Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, June 01, 1916, Image 10

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    Want and For Sale Column
5 cents per line. Cash in advance
FOR SALE Jersey Cow, third j'
calf. Will freshen in few days, j
S. N. Kilgore, Springwater.
+ + + + + + * + + + + + + ♦ + + + + + + + + + + +
Undertaking and Em balm in g
Henry V. Adix, M. D.
L . A. Chapman
Vaughn Wood '
Saw. Inquire o f Bert Park,
Phone Estacada. | 1
1 Store or Residence
P h y s ic ia n
Licensed Embaliner
* + + + + + + + + + ♦ ♦
FOR SALE 2 year old Jersey j
Neal Smith thorobred1
Beloved Woman At Rest
stock. Bargain.
Continued from first page.
0. S. C. Gerber, R 3, Estacada. !
Hearse and Morgue
+ + + + + + * + ♦ * ♦ ♦
S urgeon
Office Adjoining Residence
Local and Long Distance Telephone
The doctor’s phone can be connected with your
home phone at night if requested. One long ring
Notice OF Appointment
Of Administratrix
Dr. L. A. Wells
In the Matter of the Estate of
Eleanor N. Boone, Deceased,
Besides the sorrowing husband,
TO TRAD E— 2H John Deere
Notice is hereby given that the
new wagon for heavier wagon | the deceased is survived by her
mother, Mrs. Annie Bruner and undersigned has-been appointed |
Phone M. A. Collins,
MrJ Elizabeth Hum- ! administratrix o f the esiate of
Associated with Dr. H. V. Adix
R. 1. Box 06, Estacada, Or. ! ! her
h« r sisters,
« » t e n . Mrs.
Elizabeth Hum- E]eanor N Boone. deceased> b
i P h re y and Mrs. Nellie Marshall the County Court o f the Slate o f ,
FOR S A L E — Two matched i of Cazadero and Mrs. Carrie Go-1 Oregon, for Clackamas County,!
Hamiltonian colts, 1 and 2 years forth of Butte, Montana.
and has qualified. All persons;
Dr. R. Morse
old pair for $75
A bargain
The body was brought from , having claims against said estate j
P h y s ic ia n a n d S u r g e o n
wfil s e lo n e ifd e s ire d
Portland to the family home jare hereby notified to present the
will sen one u uesireu.
| same to me at room 402 Swetland
Tests Eyes and Fits Glasses
Coyd Looney, R. 1, Estacada. j Wednesday afternoon. The fu- j [}jdg, _ Portland, Oregon, with
| neral services will be held Friday ■ vouchers and duly verified with-
Office on Main Str. between 1-t anil 2nd
FOR SALE Single Harness, afternoon at two o’clock from in six months from the dateof the
Residence: Main and 5th Sts.
Lantern, Incubator, Peavie, Hoe, the Estacada M. E. Church, Mr. first publication o f this notice.
Telephone Connection
Lillia.n M. Rohrheck,
Shovel, Rake and Mail Box.
A. Demoy officiating. The inter­
ment, in charge of undertaker
Mrs. Ikerd, Estacada.
Peter A. McDonald,
L. A. Chapman of Estacada, will
Claude W. Devore
Nice residence take place at Lone Oak Ceme-!
Attorney at-Law and Notary Public
First publication May 11, 1916.
property in Belle Plaine, Kansas. terv.
Last publication June 8, 1916.
Estacada, Oregon
Value $3000, for small upland
In the passing of this beloved I
farm, on live stream or lake, no young woman, the words of the
Notice Of Settlement Of Accounts
rock or gravel.
Master “ ¡.g lorified t h e e on
Stone & Moulton
In the matter o f the estate of
Attorneys - ft! - Li*w
F. U. Emley, Belle Plaine, Kan. earth, having accomplished the
J. C. Tracy, deceased.
Phones- Pacific 405.
Home A 270.
work which thou ha. t given me
Notice is hereby giver, that Martha
Electric Iron — to do” are fitting. Yet to be­
4-5-6 Stevens Bldg.-
Oregon City, Or.
Tracy, the executrix of the estate J. C.
slightly used price with cord lieve that the taking away of Tracy, deceased, has rendered and pre­
Call News office.
this good woman, is a dispensa­ sented for settlement, in the County
Court for the County o f Clackamas,
tion o f a Higher Power taxes to
Show Your Gratitude.
f i T " '1* **
I State of Oregon, her final account o f
The Insurance Man
Gratitude Is one of the prettiest the Utmost OUI*
iaith in the Al- j administration of said estate; and that
posies In 1 lit* bouquet of huinnn virtues mighty’s love, but our comfort J Monday, the 26th day o f June, 1916, at
Oregon Fire Relief Ass’n
l ultivute it and it will bloom
always com es fr o m the
knowledge that ten o’clock in the forenoon at the court
O f McMinnville, Oregon.
(Jratltude costs nothin).', but repays
much, and yet It is a teem o f character His w a y s a r e right,
that is rare Indeed.
Mrs. Allen had not reached the
Never forget the friend who threw I p rim e o f , jf
as h e r 33
you the life line. To do that Is treason
of the rankest kind Keep green in your counted, but in the measure of
heait the memory of every obligation good works, cheerfulness, self-
uud lose no opportunity to repay It.
sacrifice and laboring for others,
Show your gratitude for a kind act
done you b.V doing a kind act for some she had more than accomplished
oue else
her share.
A grateful "Thank you!" for a seat lu
In the Civic Improvement Club,
a street car reimburses the man w b j .
hangs to a strap Silently accept the ifi church and social circles, where
seat us a matter of course and you she had always been an unself-
have Start«! that man on the slide to j igh con8cientiou8 worker, herab-
Kick out of your selfish shell ami ex j sene© will be telt for many years,
pres* your gratitude on the leust provo- but her beautiful face and pleas-
« „ io n
I f you never give gratitude ¡ „ p e r s o n a lity w i]| lon K 1 * r e .
never expect it. In proportion to your
gratitude so will you be graded by your | membered by her fellow workers.
fellow m en—Boston Post.
The heartfelt sympathy o f this
entire community is extended to
The application o f the term “ Cneie Die sorrowing husband and loved
Sam“ to the United States had its 1 e- ones, in this time o f deepest
gfnning in Troy. N. Y.. during the war grief.
of 1S12. A commission contractor of
Troy named Elbert Anderson had a
shop in which the stocks were always
examined and passed by a government
inspector called Samuel Wilson, who
was generally known as "Uncle Sam.
Grammar School Picnic
On Wednesday the grammar
school pupils o f Estacada picnic-
*< :
Park anden.
mitnutnr ami »lie nation. EA-US."
— ---- J"’- vd the _ picnic from the
---- ------
One .lav »be man who was doing t b e jt if u l lunches to the accidental
7 J Z «
marketing wa. asked wha, ,he Initials du,.k in g in th e n e a rb v c re e k o f
stood for and replied Jokingly that they
. ,
were the Initial* of the contractor and jt l>l'ple Of the VOlingsters.
o f “ Uncle Sam.”
The joke spread
The picnic party started thru
among the men. got Into prim and long ¡the streets o f Estacada led bv
before the end of the war had become i.,
. . .
known all over the country Mr. WII-
n oisiest pkrt o f the school
aon. the original i ncie Sam." died to band and resembled a section of
Troy lu iS M .-N ew York Time«.
! the Portland Rise Show parade
room o f said court, at the court-house,
in Oregon City, in said county, has j
been appointed for the settlement o f ,
said account, at which time and place j
any person interested may appear and I
contest the same.
Dated, May 25, 1916.
Martha Tracy,
Executrix of the estate of j
J. C. Tracy, deceased.
Claude W. Devore,
Attorney for Executrix.
^ atc
t’ rst publication, May 25, 1916.
Match Stick».
Certain kinds of matches «re shaved
jvlth the grain from sawed blocks.
Others an* cut both ways by saws, in
Sim further varieties the blocks are
boiled to make them «‘lit easily. By ,
some machines a boiled or steamed log
is revolved on Its own axis, and a
shaving the thickness of « match is
cut round and round. This shaving Is
at the sunn* time cut Into lengths and
split into match sticks. It may be said
that there is hardly a limit to the vari
eties of methods employed
matches ure made by forcing them
throu*fh rtten.-Harpw’a
very enviable
’« J o
!,leeI> 1,1 *“ . • , ' > i"«*1
has beeu
, *10“ - (w
■ ------- aj I . #
f _ vhlnAOi.
vl ...
AI am
In hiS
ic b ln '^ r ( haracteHatl«!-
Dr Arthur
H. Smith, the American miaslonary.
says: "It would be easy to raise in
China an army o f a million men—nay.
o f 10 . 000 . 000 — tested by competitive
examination as to their capacity to go
to sleep across three wheelbarrows,
with head downward, like a spider,
their mouth« wide open and a fly In
side.**—Igondon Opinion.
Also First Glass OLD LIN E Insurance.
Automobile Insurance A Specialty
Phone 513
Team Work, Hauling and Packing
W ood delivered, any amount or length.
10c per Rig.
W. M. Yonre
S. E. Wooster
hsiacaca, Or.
R epresenting
Niagara Fire Insurance Co.
O R IE N T IN SU R A N C E CO. o f
Established 1850
Cash Capital $1,000,000
Have Installed A
Large Vulcanizing Plant
Gan Do Any Kind
Retreading, Tubing or
Section Work
G rage