Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, March 23, 1916, Image 3

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    T he Sophom ore
A clever play, dealing with
college life, entitled The Sopho­
more, will be presented by the
young people of Mrs. Devore’s
and Mr. Irvine’s Sunday School
cl i ses, early in April.
Hie practice and rehearsing is
r ow going on, under the super­
vision and direction of Mrs. De-
v re. The date for the presen-
t ition will be announced soon.
Supervisor Fred Lins of George,
last week completed the dragging
of the main road in his district
from the church to the George
bridge, rounding up the roadway
in good shape, although this
weeks rains have softened up
the grade since.
Mrs. Emily Lady and daughter
Virginia, formerly of Estacada,
but for the past two years, resi­
dents of Houston, Texas, have
returned here, where they will
make their future home.
Supervisor Frank Millard of
Springwater with a crew, is pi t-
tingthe finishing touches on the
Springwater Hill Road, having
dressed the rocked road from the
top of the hill, down to Dubois’
Mill, filled in all holes and packed
the roadway well with the
steam roller. »
Luther Henthorn of Estacada,
at present janitor of the Estaca­
da schools and up till recently, a
partner in the' Estacada Furni­
ture Company, expects to move
with his family to Eastern Kan­
sas, as soon as school closes,
wnere he will engage in farming.
Had Walt Givens, the Estaca­
da speed demon, been travelling
at more than 15 miles per hour,
last Saturday, when his axle
br oke near Eagle Creek, this no­
tice would have necessitated
heavy black borders above and
below. As it was, no harm was
done, other than to the machine,
coupled with a shake up for his
passengers, Rev. and Mrs. Wil­
Frank Ewing of the railway
company has ordered a big bill of
lumber from Hayes’ Mill of Gar­
field, and Allen & Samson of Es­
tacada, and will soon build a new
house and remodel the barn and
other buildings on the company’s
farm, in Springwater.
Lillian Dale, the little daugh­
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dale of
Estacada, was severely bitten in
the left cheek, by a dog, last
week, necessitating cauteriza­
tion and dressing by a physician.
O. W. Twombly of Garfield,
left last week for Pasco. Wash­
ington, where he will remain for
several months in connection
with the sheep shearing work, at
which he is an experienced hand.
Parent-Teacher Association
Cheerfulness was the key-note
of the March meeting of the
Parent-Teacher Association, un­
der the able direction of Miss
Anderson. The speaker of the
afternoon was Principal Guthrie,
whose topi« was “The Magic of
Optimism’’. In addition to his
inspiring talk, the following pro­
gram was rendered:
Piano Solo Miss Erica Johnson
Recitation ______ Nova Smith
..........Helene Barclay
...............R etha Ames
__ .Dorthy Eschleman
Chorus, “The Joy-Killer”
4th & 5th Grades
A Love Story.__ Miss Eva Wash
Vocal Solo, “ Smiles and Frowns”
________ Mrs. Devore
“The Key to Happiness”
_______ Miss Anderson
The meeting closed with the
presentation of flowers and cheery
The next meeting, under the
direction of Miss Welsh, will be
held April, the thirteenth.
George Residents Join League
At a meeting held last week at
the George Club, twenty-two tax­
payers joined the Eastern Clack­
amas Taxpayers’ League, the list
of names, having been this week
recorded by the secretary of the
parent association.
J Had the weather and road con­
ditions been better last Monday,
a big delegation from George
would have attended the regular
League meeting at Currinsville.
First A uto T hrough
J. W. Reed in an Oakland Six,
has the distinction of having
driven the first automobile since
last fall, through the bad stretch
of road, from Viola, down Clear
Creek to Fisher’s Mill.
Many of the nearby residents
claimed no machine could make
the trip at this time of the year,
but last week, the Oakland, with
i two passengers plowed its way
j through sticky clay, axle deep,
without any serious bother.
Light in W eight
Strong in P ow er
E n d u ran ce
Oakland Six
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Weighs 2100 pounds,
Develops 30 to 35 horse-power
Five Passenger
P rep ared n ess
At the Estacada M. E. Church
next Sunday evening. Pastor
Spiess will preach on the subject
of “ Preparedness” , especially ap­
plicable to the Boy Scout move­
ment, now underway.
Mrs. Sarah Palmateer of Gar­
field, spent last week at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Wilbur
Wade in Currinsville.
The Garfield Dorcas Society
met last week at Log LaBarre,
where they were the guests of
Mrs. H. A. LaBarre.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Sparks of
Estacada, entertained a dozen
friends last Friday evening ai
duplicate whist, followed by a
dainty supper.
Owing to w hat appears to be
another e p i d em i c among the
horses of Garfield, the services
of a veterinarian were necessary,
having been called Monday by
Mr. Christman, who has a couple
of ailing animals.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Wright and
Miss Harriett Hill of Portland,
were week-end visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. I. D.
Wright of Estacada.
Chester Womer and Adolph
Spiess of Willamette University,
are in Estacada, where they are
sampling mother’s cooking dur­
ing their Spring vacation.
'Sturdy as the Oak”
Demonstrations Gladly Given
Wm Underwood
Estacada Garage
Gold Rooster Service
Estaada. or.
E x p a ri Watoh
+ + + +
N ext W ednesday Evening
March 29th
Pathe Presents
F lo re n c e R eed
Repaire r +
I F urnish the V otes in the V oting Contest
You F urnish T h e P atro n ag e
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ + + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ + +
and the Jeweler of Eastern Clackamas C ounty
I N ----
by George Scarboiough
Produced by George Fitzmaurice
with the following cast
Florence Reed
Frank Sheridan
Charles Waldron
Lyster Chambers
DeWitt Jennings
* ♦
Estacada Fam ily Theatre