezes Elwocd Items Contributed Contributed The Misses Rose and Ida Tan- nler o f Portland spent Sunday at the parental home. Miss B. Helgemo o f Portland was the week-end guest o f her cousin Mrs. M. Eimon. Frank Cockerline, who h a s been operating the Viola-Portland auto service, is considering going to Washington, where he will act as agent for a new automobile ac­ cessory. Last Sunday, he took a load o f young people to Linne- man and Portland* j Miss N. Vallen is h>me from Oregon City High School. j About half o f the neighborhood turned out Decoration Day and cleaned up the grave yard. Each grave was well cleaned and dec­ orated as well as could be owirjg to the scarcity o f the flowers. As soon as convenient they ex­ pect to plat the grave yard and fence it, fixing it up in good shape. Chas. Hicinbotham, w ife and daughter o f River Mill# celebrat­ ed their ninth wedding anniver­ sary at the Sevier and Hughes homes last Sunday. As a poultry raising center, Vi­ ola is fast coming to the front; with Joe Youngferdorf now rais­ ing 700 young chicks and 100 ducks: F. Gibb, 360 chickens; with F. Cockerline this year rais- ing 1100 chicks, 75 turkeys and 60 ducks. In addition to these, many o f the neighbors have a full quota of fowls. Harvey Mattoon, w ife and son Harry, went to Oregon City on Monday. Owing to a break in the rock crusher, work has been tempor­ arily stopped on the Ficken Hill road, but will be underway again in a few days. Cashier Wright o f the Estacada State Bank attended the meeting o f the Oregon Bankers’ Assn, in Portland one day this week. Miss Ella Bittner a id friend Miss Rotter o f Oregon City spent several days with the forme -s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C Bittner. Christian Church Notes j i The Sunday morning service June 11th will be preached by W. Givens and the evening ser­ vice will be in charge o f Pastor Drill. Sunday School at 10 A. M. Everyone cordially invited to be present at all services. As retiring Post Master o f Es­ tacada I wish to thank my many friends and the public at large for the kind and courteous treat­ ment shown me while in the o f­ fice, and for the good will and hearty support in my trial for re­ appointment. I trust that you will extend the same courtesies to my successor, as shown me. Signed A. N. Johnson. v i' I V * « k