Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, April 20, 1916, Image 3

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    What Are We Going To Do?
Probably if the publisher of
the News was an old, experienc­
ed hand at the business, he would
be wise enough to refrain from
showing any preferences among
the political candidates, until af­
ter the primaries, thereby stand­
ing a much better chance of am
tagonizing no one and conse­
quently reaping a few more dol­
lars in campaign advertising.
But, if in order to take in more
of t h e candidates advertising
money, the News has to keep
still and see Eastern Clackamas
County unrepresented in the next
County Court, it will dispense
with the added income.
There is no need of beating a-
round the bush in summing up
the present political aspect, as
far as it regards this community
and this part of the county.
The way conditions are right
now, the chances of Eastern
Clackamas County being repre­
sented in the coming County
Court, would hardly be worth a
three-to-one bet, but this condi­
tion can be remedied.
The Republicans of Eastern
Clackamas County have got to
stand together and stick togeth­
er for one of our three Republi­
can candidates, for all three can­
not be nominated and one of
them cannot receive the nomina­
tion, if the others receive much
Indications point to a willing­
ness on the part of a large num­
ber of the voters in other parts
of the county, to see Eastern
Clackamas represented as tne
western and northern parts are
row represented by good men.
With the help of this outside
vote. Eastern Clackamas stands
a good chance of winning, pro­
viding this district does not de­
feat its own objects by scatter­
ing the votes.
Of the candidates who have
filed for the local nomination, all
are good, clean, business men
and taxpayers, but a choice must
be made. At the outset of the
campaign many good men signi­
fied a willingness to make the
run and after a spell of elimina­
tion, J. W. Reed was left suppos­
edly as the only one in the field.
Mr. Reed several times offered to
withdraw in favor of other can­
didates and only accepted the
candidacy, after it was under­
stood that other parties now in
the race, would not be competi­
Now it is up to the voters to
decide the matter, will they stick
together for the original candi­
date in the field, or will they let
the Republican nomination go by
default to a candidate from some
distant part of the county; for
that is bound to be the result of
a split up vote?
No matter who is finally nom­
inated and elected to the County
Court, he will undoubtedly well
Special Prices for ONE WEEK only
+ 7
7 bars
Crystal White - 25c
7 bars Bob White
- - 25c
8 bars Lenox (old fashioned) 25c
3 5 cent bars scented toilet soap,
1 5 cent bar tar soap and
3 bars Bob White,
all 7 for 25c
bars scented toilet soap
- 25c
3 10c bars Colgates
scented toilet soap 20c
Get the Habit and Trade at
Broadway at 2nd - Estacada, Oregon
fill the office, but if he is from
another section of the county,
will he naturally do as much for
your and my personal interests,
as a home representative would?
As blood is thicker than water,
so also is the interest in the
home, every day. traveled roads,
as compared with the more dis­
tant highways.
H as Bone W ired
Orion Coop of Currinsville. who
a few days ago had his shoulder
blade broken, while playing in
the Estacada school play shed,
was forced to undergo an opera­
tion in Portland Friday, whereby
the fractured ends of the bone
were joined with silver wiring.
Oakland Six
♦ + ♦ + + + ♦ + ♦ + ♦ + + ♦ +
Weighs 2100 pounds.
Develops 30 to 35 horse-power
Five Passenger
Light in W eight
Strong in Pow er
a n d E n d u ran ce
“Sturdy a s the Oak
Demonstrations Gladly Given
Wm Underwood
W hat
Estacada Garage
a Graduation
Estacada, Or.
F. K. Beckwith
E S T A C A D A ,
The Jeweler
P a c k a rd vs. Ford
One of Estacada’s auto enthus­
iasts (name with held) last Thurs­
day morning, while Fording down
one of Portland’s slippery streets,
successfully completed the skid
act at the same time that a big
Packard touring car came around
the corner. The repair man, who
acted as surgeon in the case,
claims the front axle of the Ford
was so badly bent, that it spelled
the word "Givens,” but no fur­
ther harm was done.
Earl Wagner of Estacada, who
is working with Alec Irvin and
Ward Jones at Clackamas Sta­
tion, spent Sunday at the home
of his parents.
"E. H. S.” Initial Rings - Solid Silver
$1. to $1.25
” Gold
2.50 to 3.
"Friendship Links” including starter Solid Silver 26c
Filled Gold 50c
Wrist W a t c h e s ............................................... $5.
Elgin or Waltham
Bracelets, Scarf Pins, Brooches, Cuff Links,
Lavaliers, Pendants and any special
a r t i c l e s o f y o u r o wn d e s i g n .
H andsom e R esidence
U n d e r C onstruction
One the best advertisements
that Estacada has today, is the
neat looking row of homes on
the brow of the Terrace Addition
Hill, which first meets the eye
of the traveller, coming in on the
To this row is now being added
another neat home, which when
completed will represent about a
$2,000. investment, as Dr. Lee
A. Wells of Estacada is having a
handsome residence built.
The foundations are already in,
the work being in charge of Con­
tractor Burd, who will also do
the plastering and similar W'ork.
The carpentry is being handled
by Earl Shibley of Springwater,
while the overseeing and archi­
tect's duties are in the hands of
Edward Misener. of Portland, a
cousin of Dr. Wells. Mr. Mist-
ner and family last week moved
to Estacada, occupying the Pyle
house nearby.
The residence when completed
will be thoroughly up-to-date,
with hardwood floors, large airy
rooms, latest plumbing, with
wide porches and sleeping porch.
Dr. Wells, who is now perman­
ently located in Estacada, ex­
pects to occupy the premises
early in June.
Cecil Schock and Noble Me
Millan of Estacada. who are on
their way to El Paso, Texas by
auto, were at Tijuana. Mexico,
last week and leaving for their
destination in a few days.
Rev. Spiess of the Estacada M.
E. Church is meeting with suc­
cess in his canvass of the local
business men, for contributions
towards the expense incurred in
the building of the church base­
ment. If Rev. Spiess has missed
you, it was not intentional and
your contribution, no m atter the
amount, will be thankfully re­
Mrs. C. C. Saling of Currins­
ville entertained a number of the
young people at a dinner party
last Thursday evening.