A Just Complaint Freshman Honored We’re not running a Drug Store The following suggestion and complaint, were lodged last Sat­ urday by A. C. Anderson, one of the leading farmers o f Upper Garfield and as it is not the first similar complaint that has come to the attention of the News, the business men of Estacada should take some action to correct the evil. Mr. Anderson came to town Saturday to spend his money with the home merchants. He was forced to tie his team and wagon on Zobrist St., while he did his buying, owing to lack of municipal hitching facilities, but in the mean time had loaded on a goodly supply of livestock feed. After an absence of a half hour, on returning to the wagon, he discovered that sohie of the towns horses and cows had made a good, full, square meal from his supply of feed, besides hav­ ing sampled everything from gro­ ceries to hardware. “ Andy” was mad, and he had every reason to be, but was rea­ sonable enough to suggest that all livestock at large be kept on the flat above town and not al­ lowed to wander about the busi­ ness district. How much longer are the mer­ chants of Estacada going to al­ low this condition of affairs to continue? They cannot blame anyone but themselves if the dol­ lar that should be spent at home, goes elsewhere. i but we are in a position to save you money on Proprietary Medicines and Drug Sundries ♦ ♦ ♦ including Peroxide, Camphor, Witch Hazel, Turpentine, Liniments, Corn Cures, Quinine, Salts. Etc., Etc. j ♦ + + As a Special Introductory Offer Week of April 10 to 15 tor the + + 20 a Discount of will be made Estacadlans Visit George Club on the prices of all of these articles. Get the Habit and Trade at PARK & CLOSNER Broadway at 2nd - Estacada, Oregon Falls Into Ditch Fractures Arm Allen & Samson To Move Eddy Fleming of River Mill Fri­ day, while attempting to ride his bicycle across the foot bridge, ov­ er the gully on Wade St., slipped and with his machine fell six or eight feet to the bottom of the ditch, sustaining a fracture of the left arm, near the shoulder. Since the announcement a cou­ ple of weeks ago, o f the contem­ plated removal o f the flour and feed business o f Allen & Samson of Estacada, into the Berry Bldg., they have rented the former C. I. C. building, owned by J. W. Reed, which they will occupy in a short time. Light in Weight Strong in Power a n d Endurance Oakland Six ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ + + ♦ + + + + + + ♦ + Weighs 2100 pounds, Develops 30 to 35 horse-power Five Passenger $895 On the evening o f April 22nd, at the Garfield Grange Hall, the Garfield Band boys will give a clever comedy, entitled, “ Doc­ tors Disagree” , the proceeds of which will go towards the ex­ penses of the organization. H E R Signet Ring* Probably any jeweler can buy and sell jewelry, but it remains for Estacada’s purveyor of watch­ es, rings and the like, to design and manufacture his own rings suited to the local trade. Mr. Beckwith recently design­ ed and executed several different styles of signet or initial "E. H. S. ” rings, which are the envy of the high school students. Under date of April 7th, a li­ cence was issued at Vancouver, for the marriage of Miss Ella Fanton of Estacada, age 17 and Jas. T. Lovegrove o f Portland, age 29. ’ Sturdy a s the O a k ' Demonstrations Gladly Given j Wm Underwood Estacada Garage Estacada, Or. tx p » H Wmtoh DECLARATION ♦ ♦ Of Candidacy Of F . E . B e c k w ith ♦ ♦ + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ For The Job Of ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦ ♦ Expert ♦ ♦ Watch At last Saturday evening’s meeting of the George Commer­ cial & Social Club. Messrs. E. W. Bartlett and Frank Ewing o f Es- tacada, were not only visitors, but appeared on the program. Mr. Bartlett, who is a candi­ date for the Eiepublican nomina­ tion for District Attorney, spoke in favor of the Eastern Clacka­ mas Taxpayers’ League, explan - ing the work o f that organization and the value of having all resi­ dents become working members. Mr. Ewing, who is in charge of the P. R. L. & P. Co.’s agri­ cultural work, presented his prop­ ortion through the medium of Pres. Stephens o f the club, who outlined the work now underway and in view. “ Doctor* Disagree” Bard Buys At Scappoose Sale In accordance with the ten­ dency in this community to con­ fine the livestock raising along lines of thoroughbred registered stock, Will Bard and Everett Snibley of Springwater, Thurs­ day motored to Scappoose, where they attended the Harry West sale of registered Jerseys. Bard purchased a young thor­ oughbred, registered Jersey bull, which will replace an older regis­ tered thoroughbred. Last Saturday in Portland, there was formed the Columbia Jersey Cattle Club, comprising the counties of Multnomah, Clackamas, Columbia and Clatsop counties. If this organization flourishes, as it will, it is prob­ able that several of the local Jer­ sey enthusiasts will become mem­ bers. A letter from Prin. Burgess F. Ford of Willamette Academy states that Chester Womer, late of the Estacada High School, is the only Freshman to obtain a place on the college debating teams and will appear in the de­ bate against O. A. C. soon. Adolph Spiess, also of Estacada is a member of the affirmative team, which debates against Pacific University. Repaire r ♦ ♦ + and the Jeweler of Eastern Clackamas County ♦ ♦ 1 Furnish the Vote* in the Voting Contest ♦ ♦ ♦ You Furnish The Patronage ♦ + + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ + ♦ Ken Bartlett of the University of Oregon, is in Estacada this week, spending his spring vaca­ tion. One o f the county’s steam roll­ ers last week, while at work near Canemah, got off the high­ way and rolled down a 200 foot embankment, but was none the worse for the accident, excepting for a few bent parts. Bob Mat toon of Estacada. acting engine­ er, jumped in time to miss the fall. The spring jury list, drawn last week for service in the Cir­ cuit Court, beginning next Mon­ day, comprises but one local man, being Ben Rawlins of Upper Gar­ field. After investigating the Esta­ cada school’s play shed, the school board of Oswego is now expending six or eight hundred dollars in the erection of similar facilities.