Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, March 23, 1916, Image 10

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Want and For Sale C olum n
One acre to let on the share.
5 cents per line. Cash in advance
Inquire at News office.
Judge Ably Defends Court
Continued from page 6
Barton bridge and Damascus, in­
FOR SALE— One acre, suit­ to Portland.
Chairman Miller appointed the
price paid at Palace Meat Mark­ able for home or building site,
fruit trees, bushes and vines, 1 following committee to investi­
Fred Jorg.
also small bui'dings, all in culti­ gate the proposed routes and to
report at the April meeting: J. W.
vation and close to town.
Reed, of Estacada : -J. P. Steinman
Inquire at News office.
1 am buying beef cattle of all
and R. II. Cuirin, of Currinsville; j
kinds, also sheep.
Advise me
SUDAN GRASS For Sale by- Carl Ilanson. of the Swede Settle­
what you have for sale.
ment; W . R. Telford and John,
Joe Nicholson
Jack Saunders. Currinsville.
Estacada and Garfield. Meyer, of Boring, 1). L. Erdman,
Phone care of Henry Githens.
H. F. Gibson ami J. C. Miller, of
FOR SALE — Good Second­ Ba rton.
A Good Old Line
Fire Insurance Company which hand wagon with wood-rack— ; Bob Schuebel.of Canbv. spoke j
sells insurance at a rate about as very cheap at J. P. Forrester's, for about half an hour on sub- j
jects more or less of vital import -1
Blacksmith Shop, Estacada.
low as commonly paid for unre­
ance to the league, but in many |
liable mutual insurance.
FOR SALE—Svphers Incuba­ instances digressed into national i
Wooster The Insurance Man.
tor, 140 egg capacity, good as new. and state matters, in which the
FOR SALE BARGAIN with Phone R. G. Palmateer, Garfield. audience was not overly inter- j
easy terms, 80 acre farm, in
Mr. Schuebel did call to the at­
Lower Garfield, on good roads,
FOR SALE 11 head of hogs -
3 A miles from Estacada. Forty will weigh about 751b each—price tention of the taxpayers many
flagrant violations of the county’s
acre under good cultivation, good 6'A cents, per pound.
layvs, among them being many-
John Githens, Alspaugh.
live stream, big barn, good pas­
due to the complex condition of
ture and many acres of virgin
timber, house in passable con­
SEED POTATOES Rural and Oregon s road laws.
The speaker urged the extension
dition. This place has cost ow­ Clyde Haven varieties
also for
of the taxpayers’ league m ove-,
ner $8500, but will sell at a big eating.
W. R. Woodworth,
ment. to include the entire county |
R. M. Standish.
Estacada Heights.
and for the purpose of organizing
Estacada, Or.
such a county league, invited all
Twenty-five sec­ taxpayers to a meeting to be held
FOR SALE Ford, 5 passen­
ond-hand bee hi ves. These hives at the Courthouse in Oregon City, |
ger. good condition.
are good and will last ten years on Tuesday, March 28th, next.
Dr. Adix, Estacada, Or.
yet. Also 20 colonies of bees. | Mr. Schuebel strongly scored
“ Our hens pay because they lay” Empty hives $1.25 each. Hives the Oregon City newspapers for
the high rate charged for the ad­
S. C. White leghorn eggs for
vertising of the County Delin­
hatching. Our breeding stock is containing bees $5. each.
quent Tax Lists this year, as com­
direct from Tancreds 250 egg J. B. Bowman. Upper Garfield,
pared with former years and of­
laying strain. $1.50 per 15 $6
R. 1, Estacada, Or.
fered a solution based on mailing
per 100. F. O. B. Estacada.
Phone or write. Geo. G. Cook
FOR SALE One good Chicago out said delinquent tax notices di­
Estacada R 1. Cottage Organ Cheap for cash. rect to the property owners.
Mr. S. Bowman, representing |
Mrs. Coral Smith, Estacada, R. 2.
the Oregon City Enterprise, in . n- j
SEED CORN Yellow Dent -
carefully selected from earliest
FOR SALE—One Brood Sow swer to Mr. Schuebel's claims, j
ably defended the official news­
ripened ears 5c per pound.
with 9 pigs. A bargain.
papers in their eharges for advei
Earl Day. Estacada, Or.
tising. showing that the curreu
list is almost double the size of
- 75c per setting of 15.
J. W. Moxley, Morrow Station. Notice Of Settlement Of Accounts last year’s and based on a flat -V
In the matter of the estate of Edgar cent per line rate, the same as is
charged in many other counties.
FOR SALE—Team of medium J. Stevens, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that R. M.
Mr. Geo. Turin-r of Barton re­
weight horses, set of harness,
heavy wagon and 14 inch plow. Standish, the. administrator of the es­ ported on the present status of the
Will sell cheap. C. W. Summers, tate of Edgar J. Stevens, deceased, has Barton giaiel pit and on the rec­
One mile east of Grange Hall, rendered and presented for settlement, ommendation of Judge Anderson
near Mr. Cahills.
Eagle Creek, in the County Court for the County of it was decided to await the action
Clackamas, State of Oregon, his final of the court before agitating the |
account of his administration of said matter further, as the judge said -
FOR SALE Hatching Eggs
White Leghorn "O. A-C. 200 egg estate; and that Monday, the 24th day there were plans on foot which he
strain". Also Tankard’s Best. of April, 1916, at ten o’clock in the hoped would end in opening up
$1.50 per setting, $8. per hun­ j forenoon at the court-room of said and operating the pit.
It was decided to hold the April
dred. Also Indian Runner Duck ! court, at the court-house, in Oregon
City, in said county, has been appointed meeting of the league at Barton
eggs. Inquire or write -
Cedar Brook Farm. Eagle Creek. | for the settlement of said account, at hall, on Monday afternoon, April
I which lime and place any person inter­ 17th.
It is hoped the next meeting!
ested may appear and contest the same.
FOR SALE at Highland, Or.
will have on its program as speak
Bay Team, 5 and 7 year mares, Dated, March 23, 1916.
era, the newly appointed county
R. M. Standish,
weigh 2800N>, new 3t< wagon and
road engineer and road boss.
Administrator of the estate of
harness, price $560.
Edgar J. Stevens, deceased. Messrs. Cobb and Roots.
F. Adams Jr..
As soon as the weather moder­
Claude W . Devore,
R. 3, Box 32. Estacada, Or.
ates and the roads get into better
Attorney for Administrator.
Date o f first publication, March 23, 1916. shape, the summer meetings of the
league will be held in Garfield.
C. A. Davis. R. 1. Estacada.
George, Spriugwater and other
Notice To Creditors
distant points Irom tile railway.
of Italian Bees.
A. Miller
El wood. Ore.
FOR SALE - Bronze Turkey
H<-n, good strain, splendid layer.
Phone Mrs. C. S. Allen
Six weeks old
$2. each.
L. J. Ewalt. E staeada.
FOR SALE Two pairs of gui­
nea fow ls.
R. S. Clark,
Phone Dover line. Barton. Or.
Estate of Fred Watson, deceased.
Notice is hereby given by the under­
signed, executor of the estate of
Fre ; Watson, deceased, to the credit-
urs of. and all persons having claims
heretofore existing
hc dnst, the said deceased, to exhibit
them, with the necessary vouchers, under the name and style of the Esta
within six mor.ths after the first publi­ cad a Furniture Company, of Estacaila
cation of this notice to the said ex- Clackamas County. Oregon, and consis
e, .itor at the office of his attorney in ting of W D. Henthorn and L. M. Hen-
the town o f Estacada. the same being thorn, is dissolved by mutual consent
the place for the transaction of the Said W . D. Henthorn having purchased
business of the estate, in Clackamas the entire interest of L. M. Henthorn
All persons who are indebted to the
Thomas Watson
Executor of the estste of
i undersigned are respectfully requested
to make payment to W . D. Henthorn.
Fred Watson, deceased.
at Estacada, Clackamaa County, Oregon
Claude W . Devore.
W . D. Henthorn
Attorney for Executor,
L. M. Henthorn
Dated March 16, 1916.
Henry V. Adix, M. D.
Physician and
Office Adjoining Residenre
Local and Long l*i»iancr Teleptu ne
The doctor’ s phone can be connected with your
home phone at night if requested. One long ring
Dr. L. A. Wells
Associated w-ith Dr. H. V. Adix
Dr. R. Morse
Physician and Surgeon
Tests Eyes and Fits Glasses
Office oil Main Str. between 1st and 2nd
Main and 5th StB.
Telephone Connection
Claude W. Devore
Attorney al Law ard Notary Public
Estacada, Oregon
Stone & Moulton
A tto rn e y s - at - Law
Pacific 405.
4-5-6 Meven> Bldg.
Home A 270.
Oregon City, Or.
Oregon Fire Rk lief Ass’n
Of McMinnville. Oregon.
Also First Class OLD LINE Insurance.
Phone 513
Automobile Insurance A Specialty
Team Work, Hauling and Packing
W ood delivered, any amount or length.
10c per Rig.
W. M. Yonce
S. E. Wooster
Estacada, Or.
K epres entino
Niagara Fire Insurance Co.
Established 1850
Cash Capital $1,000,000
tilt,,. ÍK . 8.
.‘ A . n o-
H^ve Installed A
Large Vulcanizing Plant
Can Do Any Kind
Retreading, Tubing or
Section Work
G- rage