Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, June 08, 1916, Image 1

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to the Interests o f Eastern
Clackamas County
Formerly Estacada Progress
V olume 9,
N umber 38
E stacada , O regon ,
T hursday ,
J une 8,
$1. P er Y ear
Ready For Gooseberries—
Contracting Prunes
Estacada Trounced
Ben Huas 7 to 3
By the last o f this week, the
Estacada Cannery will be ready
for operation, with the goose­
berry crop to be handle1 first.
Manager Denting and crew have
already installed the boiler and
stack, coupled up the various
machines, among them being a
“ gooseberry snipper” w h i c h
eliminates the hand snubbing o f
these berries. This year, the
cannery will probably turn out
from 6,000 to 8,000 pounds of
gooseberries, being water-pa'-ked
in gallon cans, the majority o f
the fruit coming from the Henry
•Trapp, P. F. Standish, Walt
Snuffin and other Garfield fruit
There is also being installed in
conjunction wi h the cannery, a
H irst s eam evaporator, being a
$l,000investment, used exclusive­
ly for the evaporation o f prunes
and apples this year.
Miller Buys Back Shop
With Estacada having won
% o f its games so far this
season and with the team now in
fine working form, the Oregon
City Kedmen, that famous bunch
o f ball tossers from the county
seat will next Sunday afternoon
tackle the locals on the Estacada
As usual, probably not less
than a couple hundred o f the
county seat fans and rooters will
accompany their team, so it is up
to Eastern Clackamas to be pres­
ent and in abundance, with plen­
ty of rooting, pep and encourage­
ment for the home team.
The game will start promptly
at 2 o ’clock and Estacada expects
by 4 o ’clock to have scientifically
scalped every one o f the pulpy-
city’s Redmen.
The Tribe o f Ben Hur, who
last Sunday tried to make a win­
ning against Estacada, returned
to Portland that evening to meld
their hopes and disappointments
along with the vanished hopes of
the other Portland teams which
had tried the same game and
against the same team before.
Neil Bronson and Art Smith
handled the box honors for Esta­
cada. each bejng credited with
five strike-outs and allowing a hit
or two apiece.
Goberg, Newell
and Ed Dduglass did the swatting
for the home nine, with Goberg
getting one three-bagger, be­
sides two other hits.
with fodV hits led the Lptsmen
with Ed Douglass one hit behind.
Any man, woman or child who
misses next Sunday’s contest,
will not only miss witnessing a
first class ball game, but wi'l
miss the opportunity to help Es­
I tacada again show its superiority
over the county seat, as the high
school athletes have been doing
for months past.
This part o f the business will
be conducted by Waespe & Hurst
o f Portland, both o f whom have
been in Estacada off and on for
the past few days, installing the
evaporator with its stack and
This evaporator will be used
for prune drying primarily, the
cannery now coni racting for Ital­
ian prunes, as per th advertise­
ment elsewhere in this issue.
Following the prune season, it is
probable chat e ]ual facilities will
be offered for the drying o f ap­
ples, both o f which dried fruits
will be packed in Estacada later
in the season.
To date the cannery h is eor-
t -acted for about 5b tons o f
prunes and are in the market for
about 100 tons more
As aeeom-
odatio ts will be made fo 1- about
150 tons in all this year, i: is not
likely that late contracts will be
All o f the work and materials j
used in the installing o f the evap- ,
orator and in the cannery is being
obtained in Estacada as far as
possible and such labor as will be
used in the canning processes,
will also be local.
Manager Deming has been ask­
ed to kindly install a whistle on
his boiler, so that before long, ”
Estacada will have the pleasure
o f listening to a morning, noon
and closing time whistle.
John Miller who about a year
ago sold his black-smithing es­
tablishment in Estacada to J. P.
Forrester, last week returned
and bought back the business
and will hereafter conduct same.
During his absence, Mr. Miller
visited many o f the valley towns,
but claims now that Estacada is
about the bept country town in
the state. Mr. Miller’ s family
are expected here within a few
To Log With Tractor
Horner Brothers o f Spring-
water last week purchased a
Samson “ 25” tractor, through
W. R. Reid & Sons o f Garfield,
the local agents. This powerful
tractor will be used largely in
the logging operations, in con­
nection with the Horner Bros,
mill, although the machine is ad
mirably adapted for agricultural
work or any work demanding
great traction power.
Shower For Coming B-ide
Miss Mary Woodle o f Estacada
■ entertained a number o f the lo­
cal young ladies
afternoon, the affair taking the
form o f a “ miscellaneous shower’ ’
for her sister. Miss Myrtle
Woodle, whose marriage is re­
ported to take place before the
summer is over.
Prize Money Received
P. F. Standish o f Garfield, man­
ager o f last year’ s Estacada ex­
hibit at the Clackamas County
Fair, which was awarded the
first prize o f $50., is this week in
receipt o f a warrant from the
County Fair Board for that a-
Owing to the financial diffieul-
'ties which faced the County Fair
Board last fall, it was impossible
for them to pay off all awards j
and Estacada had given up hopes
o f ever receiving its prize money.
Pres. Dimick o f the Board
writes that they have borrowed
a sufficient amount from the bank
to pay off all delinquent prizes.
This $50. has been turned over* 1
to the East Clackamas County
Fair Board and will be more than
welcome in defraying the ex­
penses o f the 1916 fair, dates o f
which will be announced next
At Greshan June 11 to 16
Elizabeth de Barrie Gill, harpist en­
tertainer, Is one o f the Chuutauqua's
most unique offerings, Inimitably pre­
senting, as she does, a splendid vocal
and Instrumental concert, delightfully
interspersed and combined with de­
leitable character stories and imper­
Mrs. (Jill is wonderfully proficient on
the hail*, and the $1,000 gold instru
meat which she plays is a master*
piece o f workmanship, o f a vibrant
lyric depth and tone resonance of sur­
passing power aud sweetne s. Mrs.
Gill has a rich contralto voice and.
singing to her own accompaniment on
the harp, affords an idea! coni’. Ination.
She features English, lri h. S otch and
ne to folk songs, which the crooning
murmur o f the instrument proves most
effe tive.
In a generous repertoire of harp
solos especially pleasing on the great
lyre, su< h as the old plantation uielo
and “ The Miserere
from “ II
Ti ova tore,** Mrs. Gill's rendition of
“ The Rosary" is a distiii t accomplish
In this number she demon-
si rules tlie Mipreme rank o f the harp
as a musical instrument when played
by an artist.
Newlyweds Arrive
Dr. and Mrs. Lee A. Wells,
who were married Tuesday even­
ing at the bride’s home in Rose-
burg, arrived in Estacada Wed­
nesday afternoon.
In order to escape publicity,
the newlyweds are reported to
have gotten off from the 4:30 car
at Currinsville, where they were
conveyed by a waiting auto to
their new home on Terrace Addi­
Estacada and the people o f this
community welcome the doctor
and his bride and wish them ail
kinds o f good luck in the future.