Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, April 27, 1916, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County
F o rm erly E sta c a d a P rogress
V olume 9,
N umber 32
E stacada , O regon ,
T hursday ,
A pril 27, 1916
Racing Card Prominent Feature
The tenth annual Clackamas
County Fair will occur at the
Can by grounds, for three days,
September 18th to 21st inclusive.
In making the announcement,
the county seat papers mention
the above in one paragraph, then
give up the remaining half a col­
umn to a detailed account of the
“ racing card’’ which will be
staged during those three days.
As usual the racing will be in
charge of the veteran, Ed For­
tune of Oregon City, with the
name of our neighbor, Noah
Stingley of Eagle Creek, as one
of the judges.
While possibly later on in the
year, mention may be made of
such “side attractions” as the
agricultural, livestock and other
instructive and primal objects of
a county fair, the present propor­
tion of publicity given these lat­
ter items, represents about the
proportion of good that will result
from all Clackamas County Fairs,
that are staged primarily as a-
musement features.
According to the “ racing dope”
$375.00 in prizes will be awarded
for three races on the first day
of the fair. The second days
racing will consist of three races,
with total ea;>h prizes amounting
to $2,300.00 (although the $2,000.
purse for the 2:15 pace as record­
ed in the Enterprise, probably
should have read $200.) it is still
a big amount of money.
In as
much as the cash may be low the
last day ot the fair, the total
p uses offered for the three races
only equals $.>00.00.
In all, almost $1000.00 will be
spent on nine horse races, each
race consuming about three min­
utes time, with half an hour or
so of preliminary jockeying for
the start.
Wouldn’t it be welcome news
to the tarmers of this county, if
announcement was made that
$100.00 in cash would be award­
ed the best showing of potatoes,
with similar awards for the best
corn, best poultry, best hog,
etc.? Yet when the premium
lists are finally out, they will
snow the same old one to five
dollar prizes for the best agricul
tural or livestock awards, with
about the same amount hung up
as the consolation for having ex-
hibitited the biggest petunia, the
craziest spotted freak Hamburg
chicken, or the longest haired
Persian cat.
And yet they wonder why
more interest is not show n in the
Clackamas County Fairs? If a
farmer acclimates and raises a
prize bushel of corn in this coun­
ty, he should receive not less
than $100.00 with proportionate
awards for the next best exhib­
its. That corn would mean thous­
ands of dollars within a few yeirs
to the people of Clackamas Coun­
ty, with other staple crops the
same; yet a horse race, lasting
Good W e a th e r Should R eign
By M ay 5th.
At an informal house-warming
and get-together meeting, held
last Thursday night at the C. I.
C. ’s new quarters, between mem­
bers of the club, their husbands
and the members of the city
council, it was decided to post­
pone the annual Estacada Clean-
Up-Day, until Friday, May 5th.
Owing to the condition of the
roads and alleys, • the work of
teaming away the rubbish can
better be handled after a few
days of dry w'eather.
The same general arrange­
ments which were announced
for the April 26th, Clean-Up will
prevail, with the majority of bus­
iness houses closed for part of
the day at least.
Prin. Guthrie of the schools,
promises to have the pupils help
with the work, during a part of
the day at least.
The ladies of the Civic Improve­
ment Club have arranged to
serve a fine dinner for all work­
ers at 1 o’clock of that day and
are planning to prepare for at
least sixty.
Over 12,000 Voters Register
Judging by the forty or more
candidates that have filed for
nomination at the May 19th pri-
mories, there will be little cause
for the county’s Democrats to
show a preference, as in no in­
stance is there competition for
the Democratic nomination, ex­
cepting as some voters may write
in the names of their non-filed
Much competition exists in the
Republican ranks, as over 8,000
Republicans have registered, as
against a little less than 2,800
Democrats, with a scattering of
other political faiths. Probably
due to this Republican predom­
ination, candidates filing un­
der that party’s emblem, look
for a better chance of ultimate
election and consequently are
striving for the nominal ion.
Out of about 14,000 voters in
Clackamas County, about 12,070
have registered, which indicates
much interest manifested in the
local elections at least.
Clackamas County candidates
are —
Circuit judge: J. U. Campbell,
Representative in the legisla­
ture: George C. Brownell, E. D.
Olds, H. A. Dedman, H. C. Steph­
ens, C. Schuebel, Republicans.
District attorney: O. W. East-
ham, William Stone and E. W.
Bartlett, all Republicans; G. L.
Hedges, Democrat.
County commissioner: C. W.
Risley, Democrat; and J. W.
Reed, S. L. Mullan, H. W. Bot-
temiller, E. L. Pope, Harvey Gib­
son, W. A. Procior, all Republi­
County recorder: Pearl H. Sel­
by, Clyde Hughes and I). C.
Boyles, Republicans.
County assessor: Charles F.
Romig, W. W. Everhart and R.
E. Woodward, C. 1. Stafford, Re­
publicans, and G. F. Johnson,
Sheriff: William J. Wilson and
John F. Albright, Republicans;
Maxwell Vietor, Democrat.
Treasurer: M. E. Dunn, Re­
County surveyor: H. H. John­
son, Republican.
County clerk: Iva M. Harring­
ton, Republican.
County school superintendent:
J. E. Calavan, Republican.
I. O. O. F. A n niversary
Members of the Gresham, San­
dy, Poring and Estacada Lodges,
of the 1. O. O. F. will convene
at Estacada next Saturday even­
ing, April 29th, when the 97th
anniversary of the -founding of
the order will be celebrated.
The entertainment and pro­
gram committee, consisting of E.
B. Byers of Estacada, chairman;
F. E. Beckwith of Sandy, secre­
tary and W. H. Stanley of Gresh­
am in charge of transportation,
has arranged an attractive cele­
The main program will be held
at the Estacada Pavilion, with
songs, recitations, plays, read­
ings, impersonations and degrees
presented by members of the
participating lodges, with the re­
ception and banquet following at
the Estacada lodge rooms.
An especially attractive gilded
souvenir program, containing a
view of Estacada and the lodge
hall, will be a feature of the an­
All members of the lodges, the
Rebeccas and members of their
families are cordially invited to
be present.
three minutes and remembered
possibly three minutes longer,
(providing an accident occured,)
reaps the big reward.
In a few days announcement
' will be made of the dates for the
Eastern Clackamas County Fair
and we are thankful no space,
time or money will be given to
horse racing and amusement fea­
tures, until the awards are an­
nounced, which will be appor­
tioned to stimulate the raising of
better animal a n d vegetable
products in this community.
Estacada Yards Make Shipment
Through Buyer Walter Givens,
the Estacada Stock Yards, Wed­
nesday made another big carload
shipment of hogs, including stock
from all sections within a radius
of five miles from town, among
them being 32, 200 lb. O. I. C.
pure white hogs, in fine condition,
purchased from Henry Babler of
$1. P er Y e a r
Merchants Contribute Support
Estacada is to have a baseball
team this year, altuough foi a
while it looked doubltul, but this
week a few enthusiasts got to­
gether and obtained the neces­
sary financial support to defray
the expenses of the visiting
teams, thereby allowing the gate
receipts to be divided among the
All ball players are requested
to get together next Sunday af­
ternoon at not later than 1 o'clock
on the Estacada ball diamond,
where a team will be formed, a
captain elected and other details
consumated. All players a r e
asked to bring their uniforms,
gloves, bats, etc., as a game will
be staged with a scrub team op­
posing the regulars.
With the three Douglass and
two Smith boys of Eagle Creek;
Goberg of Barton; Gerber of Lo­
gan; coupled with Simmons, Neil
and Lee Bronson, Bob Morton
and others of Estacada, a rat­
tling fast aggregation can be
go Lien together.
John Lovelace of Estacada, one
of the leading fans in this part of
the county, has agreed to act as
manager, if the team and public-
The success of this year’s base­
ball and its team, will d*'pe«.l on
all players showing up hext Sun­
day afternoon, as the grounds
will be in condition, as several
of the local players have w-orked
on leveling the diamond this
The following EstacaJa busi­
ness men have contributed to
make baseball possible this year:
Jerry Jones, J. W. Reed, Ed
Boner, Estacada State Bank.
Drs. Wells and Adix, G. H. Lich-
thorn, W. Givens, Bert H. Finch,
Fred Jorg, W. A. Heylman, W.
M. Yonce, East Clackamas Sup­
ply Co., Ed Hunt, R. G. March-
bank and R. M. Standish.
Crowds Attend Grange Doings
The Garfield Grange Hall was
the scene Saturday of more than
its usual activities, with all regu­
lar members and many visitors
in attendance at the noon hour
dinner and program afterwards.
The evening’s program by the
Garfield Band, filled the hall to
capacity. The selections by the
band, under the leadership of
YVilbur Wade, with the added
help of the former leader, Pete
Davis, greatly (»leased the audi­
ence, especially as the organiza­
tion has shown great improve­
ment, as a result of their steady
The play, “ When Doctors Dis­
agree” and the Marshall tw ins’
sketch, were alone worth the
price of admission.
The Garfield Band boys wish
to thank the people of this com­
munity for the support and aid
given "their Saturday’s entertain­
ment, when they cleared $42.20,
which will be used in defraying
the expenses of the organization.