Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, April 20, 1916, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County
Formerly Estacada Progress
V olume 9,
N umber 31
T a x p a y e rs F a v o r R e p a ir of
B o rin g H ill R o ad
Owing to a number of the
members of the East Clackamas
Taxpayers’ League being in a t­
tendance at court, not quite as
big a crowd was prssent at Mon­
day’s meeting atth e Barton Hall,
as usual, but the twenty-five or
thirty taxpayers present held a
good meeting.
County Engineer Cobb and
County Road Boss Roots, who
had been advertised to appear on
the program, were unable to be
present, so the meeting reverted
into an informal business discus­
sion of pertinent matters, espec­
ially relating to roads.
The report of the committee,
appointed to consider the advis­
ability of joining with the people
of Boring and the Swede Settle­
ment in improving the Donahue-
Hansen road through Deep Creek
canyon, or repairing the present
Boring Hill road, favored the
latter routing and the league ac­
cepted their suggestion.
A committee consisting o f
Messrs. John Ely, Geo. W. Turn­
er and W. Givens was appointed
to act as a standing road com­
mittee, to consider and investi­
gate all highways coming to the
a.tendon of the league.
Another committee comprising
E. W. Bartlett, C. it. L,oveil and
F. W. Bates was app limed to in­
vestigate and suggest changes in
the present budget law.
Among the impromptu speak­
ers were Hal ami Harvey Gibson,
R. H. Currin, J. P. Steinman, W.
Givens, John Ely, G. W. Turner,
F. W. Bates and others.
At the request of Frank Ew­
ing, the next meeting of the lea­
gue will occur Monday, May 22nd
at Springw'ater, with further de­
tails announced later.
C o m m u n ity C h u rch
C o m m ittee M eets
Last Sunday afternoon, at the
New’s office, the committee ap­
pointed to investigate and plan a
form of organization for a com­
munity or federated church in
Estacada, held a profitable two
hour session.
They are corresponding with
similar organizations elsewhere,
arranging with the University of
Oregon and the Y. M. C. A. for
speakers who have had experi­
ence in such church formation.
They are obtaining Govern­
ment reports of the Com mission
on Church and Country Life and
making other investigations.
E stacada , O regon ,
T hursday ,
Broadway Pavement To Be Started
City Recorder C. W. Devore
has called a public meeting of
the Estacada City Council, at the
City Hall, for Friday evening,
April 21st, at 7:30 o’clock.
At this meeting will not only
be present the council, but all
owners of property on Broadway,
between Second and Third Sts.
The first part of the meeting will
be for the purpose of arranging
the details for the immediate be­
ginning of the work of concrete
paving Broadway.
All property owners seem to
be in favor of the work going
forward at once and probably
will avail themselves of the pro­
visions of the Bancroft Bonding
Act, in the financing of same.
As a little time must be con­
sumed in the legal formalities,
prior to concurring to the pro­
visions of the act, the matter
must be settled at this meeting,
if possible.
All residents are invited to at­
tend. especially as the meeting
will later be given over to a dis­
cussion and formulation of plans
for Wednesday’s Clean-Up-Dav.
Y once G e ts V e rd ic t
In the case of Willis Yonce of
Estacada, vs. John W. Ferguson
of Portland, which came up be­
fore Judge Campbell at Oregon
City, Monday, the jury rendered
a verdict in favor of Yonce for
The case was the outcome of
damages done to a livery rig,
hired by the defendant last July,
which suffered as the result of a
runaway accident.
The plaintiff was represented
by attorney E. W. Bartlett of
Estacada, with Attorney Gold­
stein of Portland handling the
Among the witnesses on both
sides were, Adolph Wiederhold,
Fred Lins and Ed Harders of •
George; Wm. Perry, Herman
Wallace. Ray Wilcox and R. M.
Standish of Estacada.
L ivestock to b e S h ip p e d 26 th
Livestock Buyer, W. Givens of
Estacada announces another car­
load shipment from the Estacada
yards on Wednesday morping,
April 26th..
Among others, this shipment
will contain 32 “top” white hogs,
which were purchased from
Harry Babler of Logan. Fanci­
ers of fine, well fattened hogs
should examine this bunch of an­
imals, before they leave the
A pril 20, 1916
P la y e rs U ltim a tu m
N ot A c c e p ta b le
The chances of Estacada hav­
ing a base-ball team this year
are not worth considering, as
small interest was shown in the
discussion of the organization of
a team, at a meeting called for
last Sunday morning.
The ultimatum of the majority
of the players, was too closely
based on guaranteed finances, to
interest the backers of the pro­
Apparently the ball players do
not care to play for the sport,
with a chance of fair remunera­
tion at the end of the season,
but want the local fans to sup­
port the game, at a cost of not
less than $10. per week, allowing
the players to keep all gate re­
A few years ago, the local bus­
iness men and fans might have
considered some such onesided
proposition, but experience has
dampened their ardor, as too
many teams have starteu out
auspiciously and hung together
until about July 4th, then have
disbanded, leaving the treasury
badly depleted.
The majority of the people
feel that if the ball players would
organize and get base-ball start­
ed and first demonstate that they
mean business, that financial sup­
port would follow, but apparent­
ly are not in favor of "digging
up cash” in advance and getting
no returns from the gate re­
It is too bad that this condition
exists, as base-ball should pros­
per this year, with more money
in circulation and with the many
autos now owned by people re­
siding outside of town, the at­
tendance would greatly increase.
Probably a team could yet be
organized, financed and all on an
equitable basis, if some public
spirited citizen or citizens would
shoulder the responsibility of do­
ing the work, which to date has
always been a pretty thankless
H o u se w a rm in g
The ladies of the C. I. C. are
entertaining their husbands and
the members of the City Council
and wives, Thursday evening,
the 20th, at a housewarming of
their new quarters and to talk
over plans for Clean-Up-Day.
$1. P er Y ear
S to re s T o C lose
C. I. C. T o S e rv e L unch
By a proclamation by Mayor
Wright, the City of Estacada
will observe its annual Clean-Up-
Day, on Wednesday, April 26th.
On a petition signed by the
majority of the business men,
the stores will be closed part of
the day at least.
In keeping with the public
spiritedness, which has aiways
characterized the ladies of the
Civic Improvement Club, they
will serve a lunch at noon of that
day, for all workers.
The campaign of clean-up will
be similar to last year’s success­
ful event, with block captains,
crews, wagons, etc. The detaiis
of this campaign will be perfec­
ted at a meeting with the City
Council, on Friday evening, April
21st, at the City Hall.
The council has agreed to pay
the expenses incurred in hiring
teams to carry away the refuse,
cans and non-burnable rubbish.
All property owners are re­
quested to clean up their home
premises prior to Wednesday, so
that all residents may join in the
general work in the cleaning of
alleys, streets, terraces and va­
cant lots on Clean-Up-Day.
Out of town visitors are invit­
ed to join in the festivities and
will be welcomed as workers and
entitled to enjoy their share of
the lunch.
The rule of this year’s celebra­
tion will be the same as former­
ly ” He or She Who Works Mav
D e a th of Mrs. L. S. W ilson
Mrs Lily Wilson, wife of L. S.
Wilson of Estacada, died Tues­
day night, April 18th, at their
temporary home at Klaetsch’s
mill in Springwater, where Mr.
Wilson is employed.
Mrs. Wilson, who wras in hei
47th year, had been ill for sever­
al years, but appeared to be im­
proving in health lately.
The deceased is survived by
her husband, two boys, Holly and
Galen and relatives in Portland
and Springfield, S. I).
Funeral services were held in
the Henthorn chapel in Estacada
Thursday morning, with inter­
ment at Zion Cemetery.
The sympathies of the com­
munity are extended the bereav­
ed husband and sons in this dis­
pensation of a Higher Power.