taken offense at some of the per- ! pen his ardor in freely disregard- ! ing the prohibition laws. Yet, sonal questions in the form. These questions need not be the very'fact that he did not ask , .. answered unless the party cares | for a jury trial, knowing that an j R. M. Standish, Editor and Manager to, but it is possible th a t i f full appeal is almost out of the ques- i correct information could be ob- tion, looks as though his attor­ J 2 2 S :£ m E.T ada, tained dealing with the mort- neys are planning to beat justice j , gages and interest rates now , in some way. probably at the S ubscription R atfs j current in this section, some rem- ! last minute springing a new legal j one year - - li.oo edy may be forthcoming, which technicality. Until Boysen is safely in jail, ! six month» 11)1; will help the securing of future . „n . loans at a more reasonable rate the people of this county cannot | Thursday, Apr. 20, 1916 I than the present predominating rest assured that the prohibition 1 law has been enforced. 8 \ . Let’s all, as tesidents of this If “ Competition is the Life of Crusaders And Invincibles Net $20 part o f the county, join with Or­ egon City in supporting the can­ Trade” —then Estacada’s trade The amatuer play, “ The Soph -1 didacy of Miss Rose Uptegrove, out to be feeling like a sixteen omore” presented by members of j as candidate for Queen of the inch trout digging for deep wa­ the Crusaders and Invincible] classes of the M. E. Sunday j 1916 Rose Festival. Coupon ter. With the advent last week School, at Boner’s Theatre, Fri-1 of another dour and feed busi­ votes may be clipped from any day night, brought out a fair! of the Portland papers and if de- ness and more livestock buyers sized crowd, which thoroughly, livered to the News office, will I >n the local fields, it should rep- enjoyed the entertainment, as! be duly turned over to the prop­ resent the best of buying and all participants were especially j selling opportunities for the farm­ well drilled in their parts and the ; er Oregon City parties. performance went off without a ers. hitch. To date the returns to the A g­ The profits of the show, a-1 ricultural Department of the P. Last Friday, before Justice moi nting to about $20. will ap-! R. L. & P. Co., of the agricul- Sievers in Oregon City, Fritz ply on the $40. contribution, tural forms, which appeared in Boysen, proprietor o f the Hotel made by these classes towards the News of a couple of weeks Belle o f Milwaukie, was convic- the new church basement. The young folks are planning! ago, have been slightly discour- ted o f booze selling and sentenc- to repeat the performance at Lo­ aging, as few farmers have of-1 ed to serve 6 months in jail and gan April 22nd. fered the cooperation naturally j pay a fine of $500. expected. ' This conviction and sentence The many friends of Mr. and i While it is probable that the ^ is one of the best pieces of work Mrs. Earl Kilgore, formerly of average local land owner is extra j accomplished by the sheriff and Springwater, will be pleased to hear of his now being identified busy now or is waiting until the I district attorney’s office for some with Nelson Morris Packing Co., company’s representative calls i time and if Fritz is forced to suf- of Chicago, in the capacity o f as­ upon him, a few parties have! fer the full penalty, it will dam- sistant master-mechanic. Eastern Clackamas News (Formerly Betacede Program) fn. Published every Thursday at Estacada, Oregon Groceries ♦ * * * * * * * * * We carry a full line of the * ♦ famous M O N O P O L E ♦ goods of all v a r i e t i e s . * * * + Holsum and Tip Top ♦ Bread and Cakes ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Hazelwood and White Clover Butter ♦ * ♦ Fresh Fruits and Vegetables in Season ♦ Shoes ♦+*♦♦♦ + We have the ♦ * ♦ well known Krausse Bros. line------- made to wear. L . A . C hapm an “ The Quality Store” ♦ ♦ * ♦ (fn fu n u ic tiiu e iil * + * * ♦ * * ♦ m u i« pftuM il leiiilent.A to o j' tllii eu i f putt to «, Î tin «attention 'K tf ctm nfif, ^ rfut «lilt mun<| jiienJ.i unit itfcent inàtuffuÌicn o j u * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ♦ * p u ttm « nt in conneetiam «,’ itli «nit leapifui * fu n f t n«j fatuni.O. W e believe that there is and always has been a demand for such savings accomodations and respectfully solicit your account, regardless of the amount involved. ♦ * ♦ * O n # l)\ lV u i »Oifl u|K>n u oViJm ij.' ClctftMiut, in f« itf.it putfuMtf .w m i-u iim iu f lij, o n 911 u u ii («t «rent untl o'tfpttfinl’tft lit . In accordance with the new laws, this department will also be under * direct State supervision. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ . ♦ ♦ We trust you will feel free to avail yourself of this oppor­ tunity, feeling that it is always our desire to serve your interests and make this your home bank, in all respects. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * * ¿^ tu cu du oHuttf 5 8 unic * * * * ♦ Leroy D. Walker, ♦ ♦ President - - Irwin l). Wright. Thomas Yocum. Vice President Cashier * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + ****** + +