Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, March 30, 1916, Image 3

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    Lum berm en Buy Local Bred
H orses
With the opening up of the
lumber and logging business this
spring, the demand for sound,
he ivy horses, means high prices
to the raisers. John Steinman
of Currinsville last week, sold a
four year old, 1740tt> bay mare to
Por land lumber men, for $225
a id with the rapidly advancing
prices, could have made $50 more
had he waited a few weeks long-
DeMoss Concert Entertainers
On Saturday evening, April
1st, at the M. E. Church, the
De Moss Concert Entertainers of
De Moss, Oregon will give a con­
cert, under the auspices of the
Estacada Hoy Scout Camp. Ad­
mission adults 35c children 15c.
Everyone invited.
Unexcelled For Dipping
S .iringw ater Spasm odic«
G ood New*
C. L. Allen of Estacada called
at the News office last Monday to
have chronicled the following
good news:—Namely, that he has
sold, disposed of and hopes to
never see again, his famous
white-faced cow, which for a
couple of years past, has held all
records under the town’s non­
herd law, for being the darndest,
meanest, cussedest nuisance on
four legs.
The critter is to be beefed and
if any local butcher ever offers
parts of that animal’s carcass for
sale in Estacada, he should sell
every scrap of it from hoof to
tail, for there probably is not a
property, garden of lawn owner
in town, who would not buy a
steak or two, just for the privi­
lege of finally sinking a knife in­
to that old white-faced cow’s
The News will give equally
free publicity to the memorial
notices of one or two other local
cows, when the glad time arrives
for them to visit the slaughter
Harry Stokes and family of
Garfield returned horrje Thurs­
day, after an extended absence
in Virginia.
Cendor Wood Preservative
The above heading is not in­
tended to cast any insinuations
on the news items from Spring-
water, but rather characterizes
the infrequency of their arrival
at the News office, but possibly
they are the more welcome for
their tardiness.
A Ladies Aid Society has been
organized in the Springwater
Presbyterian Church, w h i c h
promises to do good work in that
David Horner is decorating the
local Grange Hall and its stage.
When completed, the people will
have a comfortable and attractive
Sherman Kilgore and Fred
Horner are planning to give a
The Chorus is at work Thurs­
day evenings, preparing for Eas­
ter services.
Attorney C. W. Devore or Es­
tacada, while enroute through
Springwater Monday morning,
was hailed and stopped four times
within a half mile by parties who
supposed it was a Portland jit­
ney. (P. S.— Correspondent did
not state whether Devore accom­
odated the travelers and made
enough to pay for the gasoline.)
A. A. Allen of Viola sustained
a fracture of the arm last week;
the accident occuring while he
was shoeing a h o r s e , which
tramped on him.
Preserving SILLS or TIMBERS That Come In
Contact With The Ground Or Dampness
Can Be Used As A SPRAY for CHICKEN
Disinfects And Kills All Insects
Manufactured in Portland by
Central Door & Lumber Co.
Mac M illan L eaving For
The many frinds of Noble Mac
Millan, of the Upper Dam, Esta­
cada Hotel, Springwater Ranch
or wherever Mac makes his head­
quarters in his capacity of assist­
ant engineer of the P. R. L. &
P. crew, are sorry to learn of his
contemplated abandonment of
Mac, who will probably be
accompanied by Cecil Schock of
South Estacada, is arranging to
have his newly purchased Ford
auto shipped this week to San
Francisco, where the pair will
begin a wanderlust tour of that
state, primarily looking for suit­
able jobs, but really out for a
good time.
The News is joined by their
many friends in wishing them
success in their wanderings, but
hopes their ultimate destination
will be back home in Estacada.
Brooks To Visit In East
Local A g en t
John Brooks, who has been
connected with the P. R. L. & P.
Co. ’s work along the upper Clack­
amas for the past ten years, is
now taking an extended vacation
and is leaving next week for the
east, where he will visit a broth­
er in New York City and a sister
in Boston, neither of whom he
has seen for 25 years.
If the European war ends this
summer, he expects to extend his
trip to Switzerland, his former
home, to visit his aged father.
John has a couple of brothers in
South America, but will have to
put off making them a visit until
some future vacation.
G Í V C n , E stacada, Or.
O a k l a n d Six
Weighs 2100 pounds,
Develops 30 to 35 horse-power
Five Passenger
Light in W eigh t
Strong in P ow er
George and Art Smith of Eagle
Creek, last week purchased an
Overland car.
Demonstrations Gladly Given
Wm Underwood
E s ta c a d a
G a ra g e
Estacada. Or.
“Excuse Me"
First offering of
Of Candidacy Of
Henry W. Savage on
F. E. Beckwith
Gold Rooster Program
One of Broadway’s greatest
farces featuring
For The Job Of
George F. Marion, Geraldine
O ’Brien and Vivian Blackburn.
♦ Expert
♦ ♦ +
and the Jeweler of Eastern Clackamas County
I Furnish
th e
Dont Miss It
V otes
th e
V otin g
N ext W ed n esd ay E vening
April 5th
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Estacada Family Theatre