EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County Formerly Estacada Progress V olume 9, N umber 33 E stacada , O regon , T hursday , M ay 4. 1916 *$1. per Y ear Everybody Asked To Join In Work Clean Up Day Friday May 5 Work Begins 8 A*. M. DINNER BASEBALL NEXT SUNDAY Estacada to Play Royal Bakery Team The News’ call for all ball play­ ers to rally at the Estacada grounds last Sunday afternoon, met with a hearty response from all directions, as about two dozen players assembled and after sharp practise, and election of Roy Douglass as captain, staged a scrub game, which demonstrat­ ed that the old ball tossers are still in winning shape Next Sunday afternoon, start­ ing promptly at 2 o’clock, the first game of the season will be played, with Estacada tackling the fast Royal Bakery aggrega­ tion from Portland. Manager Lovelace is in receipt of challenges from many of the fastest Portland amateur nines and promi-es a season of good games, if the public will begin next Sunday and well patronize the contests. The official line-up for Estaca­ da has not been announced, but will include tbe Douglass and mith boys of Eagle Creek; Go- berg of Barton and such Estaca­ da players as Simmons and the Bronsons, with the high school players, Mac Dale and Otis Wag­ ner. As the success of the local team this year will depend on the attendance, everyone is asked to be present next Sunday after­ noon. Livestock Shipped To Alaska The shipping of livestock on the hoof has become so common in the last year, that notice of another carload shipment hardly attracts attention nowadays, but last Friday the first shipment was made to Alaska. B. F. Forrester of Eagle Creek and G. P. Forrester of Estacada, shipped a carload from Eagle Creek comprising five cow« and seven brood sows with pigs. The shipment was to Jesse Forrester, a brother, who is road-master of the Copper River & Northwest­ ern R. R. at Chipina. Alaska. The animals are not for butcher­ ing. but will be used for breeding purposes. Paul Lightner of Eagle Creek is making the trip to Alaska with the shipment and will remain there in the employ of the rail­ road company. - - Stores Closed Part Of Day A T C. I. C. R O O M S Takes Shot At Neighbor - 12:30 BROADWAY PLANKS GONE For some time past, there has , Street Judge Grant B. Dimick of Ore­ Improvement Under Way been trouble in the Elwood dis­ gon City, president of the Coun­ In order to economize on labor trict, between Jesse Cox and some ty Fair Board and one of the and effect a saving in the handl­ of his neighbors, who persisted in leading advocates and growers ing of material for grading, the using a "devils’ lane’’ abutting of registered hogs and acclimat­ Estacada city council is having the former's property. ed corn, has given to W. Givens work go forward under the su­ of Estacada About two weeks ago, Jesse fifty pounds of the pervision of Marshal Ames and posted "No Trespass" signs and very best of yellow dent corn the street committee, on three proceeded to enforce the law last seed, which is to be distributed stretches,of road at once. Sunday by shooting at Ernest free for local planting. Second St. from Main St. to Aimon, a neighbor, who was dis­ This valuable seed will be di­ the hill has been plowed and regarding the warnings. vided into twenty-five, lwo-|K>und graded and will be rolled into Reports vary as to the proxim­ packages and given to the first condition for a good summer ity of the bullet to its intended twenty-five boys or girls under road. On the hill, several cuts victim, as the marksman claims the age of 16 years in this com­ and fills have been made and the he shot high to scare him, while munity who apply to Mr. Givens gravel being excavated from the other reports credit the bullet for same. hillside is being hauled onto the with zipping so near the tres­ It is figured that tw«> pounds Third St. work, where it will be passer’s ear, as to knock him will plant about one quarter of used for a foundation for the down from the concussion. an acre and at the coming East graveled road and at a cost of While this radical means of en­ Clackamas County Fair, prizes less than 50 . as compared with forcing the law may be effective, will be awarded for the best having to buy all of the gravel the crime committed would hard­ twelve ear exhibits, grown from from the Bell pits. ly justify homicide. , this seed. The plankingon Broadway has Judge Dimick also donated $10. Estacada Lodg« Host To 450 been removed and the earth from and a similar amount was donat­ the Third St. excavation is being The 97th Anniversary Celebra­ ed by W. Givens, the total $20. used for the fill to establish the tion of the I. 0. 0. F., held in to be awarded as follows: First Broadway grade, prior to the Estacada last Saturday night, prize $10.; second $5.¡third cement paving, whicn will follow. was a rousing success, beginning $3.; and fourth $2. with a pleasing program at the As there is a limited supply of Editor To Preach Estacada Pavilion and winding this seed, it will be a case of first up about 2 A. M. after a banquet come, first served, among the In continuance of the practise at the lodge hall. now in vogue at the Estacada M. young people. E. Church of having profession­ Four carloads of visiting Odd al and business men, occupy the Fellows were present, arriving Returns On Sad Mission pulpit at the Sunday evening on a specia1 train, made up of services; on next* Sunday even­ W. J. Samson of Estacada left two carloads from Gresham and ing, Editor Taylor of the Molalla Tuesday for Galesburg, Wiscon­ one each from Sandy and Baring. Pioneer, will preach on the sub­ sin, where the body of his fath­ ject, "They (Tome Back." er, the late Thomas Samson of In all, over 450 lodge members Estacada, who died January 19lh. Contrary to the general im­ participated and much credit is last, will be buried. pression that editors are a tire­ due the entertainment commit­ some lot, the News can promise Owing to the poor health of his tee, comprising E. B. Byers of that the public will be well re­ mother. Mr. W. J. Samson will Estacada: F. E. Beckwith of paid for the time spent in listen­ make the sad journey east alone, Sandy and W. H. Stanley of ing to Editor Taylor, who origin­ expecting to be gone about two ally was a minister but back-slid weeks. Gresham. into journalism. He is a fluent Initiatory degree work will and entertaining talker and as a Springwafer Concert take place at the local lodge humorist ranks among the best. Postponed rooms next Saturday evening. At last Sunday’s service. Hon. Owing to a mild epidemic of George 0. Brownell of Oregon Schools To Help Clean Up chicken-pox in the Springwater City occupied the pulpit and the section, Mr. David Horner, lean­ Principal Guthrie announces seating capacity of the church er of the Springwater Choral So­ that the pupils of the Estacada was too limited to handle the ciety, which was to have given a schools will aid in the Annual crowds which attended. If Mr. Clean Up Day work, next Fri­ Brownell meets with a similar | concert next Friday evening, an­ nounces the affair has been post­ day. The students will be dis­ response at the coming primar­ ies. bis candidacy for the legisla­ poned until Saturday evenimr. missed from studies, from 10 A. May 20th. tive honors, should he a success.. M. until 2 P. M. Dimick Donates Free Corn