Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, May 11, 1916, Image 6

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    There will be a play given at
the Viola schoolhouse, on the
evening of May 20th, entitled
‘ Back to the Country Store.”
Ice cream and cake will be served
at 10c a dish. Admistion, adults
lie ; children, 10c. All are invit­
ed to come and spend a pleasant
W . A . P ro cto r
Republican Candidate For
County Commissioner
Primaries May 19, 1916.
Ordinary' good practice
has not been good
e n o u g h— in e v e r y
d e t a i l you will
find the e x c e p t i o n a l
The springs are made o f
Chrome Vanadium steel.
The leaves are th in n er be­
cause o f the stre n g th of
this steel, «ml there are
more of them .
They are
seif lubricating. The net
result is m axim um stren g th
with m axim um resiliency.
The wheelbase is 110 inches.
The m otor is 30-35 horsepower.
Price for this wonderful car
in E stacada is
$ 880 .
If you w ant to g e t th ere g e t a
" D O D G E ”
See - Pesznecker
Estacada, Oregon
Eagle Creek Notes
Mrs. George Priester and her
two sons, who have spent the
past five days with Mrs. Roy
Douglass, returned to her home
in Logan Sunday.
Mrs. H. S. Jones spent Sun­
day with her mother, Mrs. Viola
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Cooke of
Damascus, passed Saturday night
with Mrs. Howlett.
VV. H. Douglass «vas in Port­
land Sunday to be with his wife,
who is recovering from an oper­
ation on her throat.
John Atfolter and family have
been enjoying numerous rides in
their new Ford lately.
A. D. McMillan recently pur­
chased two cows from Henry
S. J. Eddy was a Sunday guest
at the home of R. B. Gibson.
Miss Edna Kennedy spent an
exceedingly busy day last Friday,
owing to the state examinations.
Both teachers and pupils will
hail with delight the new era
when examinations are obsolete.
Mrs. Katie Douglass called on
Mrs. R. B. Gibson Sunday after­
It is to be regretted that so few
attend the Pleasant Hill Sunday
School, which might, with the
hearty cooperation of all those in
the community, be made such a
power for good. If other dis­
tricts, no larger than ours, have
good Sunday Schools, why can­
not ours?
The weather is still halting the
“ spud planting” and the farmers
of this vicinity are doing "odd
jobs” to kill time.
Eagle Creek is, to say the least,
extremely proud of the players
which it furnishes Estacada’s
newly organized team. Judging
from last Sunday’s game Estaca­
da is going in to win.
One automobile is helping to
keep the dust in air and the road
hot in our district. The Still
Bros, purchased a Ford lait week.
Road work has been temporar­
ily stopped in this district on ac­
count of rain.
The young people of the Chris­
tian Endeavor will give a play
entitled "Sniggles Family” on
Saturday evening. May 13th.
Preparations are being made
for an entertainment, which will
be given by the school at the last
of the term. Particulars will be
given later.
Mr. Frank Womer of Tyrone,
Pa. arrived in Estacada Saturday,
where he will make an extended
visit at the homes of his nephews.
E. S. Womer and V f m . Dale.
D A L E ’S
J us t I n
FOR GIRLS Ribbons of all widths and coles,
from the cheapest to the best grades.
Misses Hose. Black, White and Tan.
FOR BOYS Cloth Hats in White, Checks and Stiipes.
FOR LADIES Millinery, Auto Caps, Dress Goods,
Crochet Hooks and Thread.
FOR MEN The well known KNOX-KNIT Hose 25c.
Engineer & Fireman Hose 2 pair for 25c.
in all sizes.
FOR THE GARDENER Gills Portland Grown Seeds.
FOR ALL Dont Forget The VOTES.
M. J. K e r k e s
M o n ta villa L ive sto ck C o m p a n y
If you have any for sale, phone my agents,
Jack Saunders, care of John Githens, Currins-
ville or B. F. Cogswell, Eagle Creek, Or.
♦ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + * + + +
“Few Die and None Resign"
(Thomas Jefferson)
*+ + + + + + + + + * + + * + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
No other way is open for the evasion of my
unqualified pledges to the people.
+ + + + + + + + ♦ + + + + + + + + ♦ + * + + + + ♦ ♦ ♦
If I am nominated and elected District Attorney, I will,
during my term of office, endeavor every day to perform useful
public service.
I will give the same earnest, thought­
ful and diligent care to the Peoples cause
that a faithful lawyer gives to the cause of
his most favored client, and I will keep in
mind, constantly, the public welfare, as
opposed to all private or selfish interests.
Anyone qualified for the office can
take care of the work easily without a
deputy; I will not require one.
I will join hands with all moral forces
in making useful citizens instead of crimi­
nals out of wayward boys and girls, and I
will make the office of District Attorney a creditable and useful
department in County administration.
Paid Adv.
S. C. Stewart, for years past,
Estacada’s harness maker, last
week moved to Salem, where he
will reside permanently. His
many friends will be pleased to
hear that he is recovering from
his recent sojourn at a Portland
hospital and in a letter to E. B.
Byers, sends his regards to his
friends here.
E o s th a m
The Modem Priscillas of Cur-
rinsville next Friday night will
give an entertainment and supper
at Ely’s Hall, to which everyone
is invited. A clever play will be
given first, followed by other en­
tertaining acts and winding up
with such a supper as only tne
Currinsville women can dispense
and all for the mere sum of 25c.