Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, April 20, 1916, Image 4

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Ma t e r i a l s
Voting Contest Standing
E. H. S. E C H O E S
$12. per thousand
4 inch—$30. per thousand feet
$2. per yard
$2. per yard
+ SHINGLES (Fanton’sor Bittner’s)
$2. per M.
CASCADE ROOFING $1.25 roll, single ply
1.50 ’
double ’
The names of candidates hav­
ing received but the nominating
vote of 1,000 will not appear here­
with, until additional votes are
placed to their credit.
Since Beet Pulp is now Off The Market—
we have just received a similar good
food for Dairy Cows — called
cytllen C& Samson
Mrs Mable Wooster
Mrs. D. S. Fleming
M E Church
Mabel Keller
Mrs Theo Harders
Abbie Wagner
Lucile Jones
Gladys Miller
Lucy Turel
Rosa Trachsel
Mrs. Bittner
Myrtle Looney
Erma Tenny
Barney Gilbride
Mary Woodle
Mrs Della Vallen
Gaye Sarver
Vella Coop
G W Morgan
Mrs Guy Wilcox
S. W. Benjamin
E W Ficken
Veneta Page
Mrs Chas Duncan
Mrs. White
Gladys Joyner
Sadie Wilcox
Mrs R T Carter
Wilma Kitching,
Albert Lichthorn
Tom Morton
Repairing Automobiles
Sharpening Lawn Mowers
Electrical Work
Plumbing and Metal Work of all kinds
Yale Lamps and Lighting Systems
Dodge and Chevrolet parts
a specialty.
S. P. Pesznecker
Hunt Bldg.
Main Street
C. I. S T A F F O R D
Estacada, Oregon
Fieh E atin g C attla.
T h e use of Bab aa food fo r c a ttla la
an Idea m ore novel th an agreeable.
A ccording to N atu re, how ever. It la a
com m on p ra c tic e In v ario u s p a rts of
ihe w orld. In S h etlan d uud Icelan d
the fa rm e rs feed dry s a lt bah to c a t­
tle. sh e e p an d even to horses. Cecil
Wood, d e sc rib in g e x p e rim e n ts o f th is
natu re, m eittlo u s th a t c e rta in special
c a ttle k ep t fo r d isp lay a t th e village
festiv als In N 'andyal. In India, a r e fed
w ltb m u tto n a n d ad d s th a t It la a f a i r ­
ly com m on p ra c tic e to m a k e u se of
bam llcoota by p o u nding th em In a m or­
ta r an d feed in g th em to c a ttle .
Mr. W ood’s e x p e rim e n ts tw o lots o f
h eifers w ere fed on d ried flab d ie t an d
norm al d ie t respectively.
T he a n im a ls took a little tim e to get
used to th e flab, b ut they a te It readily
enough. A t th e end o f six m o n th s th e
Osh fed h e ife rs show ed a n a v e ra g e In ­
crease In w eig h t of fifty -fo u r pounds
as a g a in s t sev en ty pounds fo r th e
norm ally fed anim als.
County Assessor
The twelfth weekly prize, a
Leather Rocking Chair, will be
awarded the contestant receiving
the highest number of votes,
during the week ending at noon
April 26th.
Republican Candidate for
B e a u ty M erely e M e tie r of H ealth.
Not long ag o a w om an »aid. " I f 1
could afford to h ave a c o u rse of tr e a t ­
m ent lu a b eau ty p arlo r I m ig h t do
Several years experience in of­ som ething for m y a p p e a ra n c e .” She
nocile,| to lie told tb n t th e d a ily batb.
fice and corporation accounting, plain,
noniioleouou» food, e ig h t hours
added to about eight years active of sleep every' n ight, a d a lly w alk,
business experience in Oregon eenslhle clo th in g an d realty good books
would do m in e fo r her a ttr a c tiv e n e s s
should be good qualifications for than
any b ea u ty p a rlo r could poaaibly
the office I seek and should en­ do. w rites l>r M aude K ent In Good
able me to give excel ent service H ealth
To have h e a lth m ean s to live th e
in the Assessor’s office if elected. (tally
life o f w ork an d play In a s ta te
1 believe in a period of exemp­ of bodily ease, m en tal vigor a n d sp ir­
tion from ‘‘cleared land rates,” itual grow th. W e m ust c o n sid er h e a lth
th is th reefo ld asp ect, fo r m e rf a n i­
for the resident owner of farm In
m al h ealth la not d esirab le, n o r a fine
land who clears and puts it into m ind in a stu n te d , pain rac k e d body,
cultivation as such is a benefit to nor sc u lfu ln eas th a t d lsre g a rd a th e
the community and the state. lawn of th e body an d In telle ctu al a t ­
Your support in the primaries of ta in m e n t it Hi th e all round person
May 19th. is respectfully solicited. w ho Is th e telling, efflclent fo rce In th e
world, an d th e w orld g re e tly needs
C. I. STAFFORD | every
h u m an being developed to his
Paid Adv.
1 g re a te st r a p a c ity
Following is a list of contest­
ants and their respective stand­
ing in the Thousand Dollar Mer­
chandise Prize Voting Contest,
as shown by the judges’ count,
ending Wednesday noon, Apr. 19,
the prize being awarded to the
contestant, having received the
greatest number of votes, during
the past week, being Mrs. Har­
old Wooster with 84,927 votes.
W. L. Osborn of Greeley, Col-
orado, enroute to California, is
making an extended visit at the
home of his brother, John Os­
born of Estacada.
SEED CORN For sale. Six
cents per pound. Local acclima­
tized—either white or yellow.
Allen & Samson.
Estacada Ore.
G reenw ich Hill.
Probebl.v nu bill In th e w orld baa bad
ao stra n g e ly varied a h isto ry o r played
ao Im p o rtan t a p a r t lb tb e affair* of
m en a* th a t a t G reenw ich. T b e g ra n ­
ite line a c ro ra tb e fo o tp ath on Ha sum-
m lt t* tb e m erid ia n from w b lcb tb e
lon g itu d e on ev ery B ritish m ap and
c h a rt la calcu lated .
R e p o rte r
The seniors of the teachers’
training class have been allowed
the privilege of two days obser­
vation and practice in the rural
schools of the community. Part
of them went out on Monday and
Tuesday of last week, and the
remainder on the same days of
this week. The first day is spent
observing the work of the local
teacher, studying program, plans
and equipment; on the second
day the visitor teaches some or
all of the classes under the teach­
er's supervision. The Spring-
water, Currinsville, Tracy, Gar­
field, Porter, Dover and Viola
Schools are among those which
have opened their doors for this
The Domestic Science Depart­
ment has to date taken in $7.78.
This of course does not meet all
expenses. All things made can­
not be sold because of their un­
fitness if not served at once. We
wish to thank those who have
co-operated so well in helping to
dispose of things made. We
were sorry not to be able to ac­
comodate all but owing to equip­
ment and general facilities we
could not fill orders. We will
not have many articles for sale
after this week but would enjoy
having any one who is interested
come and see us work and sample
our dishes.
Rev. C. F. Aue gave an ad­
dress on “The Violin” and a
number of delightful selections
before the High School Friday
Apr. 14th. To say that he was
appreciated is almost unnecessary
for his ability to please is well
known in Estacada.
Work on the tennis court has
been delayed somewhat by the
bad weather, however the lum­
ber is on the ground for the
backstops and one has been part­
ly finished. A few days of sun­
shine will see the court complet­
ed and in use.
The Websterians have accepted
a challenge given by the Adel-
phics for a baseball game to be
played on the athletic field Fri.
afternoon April 21st.
C hem ical D angers.
A profexxor o f a n o rth e rn u n iv e rsity
w ho wan an re m a rk a b le fo r bis felicity
In e x p e rim e n tin g a s ltouelle could be
for bln failu re» w as o n ce re p e a tin g all
e x p e rim e n t w ltb xorae coiubuxtlble s u b
stan ce, w h en tb e m ix tu re exploded,
an d tb e p b lal w b lcb be held In b is
b an d blew Into ■ h u n d red pieces “G en ­
tlem en .” sa id t b s d o cto r to b is pupil»,
w ith th e m ost un affected g rav ity , “ 1
b a r e m ade th is ex p erim en t o ften w ltb
th e v ery sa m e pblal an d n e v e r knew
It to b reak in m y b an d s before.” T b e
sim p licity o f tb ts r a th e r su p erflu o u s a s ­
su ra n c e p ro d u ced a g en eral laugh. in
w b lcb tb e le a rn e d p ro fesso r, w ho In­
s ta n tly d isc o v ered tb e cau se of It, Join­
ed m o st h e a rtily .—Dr. S. L H. In M ed­
ical P ickw ick.