Building Mat erial s ♦ + BRICK $12. per thousand ♦ TILE + + SAND + + + * + + + + * + + $2. per yard G R A V E L SH IN GLES $2. per yard (Fanton'sor Bittner’s) CASCADE RO O FIN G $2. perM. $1.25 roll, single ply 1.50 ’ double ’ Since Beet Pulp is now Otf The Market we have just received a similar good food for Dairy Cows called A ♦ 4 inch—$30. per thousand feet Holstein Dairy Chillen C& Samson FLOUR FEED Food E stacada LUMBER W e are E xperts in O verhauling and R epairing A utom obiles and will Serve You Day and Night Sharpening Lawn Mowers Electrical Work Plumbing and Metal Work of all kinds Yale Lamps and Lighting Systems Try our own combination Transm ission G rease Once U s e d - Always Used G asoline and Oils B lackstone and K night Tires FR E E AIR and W A TER — Always Handy S. P. Pesznecker Hunt Bldg. Main Street - Estacada, Oregon Our Mill Is Now In Operation We respectfully solicit your orders for Building Material Horner Bros. Allen & Samson, - Estacada Agents. R eady For W ar If the call comes for a squad of sharp shooters from Estacada in the event of war. a full troop, battalion, corp or gang can be gotten together, each man c a b ­ bie of hitting the mark four out five tirhes. Since the openingof Ed. Hunt’s Shooting Gallery on Broadway, hardly an hour passes without spirited matches taking place be­ tween Estacada’s business men, with the lawyers at present in the lead. Mill Now O p eratin g The announcement is made this week of the Horner Brothers’ Mill in Dodge, now being in op­ eration. With the increased capacity of the new mill, they expect to be in a position to fill all local or­ ders and make shipments to Portland. Allen & Samson of Estacada are the local selling agents. V oting C ontest Standing Following is a list of contest­ ants and their respective stand­ ing in the Thousand Dollar Mer­ chandise Prize Voting Contest, as shown by the judges' count, ending Wednesday noon. May 3rd the prize being awarded to the contestant, having received the greatest number of votes, during the past week, being Miss Lucy Turel with 1,840 votes. Mrs Mable Wooster 572.888 Mrs. D. S. Fleming 150.828 M E Church 160,614 Mabel Keller 93,537 Mrs The# Harders 52.292 Abbie Wagner 41,540 Lucile Jones 31,751 Gladys Miller 29.994 Lucy Turel 20.231 Rosa Trachsel 12.106 Mrs. Bittner 8,736 Myrtle Looney ' 7,169 ErmaTenny 6.942 Barney Gilbride 4,645 Mary Woodle 2,100 Mrs Della Vallen 1.830 Gaye Sarver 1,786 Vella Coop 1.300 G W Morgan 1,190 Mrs Guy Wilcox 1,175 S. W. Benjamin 1,160 E W Ficken 1,155 Veneta Page 1,140 Mrs Chas Duncan 1.085 Mrs. White 1.075 Gladys Joyner 1,030 Sadie Wilcox 1,030 Mrs R T Carter 1,025 Wilma Hitching • 1,023 Albert Lichthorn 1.010 Tom Morton 1,010 The 14th weekly prize, a solid Oak Library Table will be awarded the contestant receiving the highest number of votes, during the week ending at noon May 10. R epublican C andidate For R epresentative O f C lackam as County TA X PA Y ERS:- I cannot sec any ju st reason why we should not build all of our main roads as much as the much talked of Pacific highway by a s ta te tax, o r 1 will con­ cede an appropiation from the s ta te eith er way, ju s t so th at the people th a t are benefited the most have to pay th eir share, and th a t is ju s t the reason 1 place it in my pledge to support a m easure o f this sort and will intro­ duce it. Every man knows, if he knows any­ thing. th a t for every mile of road b u ilt the m etropolis of the s ta te g ets the lion’s share o f benefit. Take the 24,000 automobiles in the sta te ; over one-half are owned in Portland alone and the re st are scattered all over the sta te . Look a t Multnomah county, with her $300.000,000 assessed valuation and poor old Clackam as county >vith her little $30,000,000 assessed valuation and about four tim es the am ount o f road to build. Why should Clackam as be taxed to death to build roads for the benefit o f Portland? I f you raise a 2-mill s ta te tax for a hard surface road fund to be proportioned according to the miles of main trunk line in its county, then you can g et your main lines banl surfaced and not until you do. and then reduce your main road tax, if you w ant to. Now, if you don’t do som ething of this kind, you will confisticate the fa rm e r's land, for if they are in the sam e fix th a t I am, which I guess they are, we c a n 't stand m any more 18-mill tax es like I am paying now, and have for th ree years past. Portland has only 1.8 mills and then hollers her head off because we don’t build roads for her m otorists. I d o n 't believe I ever asked f o r any­ thing but w hat was ju st and rig h t in my life, but I believe this is equitaole and right and ju s t and if it is rig h t why should 1 not ask for your support to try and put a m easure through o f th a t sort, and if I accomplish th a t alone it will be w orth the while. LABORERS OF ALL CLASSES:- When you go into the booth to c ast your ballot for th e office of Represen­ ta tiv e to the legislature, think of this: E very man when p u t to a te st should, i f he has th e proper stuff in him, being tru e to him self and family, which I will give the o th er fellow credit for having, vote fo r and work for his particular line o f business. My opponents a re doctors, law yers, bankers ami e x-bank­ ers. I am a laboring man. and you all know, a tig h ter if necessary. Y ours, E. D. OLDS. Paid Adv. Mrs. E. W. Bartlett and Mrs. Wm. Kuhrasche of Estacada will entertain next Monday afternoon at the former’s home. The af­ fair will be another of the suc­ cessful C. I. C. “silver teas.” Fred Proctor and Ed F. Bruns of Sandy were Estacada visitors last week, in the interests of the candidacy of W. A. Proctor for commissioner. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kilgore of Springwater are leaving today for Chicago, where they will be the honored guests at the Crane Company's reunion, as Mr. Kil­ gore was for years manager of that nation wide business.