Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, April 20, 1916, Image 11

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Invites Y our Patronage
Cash Paid For Eggs
Fred Jorg,
Phone Main 83.
Estacada, Oregon
Hunting and Fishing
Ed Boner’s
Lunches - Confectionery • Cigars * Kodaks
Fishermen’s Headquarters
Major U. M. C. Silva arid wife,
prominent in business and social
circles in Portland, . spent the
week end at Barton, making ar­
rangements to hasten the im­
provement of their property ly­
ing along the Clackamas River
between Barton a n d Bakers
Bridge. The landscape gardner
j having completed his work, the
Major assures us a modern bung­
alow will be erected soon, mak­
ing this one of the most attrac­
tive country places along the
river. It is expected that Mrs.
Silva will prove a valuable ac­
quisition to the social set in this
part of the country.
Notice Of Settlement Of Accounts
In the matter of the estate o f George
E. Dibble, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that John E l­
mer Dibble, the administrator o f the
estate of George E. Dibble, deceased,
has rendered and presented for settle­
ment, in the County Court for the
County o f Clackamas, State of Oregon,
his final account of his administration j
of said estate;, and that Monday, the
22d day o f May, 1916, at ten o’ clock in
the forenoon at the court room o f said
court, at the court-hou'e, in Oregon
City, in said countv, lias been appoint
ed for the settlement o f said account,
at which time and place any person in
terested may appear and contest the
Dated, Aprd 20. 1916.
John Elmer Dibble,
Administrator o f the estate of
George E. Dibble, deceased.
Claude W. Devore,
Attorney for Administrator.
Date o f first publication, April 20, 1916.
Saw Filing and Hammering
Electrical Wiring and Supplies
Tinning and all kinds of Metal Work
“ N e tk e hew the aelt knaia eat the rich tobacco leale”
■ a le by WEYMAN BKUTON COMPANY. SO Uaiea Square, New Teak City
F o r Musical Instruments
8f cAh Kinds
on easy" term s
Co to
Portland, Oregon
The Real Thing.
Fred. aged three, bnd been a naughty
I hoy. and his mother had punished him
| He felt very much hilEt and complain­
ed to his auntie about mamma's
| spunking him. Auntie said. "It is not i
you that mamma spanks, hut a little
1 devil inside of you who makes you do
j naughty things'
After sitrlua very
i still for live minutes lie said, "It l»eats
! all how it hurts me when that devil j
i gets spunked '* delineator
A Great Copp er Mine.
O U weald rather taka • e/eaa, m m /I chew, ol course I Meo who
uee W -B C U T Cbewiaf— the Reel Tobeceo Chew, m e ta l, leaf
ik r .d — |et raal eatieiaatioe irum laee than a quarter their old eize chew.
Aad, neturelly, they ere peaeinf the good word eloog. Get a pouch
cad ace lor youreoll that <*« Real J’l l i taa Cktw aetiafice you better.
For uearl.i 7uo years topper ore
(chalcopyrite» has lieeu taken regularly j
from h mine in the proviuee of Dale
carl la. Sweden The mlue eotitalus the |
■ largest copper ore deposit iu Sweden
j and is supposed to be oue of the great- i
' est cha loopy rite properties In the
The following are a sample of the values offered:
Western Cottage
$ 25.
Kimball, Chapel
Kimball, style 141, 6 oc­
tave, oak case
Kimball, style 111,
walnut case
Kimball, style 459.
mahogany finish
- 65.
Getting The
10". Down
if 100.
- 1?0.
Term »
Steam and Gas Engines and Supplies
for Sale and Repaired
- • -
Stein way
Player Pianos
Police and Detotives Are Using
Lip Reading in Place of
the Dictagraph
R. M. Standisti
Estacada Representative
«*■ -----------
*2. a day.
flO. a week
Hotel Estacada
Modern Conveniences
One o f the most delightful Resorts
on the Coast
Local and Tourist Trade Solicited
Mrs. Lera Dale and children of
Thousands o f deaf people are today
throwing away all hearing devices and Estacada are leaving this week
enjoying all conversation This method
is easily and quickly acquired thru our for Wallowa, Ore., where they
: system Absolutely the only thing o f its will make their future home, as
j kind in the country. Our proposition is 1
entirely original. \Ve guarantee results, Dr. Dale has established a fine
| it will amaze you. Cost is trifling. See dental practice there.
1 what New International Encyclopaedia
1 says on Lip Reading. Hundreds of people
The Estacada Garage is busy
with normal hearing are taking up Lip
I Reading for the many additional benefits now, demonstrating and taking
gained Youcan understand what the ac-
j tors are saying in the moving pictures. orders for the new Ford hood,
You can understand what people are say­ which greatly adds to the grace­
ing juat as far awav as you can see them.
The eye understands beyond the range of ful and racy lines o f the ma­
| hearing. Send no money, but mention chines. Within a short time, the
i this paper and state whether or not you
are deaf. All particulars will be sent you majority o f Ford owners will
absolutely free snd with no expense to have their cars equipped with
| you. Address, School o f Lip Language,
Kansas City, Missouri. these attractive fronts.
$100 Reward, $100
T h e reader* of this paper wil l be
pleased to ic-arn that there is at u aat
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure in all its stages. and
that Is catarrh. Cata rrh being g r e a t l y
Influenced by constitutional conditions
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally
and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous
Surfaces o f the System thereby d e ­
st r oy in g the foundation of the disease
g iv i n g the patient st ren gt h by bu ilding
up the constitution and assisting n a ­
ture in do in g its w o r k
Th e p r o p r i e ­
tors have so much faith in the cu rat ive
powers o f H a l l ’s Catarrh Cure that
they offer One Hundred Dollars fo r any
case that it fails to cure. Send fo r list
o f testimonials.
Address, r J. C H E N E Y A C O . Toledo,
Ohio. Hold by a ll Druggists. 71«.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. R.
Woodworth o f Estacada Heights.
April 11th, a son.