D odge B rothers MOTOR CAR i T he enam el, ( not p a in t ) finish of the steel body can be resto red to its original lustre u n ­ til the c ar literally looks like new. This is constantly being done by owners a fte r m onths of use. The enam el is buked onto the steel a t intense heat. D ust and mud and neg­ lect may dull its appearance — but the glossy finish is still there w aiting to be brought back by a simple process of cleaning. 1 The gasoline consum ption is unusually low. Price for this wonderful car in Estacada is “ If you want to get there, get a “ DODGE” . ” ASK THE MAN WHO OWNS ONE. See • Pesznecker Estacada, O regon Building M a t e r i a l s ♦ * + + BRICK TILE + 4 inch—$30. per thousand feet SAND + + $12. per thousand $2. per yard G R A V E L SH IN G LES + + $2. per yard (Fanton'sor Bittner’s) CA SCA DE ROOFING $2. per M. $1.25 roll, single ply 1.50 * double ’ Since Beet Pulp is now Off The Market— we have just received a similar good food for Dairy Cows— called + ♦ H o l s t e i n D a i r y J Chillen ( Ä Samson FLOUR FEED Food E stacada LUMBER The Yale System of Lighting for the Farm Makes and Burns its Own Gas from gasoline Each burner producing from 600 to 1200 candle power light, costing not more than ‘ jc per hour. 3 forms of installation. Hollow Wire. Hollow Pipe or Individual Portable Lamps or Lanterns. Let me tell you more about this safe, simple, eco­ nomical and efficient system of lighting. I have a special offer to make to a Grange. Club, Church or other community organization. S. P. PtsznecKer Hunt Bldg. - Main Street - Estacada. Oregon j V oting C ontest S tanding Following is a list of contest­ ants and their respective stand­ ing in the Thousand Dollar Mer­ chandise Prize Voting Contest, as shown by the judges’ count, ending Wednesday noon, Mar. 22. the prize being awarded to the contestant, having received the greatest number of votes, during the past week, being Mrs. Mable Wooster with 65,957 votes. Mrs Mable Wooster 298,498 Mabel Keller 87,689 M E Church 53,023 Lucile Jones 31,531 24,003 Mrs. D. S. Fleming Mrs Theo Harders 23,389 23,531 Abbie Wagner Lucy Turel 17,741 Rosa Trachsel 12,106 Gladys Miller 12,779 8.736 Mrs. Bittner Myrtle Looney 6,911 Erma Tenny 6,942 Barney Gilbride 4,550 2,100 Mary Woodle Gaye Sarver 1,786 Mrs Della Vallen 1,830 G W Morgan 1,190 Mrs Guy Wilcox 1,175 S. W. Benjamin 1,160 Veneta Page 1,140 Mrs Chas Duncan 1,085 Mrs. White 1,075 E W Ficken 1,155 Gladys Joyner 1,030 Sadie Wilcox 1,030 Wilma Kitching 1,023 Mrs R T Carter 1,025 Albert Lichthorn 1,010 Vella Coop 1,015 The following, have received the nominating vote 1,000. • Echo Thomas Echo Githens Mrs Ed Douglass Mrs W E Cromer Mrs Frank Boyer Gladys Townsend Mrs Willis Yonce Alta Reisland Emma Barr James G Hamilton Mrs Dr Morse Mrs Archie Yocum Leta Posson Doris Lovell Rosalia Allen Roberta Reid Helen Bartlett Mrs Roy Douglass Mrs Guy Hunt Mrs J W Stevens Mrs J W Stubbs Hazel Freeman Mrs R E Davis Annie Krigbaum Bertha Devore Mrs Lou Baker Hazel Beers Albert Lichthorn Edna Jorg Mrs B O Boswell Garfield Country Club Ethel Tracy The eighth weekly prize, a Leather Rocking Chair will be awarded the contestant receiving the highest number of votes, during the week ending at noon March 29th. H ave Y our Seeds T ested The Oregon Agricultural Col­ lege is urging all farmers to take advantage of the college’s expert testers, in having samples of all seeds tested, prior to planting. Many samples which have come to the attention of experts, have contained from 25% to 99% im­ purities. Saturday evening, April 1st, the Mt. Zion Men’s Club will hold its first informal meeting at the church. Mrs. Ed Shearer of Garfield re­ turned this week from a short visit in Portland. Cleve Heiple and family of Currinsville have moved into their new home and Noah Heiple and family have moved into the house vacated by Cleve. Mrs. Bob Mattoon of Viola, who has been ill for some time is reported to be improving. Mrs. Eva Craft ot Viola sold 27 acres of land last week to James Hamilton, at a consideration of $50 per acre. A family celebration was held at the Sevier home in Viola, Mar. 15th in honor of the birthday of Mrs. M. L. Sevier. Those pres­ ent being Mrs. Clara Hicin- botham and daughter of River Mill; Mrs. E. Crafts and Mrs. Wm. Hicinbotham of Viola. Dr. J. L. Hewitt and R. S. Cook of Portland, were visitors in Garfield this week, laying out the season’s work on their ranches there. Harry Reid of Garfield recent­ ly purchased two registered Pol­ and China pigs, for the Bannock­ burn ranch. Mrs. J. Inglish of Garfield, was a Portland visitor last week. Mrs. Wm Kuhrasche and Miss Beatrice Lilly of Estacada and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beers of Gresham, spent the week-end at the John Githens’ home at Als- paugh. Will Holland, who for the past three years has been working on the Jerome Schultz farm in Gar­ field, left last week for Portland, where he will probably remain indefinitely. After visiting the Estacada Schools, the school board of Os­ wego has decided to build a play shed, similar to the local one, which they considered to be one of the best in the state. Mrs. Hunter Cahill of Mill City Or. is visiting among relatives 'in Currinsville and Eagle Creek having returned last week owing to the death of her little nephew Linn Kitching.