Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, June 01, 1916, Image 7

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Invites Your Patronage
Cash Paid
For Eggs
Fred Jorj[,
Phone Main 83.
Estacada, Oregon
Fishing Tackle
is what you need now.
Get your Hunting and Fishing Licenses here.
We can fix you out in
Lunches • Confectionery • Cigars • Kodaks
Ed Boner’s
$2. a day.
$10. a week
Hotel Estacada
Modern Conveniences
One of the most delightful Resorts
on the Coast
Local and Tourist Trade Solicited
Elkay’s R A T and ROACH Paste
Easiest and Surest
way to destroy
Rats, Mice and Cockroaches
No Mixing, Muss or Trouble
The E stacada Pharmacy
The ^&%CkBJL Store
W. R. Reid & Sons o f Garfield
report this week the sale o f a
“ Samson 23 ” tractor to Spring-
water parties.
To Calculato Congresses.
To determine the years covered by a
given congress double the uuwber of
the congress and add the product to
17SO. The result will be the year in
which the congress closed. Take, for
example, the Thirty-fifth congress
l»onbling It gives us seventy; add 1789
ami we have 1859, the year lu which,
on March 4. the Thirty-fifth congress
closed. To find the uumber of a con­
gress sitting In any year subtract 1789
from the year, i f the result is an even
number half that uumber will give the
congress of which the year in question
saw the close. I f the result is an odd
munlier add one. and half the result
will give the congress in which the
I year in question was the first year
OBACCO satisfied—from a clean, small ehew of W-B C U T Chew­
lake, again, the congress sitting in
ing—the Real Tobacco Chew, new cut, long shred.
Men are glad to hear about it, and to tell the glad news to their
I '«858. Subtract 1789 from 1858 and the
in turn. Cet a pouch and when you take your first chew re­
.esti!t is sixty-nine. Add one. making
member that W-B C U T Chewing is rich tobacco. A small chew satisfies.
seventy, and divide by t vo. showing
** N o tic e h o w th e salt brings out th e rich to b a cco taste ’ *
that 1 lie Thirty-first congress was hold
Made b y WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY, 5 0 Union Sq u are, New York City
lug its first regular session in thui
year. The year 178.) is the basic num- -
ber. because thut was the year in
Alaska’s Veiuant Islands.
which tlie P in t congress under th
The Inland of Altu. ut l.to e.*d of the
Parent Teacher Notice
| onstitutiou convened. — Philadelphia
Aleutian chain, is not >ar Horn Asia.
; Press
From north to souifi Alaska reaches
The Parent Teachers’ meeting
almost as tar as fro.n Canada to Mex­
An Ideal Island.
which was to have been held
Tin* island of Ascension. In the At ico.
Iniitie. helnnirlug to ilreat Britain, is
i his mighty territory is a world in Thuisday, June 8th, has been
unique in many re peets. There Is no the vurU\\ » ( its in ml* and waters, it pos poned until Tuesday, June
private property lu land, no rents, no is a (oimtiv of seas. Iatu*s st d rivers loth, on account o f the Portland
taxes and no use for money. The and of almost as man is.a mis as the
Mrs. Nealond of
flo Us and herds are pu lie property emj ire of Japan. It bus a vast con­ Rose Festival.
and the meat Is Issue 1 as rations. So tinental mainland, w.tli mountains anti Portland will speak on play­
are the vegetables grown on the farms. valio s. ruli ng plu.c.tus and great low- ground supervision and all moth­
I t r a ile d a thousand
Winn an island fisherman makes a lam. ! Inins
rati h he brings it to the guardroom, miles through rocky islands in going ers are urged to be present.
wheuee it is issued by the sergeant ma­ from Seattle to k>kn;,wuv and later
jor. Practically the entire population pas td through the Aleutian archipel­
W. Givens will make a ship­
are sailors, and they work at most of ago. which extends from the end of ment of livestock from the Esta­
the common trades. The climate Is al­ the Alaskan peninsula ubout as far
most perfect. The island is 8 by 0 westward as the distance from the At­ cada yards next Wednesday.
miles in size and has a population of lantic menu to the Mississippi river. June 7th. Parties having stock
ubout 450. It Is 250 miles northward The island of Kodiak is as big as Porto for sale, notify him at once.
of S t Helena and Is governed by a Rico, and Prince of Wales island is as
captain appointed from the British large as Connecticut. All of these is­
There will be a meeting o f the
lands are green from one year’s end to
1 navy.
the other, and some have a vegetation
ommunity chu ch committee
j "
as dense as that of Ha wall.—Christian
next Sun uv morning, at the W.
Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cure« Herald
! by lo ca l a p p .ic a t ic nB. aa t i n y cunnot »••-a«..*
th e diseased p o n .^ n o f th e te r .
T h e re
! Is on ly one w a y to cu re c a ta rrh a l deafness,
and th a t Is oy a c o n s titu tio n a l rem edy.
C a ta rrh a l D ea fn ess is cau sed by an tn-
I flam ed c o n d itio n o f th e m ucous lin in g o f
1 th e E u stach ian T u b e.
W h e n th is tube is
I in flam ed you h a v e a ru m b lin g sound o r
I Im p e rfe c t h ea rin g, a n d w h en it is e n tire ly
clo8<d. D ea fn ess is th e resu lt.
U nless th e
In fla m m a tio n can be red u ced and th is tube
restored to its n o rm a l con d itio n , h e a rin g
w ill be d e s tro y e d fo r e v e r .
M any cases -f
dea fn ess a re caused b y c a ta rrh , w h ich is
an in fla m ed c o n d itio n o f the m ucous s u r­
H a ll's C a ta r r h C ure a cts thru tn ;
blood on th e m u cou s s u rfa c e s o f th e s y s ­
W e w ill g iv e O n e H u n d re d P e d la r* fo r
any case o f C a ta rrh a l D e a fn e rs th a : can n ot
be cu red by H a ll's C at rrh Cure. C ircu la rs
A l l D ru g g ists. 76c.
F J. C H E N E Y A CO.. T o le d o . O.
W. Dillon home in Garfield.
Novel Use For Gunpowder.
“ Early In the sixties of the Inst cen
Mrs. J. E. Ikerd ard children
tury." writes Rev Fuller Mills, s
Welsh clergyman. “ I was a Im.v Is lilnd ol Estacada left today f o r Bay
the counter o f what was known as the Point. California whete she will
company's shop at Alierlll ery Among make her future home.
the collier customer* who came to the
shop was u tall, well developed man Ikerd had preceeded her by a few
known as Mick Steven* or i'tpphetis
"H e pas u tuemlier of the prize ring
or the pugilistic fraterult . which was
Among the many presents and
very popular in those days * * •
Dick Stevens was matched to tight favors conferred upon the grad­
lauto Cutelmtu and tv as preparing for uating class of the Estacada High
the light when he • ante to the shop for School, was an ice-cream spread,
his weekly requirements • • • He
gem rally it* ked for an ounce or two tendered to them by Ed Boner of
of guupowvier. I wondered at this, nud Estacada after the Commence­
ment exercises. Tuesday even-
Police and Detectives Are lining I my i uriosii,. was arotisisl.
I asked what he used It for. Ills
reply was: 'I mix It with my gravy
Lip Reading in Place of
when I have my dinner and swallow
the Dictagraph
It. It prevents the flesh from easily
Miss Beatrice Lilly of the Es­
puffing under the hard blows of an op­
Thousands o f deaf people are today ponent. The cuts and bruises are not tacada school faculty, left Wed­
throwing away all hearing devices and so hurtful and heal more easily.”
nesday afternoon for her home
enjoying all conversation. This method
'in Portland. Miss Li I Iv will this
is easily and quickly acquired thru our
Worm, Ua.d In Medicine.
system. Absolutely the only thing o f its
week attend the reunion of her
kind in the country. Our pronosition is
The earthworm, or the common fish
entirely original. W e guarantee results, worm, was utilized by the medical class at the U. of O. and witness
it will amaze you. Cost is trifling. See practitioners In Europe two and three I the graduation o f hersister. Miss
what New International Encyclopaedia hundred years ago. The worms were
says on Lip Reading. Hundreds of people for Internal administration ami some­ ; Grace Lilly, who last year taught
with normal hearing are taking up Lip
i he 8th grade here.
Reading for the many additional benefits times made Into an ointment or em
gained. You can understand what the ac­
tors are saying in the moving picturea. Dispatch.
Cyprua was an extremely popular re­
You can understand what people are Bay­
port for Britisher« for a year or no aft-
ing just as far away as you can see them.
Information Wantod.
ter the announcement. In 1878. that It
The eyeunderstands beyond the range of
had become a British protectorate, but
hearing. Send no money, but mention
this paper and state whether or not you
as the roast could not provide harbor*
are deaf. All particulars will be sent you
to compete with those of Malta the
absolutely free and with no expense to would tell us what a tittle Is.—-Colum­ vogue of the Inland receded an quick
you. Address, School o f Lip Language, bia State
ly as it had sprang up.—fx>ndou Olobe
Kansas City, Missouri.