Insurance Man Disturbs Services For sixty days or more, ru­ mors have reached the News of­ fice of an exciting event which occured in Eagle Creek a month or so ago, but until Saturday night, the editor could not glean sufficient details of the sad af­ fair to warrant publishing an ac­ count of the lamentable occur- ance. To make a long story short— once upon a time, a gathering of eight or ten of Eagle Creek’s sporting fraternity, comprising, we are pained to relate, several married men, met in secret ses­ sion in an abandoned potato ware­ house near Eagle Creek station, to investigate the merits of the grand old American game. While the services were in progress, the form of a six foot, two hundred pound supposed min­ ion of the law, was spied through a knot hole in the club’s library. Pandemonium reigned at once, with all secret passages leading from the building jammed, and all evidences of the services first being carefully concealed. The supposed minion of the law, was none other than our genial Gresham neighbor, John Brown, the insurance man, who was in search of an expired pol­ icy and its owner. John hasn’t gotten through telling about it yet; he tells of seeing fleeing forms, figures and possibly fig­ ments of the imagination, beat­ ing it across the newly plowed fields, hiding in fern thickets and splashing through Goose Creek and other water holes. John had to wait two hours for his car, and in the mean time, one highly respected father, re­ mained in a cramped, yet safe concealment u n d e r Wilburn’s Hall, among the cob-webs, chick­ en dustings and refuse, while his bride of a year or so, patiently awaited his homecoming, with the cows and kine lowing for their evening’s milking. Another respectable, although single resident, fell in Goose Creek in transit, and reached his own back door, after a detour around by way of Barton, Bor­ ing and the Clackamas shores time 1 hour and 35 minutes. A half dozen or so of the more fearless participants remained snugly concealed in the loft of the club house during the two hours wait of said John Brown, where they killed spiders and in­ haled potato sproutings, while peeking through the cracks in the club house sidings. John Brown feels hurt ar.d pained to think that his happy countenance w a s n o t better known in that section, but mean­ while Cogswell is having lots of fun kidding his trade about ex­ pired insurance policies and ear­ ly swims in Goose Creek, but making no mention of mole traps. T ennis C ourts B eing Built Through the courtesy of the Portland Railway Light & Power Company, the newly organized Estacada Tennis Club have re­ ceived the right to build two ten­ nis courts on the property to the right of the entrance to the Es­ tacada Park. Last week thirty of the local young people formed the Estaca­ da Tennis Club, with I. D. Wright as president; Mrs. H. G. Trow­ bridge, secretary-treasurer and R. M. Standish, manager of grounds. Work has been going forw ard on the construction of the courts for the past five days and in a day or two they will be in shape for playing. In as much as sev­ eral hundred yards of turf and earth had tobe moved before the playing surface was obtained, it necessitated considerable e x- pense and much volunteer labor. As is current on all jobs where many men are working, “straw- bosses” w'ere much in evidence and much good advice was freely given and much enjoyment fur­ nished in watching the “Never Sweats” , as F. J. Harkenrider aptly labeled the laborers, many of whom were not used to exca­ vating work, but all of w'hom performed up to standard. In as much as the game of ten­ nis is more or less new to this community, it is expected to fur­ nish much enjoyment for both players and onlookers. Canning Time will soon be here. Check up on your canning supplies— see what is needed to fill your wants— bring your list to us -w e have a full supply of Jars, Caps, Rubbers and Jelly Glasses H ave you got your S t r a w Hat? S e e O u r s B e f o r e You Buy Gef the Habit and Trade at P A Broaaway R K at & 2nd - C Estacada, L O S Oregon NER W hat is more desirable for a Graduation ♦ ♦ ♦ + + ♦ + ♦ ♦ Present THAN “ E. H. S.” Initial Rings - Solid Silve- $1. to $1.25 ” ” ” - ” Gold 2.50 to 3. “ Friendship Links” including starter Solid Silver 25c Filled Gold 60c Wrist Watches - ' - - - $5. Men’s ” - Elgin or Waltham - $5.50‘ Bracelets, Scarf Pins, Brooches, Cuff Links, Lavaliers, Pendants and any special a r t i c l e s o f y o u r o wn d e s i g n , M A D E TO O R D E R F. E. Beckwith E S T A C A D A , On next Friday afternoon, June 2nd, from 3 to 5 o’clock, Mrs. J. R. Hughes of Currins- ville will entertain at a C. I. C. silver tea, to which all of the ladies are invited. The Jeweler OR EG O N F. D. Hunt and R. M. Town­ send of the P. R. L. & P. Co. and C. N. McAlister of the Portland Union Stock Yards, spent Decoi- atkm Day in Estacada and vicin­ ity. The party in Mr. Ewing’s machine made a trip to George, where they conferred with H. C. Stephens relative to the coming East Clackamas Coent.v a n d George Community Fairs. The delegates from the Esta­ cada I. O. O. F. and Rebecca Lodges, who attended last week’s convention at Roseburg, return­ | ed home Saturday and report ¡ Leroy D. Walker, president of the Estacada State Bank was a having greaty enjoyed the trip business visitor last Tuesday. and the convention gatherings. | | Broadw ay Im provem ents The fronts of the Park & Clo«- ner and R. G. Marchbank s ores on Broadway, are ihis week being improved by the addition of overhanging porches. In the case of the Marchbank store, the porch will take the place of an awning and furnish a shady spot for visitors on hot summer’s afternoons. The Park & Closner addition w ill comprise a more pretentious structure, wdth second story sitting and sleeping facilities. • Several Estacada parties this week attended the “ Follies of 1916” at the Heilig Theatre in Portland. A dvise Me W h a t You H ave For Sale LIVESTOCK and let me know as far in advance as possible. NOTK: A “ Top Hog’\ which is the one that brings the best profits to the grower, should be fat, in good condition and weigh from 165 to 225 pounds. GIVENS, e st a c a d a The Man Who Has Helped To Build Up The I/>cal Livestock Industry.