Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, May 11, 1916, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County
Formerly Estacada Progress
V olume 9,
N umber 34
E s ta c a d a W a llo p s
P o rtla n d T e a m 15 T o 0
The crack Portland nine, wear­
ing the pretty uniforms of the
“ Royal Bakery” last Sunday af­
ternoon returned to their liake-
ovens and dough-boards, a badly
beaten bunch of bread makers,
after appearing against the Es­
tacada baseball team, in the op­
ening game of the local season.
The bakery boys entered the
field with plenty of confidence,
but after the fourth inning, their
yeast either soured or their bread
raised too much, for after the
blow-up, they looked like a batch
of fallen loaves, with only the
Royal Bakery trade-mark left.
Owing to the cold wind and
threatened rain, it looked as
though Estacada would have a
hard time to win, especially as
the three Douglass boys of Eagle
Creek did not show up and the
local team was forced to use sub­
stitutes. but these same substi­
tutes covered themselves with
Up to the end of the fourth in­
ning, it was anybody’s game,
with the score 0 to 0 and the
Bakers having the best of the
hitting. The visitors employed
two short ai med pitchers, whose
wings may have been all right
for bread-kneading b u t were
easy marks for the local batters,
all but one of whom got one or
more safe hits, with Mac Dale of
the high school connecting with
the first one, and later in the
game getting a two bagger. Sim­
mons, Lee Bronson, George Smith
and Walter Smith each were
credited with one hit; while Go-
berg, Neil Bronson and Dale
took two apiece and Art Smith
rang the bell three times, with
one three bagger, that would
have been good for two home-
runs, had the old fence been a-
round the grounds.
Estacada played good ball, wit h
few errors and then not costly
ones. Three times the local boys
tightened up and supported Art
Smith sufficiently to retire the
Bakers, when they had from one
to three men on bases; in one in­
stance, Walter Smith, a younger
brother of George and Art, who
was substituting in his best
clothes, caught a long fly, whip­
ped it through to second base
and retired the .visitors with
bases full.
Thatnon-breakable, non-tiring
throwing arm, which seems to be
E stacada , O regon ,
Eagle Creek Grange Picnic
Advertising posters are already
in circulation announcing the
ninth annual May Picnic of the
Eagle Creek Grange, which as in
former years, will take place in
the cedar grove adjoining the
grange hall, on Saturday, May 20.
This May Picnic is one of the
gala events of this community
and if the weather permits, a big
crowd will join the picnicers for
that day.
The names of the principal
speakers have not been announc­
ed yet, but such special features
as a May Pole Dance and Scottish
Dances have been arranged for.
As usual, a big dance at Cogs­
well’s Hall will wind up the af­
fair, with the Bronson-Eriekson
orchestra furnishing the music.
Everyone is invited to attend
this picnic, to come early, stay
late and bring their b nches and
an inheritance of the Smith fam­
ily of Eagle Creek, was in evi­
dence again this year, with
George still throwing the ball
across the diamond on a level
and Art putting it over the plate
at shoulder height and with plen­
ty of steam behind.
The fans were all pleased to
see the umpiring again in the
hands of Ben Anderson of Eagle
Creek, who not only knows the
game with all of its technical
points, but is absolutely fair and
able to enforce his authority.
The chances of Estacada hav-
inga non-beatahle team this year,
are better than in years past and
with two or three of the Doug­
lass bovs in the line-up hereaf­
ter, the fans will have plenty of
chances to root on the winning
Sunday’s attendance was good,
allowing for the inclement weath­
er and if next Sunday afternoon
is pleasant, a big crowd will and
should be on hand, to see Esta­
cada play the fast “ Brick Layers ’ ’
of Portland.
Game will be called promptly
at 2 o’clock and all players are
asked to be at the grounds by
j 1:30.
Estacada’s line-up for last Sun­
day was
L. Bronson—C.
Art Smith —P.
Geo. Smith- 1st
Goberg —2nd
Simmons —ss
N. Bronson 3rd
W. Smith —CF
T hursday ,
M ay 11, 1916
H ow T o
C o n stru c t
H o m e M a d e Silos
$1. P er Y ear
W o o d b u rn M a c h in e ry
B ein g In sta lle d H e re
The current Oregon Agricul­
It remained for R. C. Deming
tural College Bulletin is this week
of Garfield, one of the leading
given up entirely to the subject
small fruit growers and enthusi­
of “ How To Construct Home-
astic workers in Clackamas Coun­
Made Silos” by W. A. Barr, Dairy
ty, to solve the problem of a can­
nery for Estacada.
Husbandman, 0. A. C. and U. S.
This is a subject which is of in­
For years past, Estacada has
terest to many farmers in this
made efforts to start such a plant
with local cooperative financing,
community now, several of whom
but lack of true cooperation,
have ordered and had installed
with scarcity of funds
the DeLaval, Green Feed Silo,
had always killed the project.
through C. C. Saling of Currins-
Deming has now obtained the
ville, the local agent.
necessary financing from outside
While the question remains, as
parties and last week purchased
the machinery from the Wood-
to whether it is more economical
burn, Oregon cannery, which
in the long run to install a pat­
failed some time ago. Aided by
ented made-to-order silo, or a
the P. R. L. & P. Co., who are
home-made one, this 0. A. C.
furnishing a large boiler for the
bulletin is of value in any event.
plant, work on the installing of
With the Horner Brothers’
the machinery is now underway.
Mill in Dodge making a specialty
The plant is being housed in
of cutting silo staves, probably a
the old brick plant on the Ter­
combination of the practices ad­
race Addition flat and will be
vocated in this bulletin, with
ready for operation by the time
their manufactured stave, could
the small fruits are ripe.
be economically used.
The plant this year will confine
This bulletin, which may be
its efforts primarily to the can­
had on application, thoroughly
ning of loganberries, raspberries,
covers the subject under such
evergreen-berries, black lierries
heading« as—
and possibly gooseberries. Mr.
Value of Silo on Dairy and Live­
Deming and his Garfield neigh­
bors are now raising sufficient
stock Farms;
Chute for Silo;
logan and raspberries to keep the
Painting the Silo;
plant running and probably will
Kind of Silo Should Vary with I be able to handle all of these
fruits that are grown locally, and
this fall will specialize on pack­
Locating the Silo;
ing prunes and apples.
Essentials in Plans of Construct­
Mr. Deming will actively man­
age the cannery, handling the
. Best Size and Capacity of Sizes;
Lay ingout Foundations for Stave ¡ processing and selling, as he is
conversant with the work, hav­
Silo Floor;
ing put in several months recent­
ly in eastern canneries.
Silo Door Construction;
Erecting Silo Staves;
Last year, Mr. Deming and
neighbors had their loganberries
How to Place Hoops;
canned at the Gresham plan! and
Roof of Silo;
marketed through brokers and
Using of Scaffolding in Building;
wholesalers throughout the east,
Use and Make of Forms for Con­
under the wholesalers’ own la­
crete Silo;
bels. All goods from the Esta­
Scarfolding Inside Concrete Silo;
cada cannery, will be labeled,
Constructing the Metal Lath Silo;
“ Demestore Delicious Quality’’
Method of Building Hollow Tile
- the Demestore, being an ab­
breviation for Deming, Estacada,
Modified Wisconsin Silo;
The Octagon Silo; etc.
The News is safe in assuring
In writing to the 0. A. C.
Mr. Deming of the good-will and
kindly mention this article in the
promise of cooperation of the
News, as it is the desire of this
growers of this community and
paper to cooperate more closely
wish him all kinds of success in
with the agricultural college in
this infant industry for Estaca­
the dissemination of information
da and surrounding country.
of interest to this community.