Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, March 30, 1916, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County
Formerly Estacada Progress
V olume 9,
N umber 28
Are We Going To Let The
Ladies Do All The Work
Until the City of Estacada has
a commercial organization of
some kind among its men, it will
continue like a ship without a
rudder, only worse, as a rudder­
less ship has a captain and crew
which work in harmony, while
Estacada has a tendency towards
mutiny and cliques, which con­
dition is seriously retarding the
growth of the city and commun­
Many people may laugh at the
idea of reorganization again, as
the past ten years has seen or­
ganized and allowed to die, not
less than a half dozen such or­
Yet each one of
them, while it lasted, accom­
plished some good.
With prosperity now invading
Oregon and reports every day
current of industries looking for
locations, a commercial or devel­
opment club is of the utmost im­
portance here. There are a num­
ber of municipal improvements
which can only be furthered and
accomplished by the backing of
an association of Estacada men.
To date, the women of the
Civic Improvement Club are do­
ing it all, but there are a lot of
jobs they cannot accomplish
alone, such as the construction
o f HITCHING SHEDS for Esta­
cada; obtaining the cooperation
o f the property owners on Broad­
way to assure a CONCRETE
PAVEMENT between 2nd and
3rd Streets; to take charge of
and work with the C. I. C. in the
handling of a successful CLEAN
UP DAY; to work for a perma­
nent LIBRARY and a tax for the
support of same; to work for an
way bet ween 3rd and 5th Streets;
to install a suitable DRINKING
FOUNTAIN in Estacada, for man
and beast; to interest INDUS­
TRIES to locate here; to work
with and advise the Estacada
CITY COUNCIL; to interest cap­
ital in the community RESOUR­
CES; to stir up more CIVIC
PRIDE and so forth.
Of course, it is easy enough for
a newspaper to make out a list of
improvements needed, but an­
other thing to get them.
there is not an improvement
mentioned in the above list that
cannot become a reality within
the next year or two and at little
expense, if the men will band
E stacada , O regon ,
Angling For Big Saw Mill
With the finances of the Will­
amette Valley Southern Railway
satisfactorily arranged last week,
the directors of that new rail­
road, which is opening up the
country between Molalla and Ore­
¡ gon City, are trying to switch
the contemplate 1 location of a
big sawmill from Silverton, onto
their line at Mt Angel.
If there is a big sawmill that is
undecided as to a location, where
it can ship thirty carloads of lum­
ber every day and pay out a big
payroll every month, Estacada
and the P. R. L. & P. Co., might
modestly hold out a little bait to
attract such an industry.
Still, little can be expected
from a community that has no
commercial organization to look
after such opportunities and a
transportation line that makes
little effort to secure industries.
Frazier Out O f Danger
Charles Frazier of Estacada,
who last week was discovered in
his barn in an unconscious and
dying condition and who was re­
ported to have sustained a frac­
ture of the skull, was taken to
Portland last Monday afternoon,
where an operation was perform­
ed by Dr. Whiting, resulting in
the removal of a 22 caliber bullet
from the base of the brain.
last reports the patient was ex­
pected to recover.
Community Church
Meeting Sunday
Every person in this commun­
ity, who is directly or indirectly
interested in the contemplated
formation of a Community Church
in this district, is urged to be
present next Sunday afternoon,
April 2d, at a meeting to be held
in the Estacada C. I. C. room, at
3 o’clock sharp.
This will not be a secular meet­
ing, but is called by a number of
local church members and lay­
men, to informally talk over the
movement and it is hoped there
will be a good attendance.
Signed- John Ely
W. W. Dillon
W. H. Holder
F. B. Guthrie
D. S. Fleming
R. M. Standish
In the evening, at the Estaca­
da Christian Church, Rev. Wil­
liams will preach upon the sub­
ject “ A Plea for Christian Un-
• _
T hursday , M arch 30, 1916
Estacada Boy Marries
Announcement was made last
week of the marriage at Van­
couver of Elvin Morrow of Esta­
cada and Miss Blanch Foy of
Portland, the young couple are
this week visiting the groom’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Morrow
in Estacada.
Elvin is in the U. S. Naval
Dept., being stationed perman­
ently in Portland, on the U. S.
S. Boston.
$1. P er Y ear
Portland Expert Submits Views
The people of Clackamas Coun­
ty have for many years been
complaining that although they
have been paying large sums in
road taxes, they still have
wretched roads.
The same
method of construction is still
persisted in and the money is
• still thrown into the mud. It is
amazing that the old system
George Undergoing Building
should be continued for these
many years as though the
If the record of improvement j height of scientific road building
had been attained, and no better
and new building in a community,
could be imagined.
is an index of prosperity and
Clackamas County is one of the
hustle, then the George section
picturesque in the state or
is coming into its own with a
nation. There are a great many
fine views and beautiful tross-
Leo Rath is now erecting an
achs.. If its roads were good it
up-to-date rustic barn and simi­
would be noted for the beauty of
lar improvements will soon be
its scenery, even by its own in­
under way on the Wiederhold
habitants. When the roads are
and Jannsen farms; while Fred
good the other advantages and
Lins, Robert and Adolph Miller
beauties are noted and admired;
are contemplating building addi­
but when they are bad they are
tions to their barns.
about the only part of the land­
H. C. Stephens is reported to
scape seen by the anxious travel­
have already received arcUtect’ s
er or homeseeker.
plans for the enlargement of his
The construction of good roads
home and other signs of develop­
has the same effect as a woman
ment a r e present, including
putting on fine clothes. Her ap­
much new wire fencing, on the
pearance is much improved, no
Fred Lins’, A. H. Miller’ and
matter how beautiful, she was
other properties.
before. Clackamas County, even
though now beautiful, should
Sunday School Officers
“ dress up.”
At the annual election of offi­
The best dress is the hard sur­
cers of the Springwater Sunday
face roads. But that dressing
School last Sunday, the following
will be slow because so expensive;
officers were elected: Supt., W.
so that while we are indulging in
A. Bard; Asst. Supt., J. C. Peter­
that meritorious improvement,
son; Secy., Miss Florence Schenk;
we must find a better way to im­
Treas., John Moger; Librarian,
prove the dirt roads so as to make
E. Shibley; Organist, Miss Elva
them more sightly and service­
able so the traveler will not feel
so apprehensive of discomfort and
Garfield Grange Meets
disaster when traveling o v e r
Under the able leadership of
Roads, to remain good, must
Worthy Master W. H. Holder,
have good foundations, and these
ably supported by his enthusias­
foundations cannot be good un­
tic subordinate officers and mem­
less they are kept well drained.
bers, things are moving briskly
This cannot be by ditches at the
with the Garfield Grange, which
sides. They are too far away
held its regular meeting last Sat­
and not deep enough; for the
urday. The ladies were in charge
foundation should be at least two
of the lecture hour.
feet deep, and, in most cases,
three feet deep, or more, in order
$55,000 Post Office
to absorb the water from the sur­
Secretary of the Treasury Me
Adoo, reporting on the Oregon
To do this, the foundation must
City post office bill, says a one
be underdrair.ed.
story building covering 4,800
*If two three-inch tile drains
square feet, will be sufficient,
laid, say ten feet apart, and
costing $55,000. and $10,000. ad­
one o f them should ever have to
ditional for the site.
Concluded on page 10