Shipment From Eagle Creek The I THE ROCK ORILLEK QUILLS THE 60 00 JUDGC ] M. J. Kerkes, the Montavitla Livestock buyer, made a carload shipment of hogs and cattle from the newly opened Eagle Creek yards last Wednesday. Among t h i s shipment were fourteen very fine Poland China i hogs, from the B. F. Holman j farm at Cedar Brook, these ani -1 mals were "tops” in every way, averaging well over 200 lbs. each, j Palace Grading Second Street By order o f the street commit­ tee o f the Estacada City Council, j Marshal Ames is now tearing up the old planks on Second St. be­ tween Main St. and the foot of the hill, preparatory to filling in and grading same. While it is not likely any rock I or gravel will be placed on this stretch before Fall at least, the j ditches will be re-graded and the road put into good shape for summer travel. MEAT Market Invites Your Patronage Cash Paid For E ggs Fred Jon}, Proprietor Phone Main 83. Broadway Estacada, Oregon I T ’S a glad day for a tobacco chewer when he finds W -B C U T Chewing—the Real Tobacco Chew, new cut, long shred. Knowing how much it means to his comfort, a man takes pleasure in telling his friends about it, too. You don’ t have to grind it away. The taste lasts. I •'N otice how the salt brings out the rich tobacco taste ” bj WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY. 50 Vmom Square, New York City C. I. C. Vaudeville The ladies of the Estacada Civ­ ic Improvement Club, in conjunc­ tion with Manager Spa ks o f the Family Theatre have arranged a clever vaudeville stunt to occur in connection with the régular Saturday evening picture show. May 6th. Stall Facilities Hunting and Fishing LICENSES ISSUED Ed Boner’s - AT Estacada Lunches • Confectionery • Cigars • Kodaks Fishermen’s Headquarters Plumbing Repairing Saw Filing and Hammering Electrical Wiring and Supplies Tinning and all kinds o f Metal Work In order to accomodate his pa- ! trons and to also furnish suitable feeding and hitching facilities for all out-of-town buyers when in Estacada, Julius Krieger has retained the majority o f the stalls, in his new place o f busi­ ness and announces this service at a cost of 5c per stall. Whéìt tonstipation causes headache use $100 R ew ard, $100 Th e readers o f this paper w i l l be I pleased to learn that ther e is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is catarrh. Cata rrh be in g g r e a t l y influenced by co nstitut iona l conditions I requires constitutional treatment. H a l l ’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces o f the System ther eb y de- st r oy in g the fo undation o f the disease. g i v i n g the patient st re ng th by building up the constitution and assis ting n a ­ ture in do in g its work. T h e pr op ri e­ tors have so much fa it h In the curative powers o f H a ll 's Cata rrh Cure that they offer One Hun dre d Dolla rs fo r any case that it fai ls to cure. Send fo r list o f testimonials. Address: F. J CHENEY A CO.. Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 76c. ' i Ihe laxative tablet i | with the pleasant taste - ■ W« have the exclusive selling rights ^ for this great laxative Steam and Gas Engines and Supplies “ A L L WORK G U AR AN TE ED ” That’s Why I Am Getting The business C. C. MILLER Estacada, $2. a day. • ESTACADA PHARM ACY HEAR WITHOUT EARS for Sale and Repaired Oregon. $10. a week Hotel Estacada Modem Conveniences One of the most delightful Resorts on the Coast Local and Tourist Trade Solicited Police and Detectives Are Using Lip Reading in Place of the Dictagraph REMEMBER T H E D. NAM E C. Boyles Thousands o f deaf people are today throwing away all hearing devices and Republican Candidate For enjoying all conversation This method is easily and quickly acquired thru our system. Absolutely the only thing o f its k'nd in the country. Our proposition is entirely original. We guarantee results, Clackamas County it will amaze you. Cost is trifling. See what New International Encyclopedia says on Lip Reading. Hundreds o f people My Experience Is My Qualification with normal hearing are taking up Lip i Reading forthe many additional benefits For 32 years a resident o f Clackamas County; raised on a farm; taught school. gained. You can understand what the ac­ tors are saying in the moving pictures. ' You can understand what people are say­ Rummage Sale ing just as far away as you can see them. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Bard of The eye understands beyond the range o f ; The Estacada C. I. C. are pre­ Springwater have been spending hearing. Send no money, but mention this paper and state whether or not you paring to hold another ‘ Rum­ a few days in Portland, with J. are deaf. All particulars will be sent you mage Sale” and want all kinds absolutely free and with no expense to o f donations o f old clothes or any C. Peterson in charge o f their you. Address, School o f Lip Language, | other articles which can be used place during their absence. Kansas City, Missouri. R ECO R D ER OF C O N V E Y A N C E S in the sale.