Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, March 16, 1916, Image 4

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    Juniors to Play at Logan
The Sky Killers, the successful
play given by the Junior class of
the Estacada High School a cou­
ple of weeks ago in Estacada will
be repeated at the Logan Grange
Hall, Saturday evening, March
While the play netted a good
profit from its first presentation,
it is too good a sample of ama-
tuer theatricals to merely be giv­
en once, and as many people
have* a s k e d for a repetition,
should prove a profitable move.
More Concrete W alks
The concrete sidewalks have
been finished on Broadway. Es­
tacada, in front of the C. 1. C.
Rooms and News office. The
work was done by contractor
L. H. Burd.
The contract has been let for
a similar walk on the Berry prop­
erty on Bioadway, in front of
the Beckwith Jewelry Store and i
work has already begun on the
walks on the two sides of the i
Park property, at the corner of
2nd and Broadway.
D odge B rothers
Every Standard of Accuracy or Excellence W hich Enters
Into Construction of the Car is Established
By the Two Owners of the Business
The manufacture of every part must conform to the guages
and measurements determined by them. They fix the
formulas followed in melting, shaping and forging the
steel, iron and brass. From the handling of the raw
metals to the final assembly, every department in the or­
ganization is directly responsible to the Dodge Brothers.
Price for this wonderful car in Estacada is
“ If vou want to get there, get a “DODGE“.”
Clackamas Garage
Estacada, Oregon
Were Giving - -
100 cents Worth of Value for each $1.
whether in Feed, Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Sand or Gravel
4x12 inch Drain
$3.20 per hundred feet
30.00 ” thousand ”
Sand or Gravel'
$2.50 per cubic yard
Lumber &
E. D. Allen
W. J. Samson
The Yale System of Lighting for the Farm
Makes and Burns its Own Gas from gasoline
Each burner producing from 600 to 1200 candle
power light, costing not more than l?c per hour.
3 forms of installation. Hollow Wire. Hollow Pipe
or Individual Portable : amps or Lanterns.
Let me tell you more a out this safe, simple, eco­
nomical and efficient system of lighting.
I have a special offer to make to a Grange, Club,
Church or other community organization.
S. P.
Hunt Bldg. - Main Street - Estacada. Oregon
Voting Contest Standing
Following is a list of contest­
ants and their respective stand­
ing in the Thousand Dollar Mer­
chandise Prize Voting Contest,
as shown by the judges’ count,
ending Wednesday noon, Mar. 15,
the prize being awarded to the
contestant, having received the
greatest number of votes, during
the past week, being Mrs. Mable
Wooster with 100.962 votes.
Mi’s Mable Wooster 232,541
Mabel Keller
M E Church
Lucile Jones
Mrs. D. S. Fleming
Mrs Theo Harders
Abbie Wagner
Lucy Turel
Rosa Traehsel
Gladys Miller
Mrs. Bittner
Myrtle Looney
Erma Tenny
Barney Gilbride
Mary Wocdle
Gaye Sarver
Mrs Della Vallen
G W Morgan
Mrs Guy Wilcox
S. W. Benjamin
Veneta Page
Mrs Chas Duncan
Mrs. White
E W Ficken
Gladys Joyner
Sadie Wilcox
Wilma Kitching
Mrs R T Carter
Albert Lichthorn
Della Coop
1,005 i
The following, each received
the nominating vote 1,000.
Echo Thomas
Echo Githens
Mrs Ed Douglass
Mrs W E Cromer
Mrs Frank Boyer
Gladys Townsend
Mrs Willis Yonce
Alta Reisland
Emma Barr
James G Hamilton
Mrs Dr Morse
Mrs Archie Yocum
Leta Posson
Doris Lovell
Rosalia Allen
Roberta Reid
Helen Bartlett
Mrs Roy Douglass
Mrs Guy Hunt
Mrs J W Stevens
Mrs J W Stubbs
Hazel Freeman
Mrs R E Davis
Annie Krigbaum
Bertha Devore
Mrs Lou Baker
Hazel Beers
Albert Lichthorn
Edna Jorg
Mrs B O Boswell
Garfield Country Club
Ethel Tracy
The seventh weekly prize, a
Leather Rocking Chair will be
awarded the contestant receiving
the highest number of votes,
during the week ending at noon
March 22nd.
Bartlett Declares Candidacy
E. W. Bartlett of Estacada.
who some time ago announced
his intention of becoming a can­
didate on the Republican ticket
for the nomination of County
District Attorney, this week of­
ficially filed his Declaration of
Candidacy wi t h Secretary of
State, Ben W. 01 cot t.
In his declaration, he says “If
I am nominated and ’elected, I
will, during the term of office,
conduct its affairs in a business­
like manner, expeditiously and
without fear or favor.
As legal advisor to the County
Court, I shall endeavor to assist
in reducing the expenditures of
the county, in order to relieve
the taxpayer of excessive taxa­
I shall diligently guard the Juv­
enile Court and lend all assist­
ance to the uplifting and refor­
mation of the unfortunate ones
within its jurisdiction.
Believing that the office is one
created by the people for the up­
building of the community, mor­
ally and socially, I shall enforce
the law with all my power fear­
lessly, without favor and discrim­
His slogan is “To fearlessly
work for the best interests of the
Mr. Bartlett is one of the best
known men in the eastern part
of the county, having practised
law in Estacada for the past
eight years and having been
closely identified with the growth
and development of community,
being a leader in the work of the
Eastern Clackamas Taxpayers’
League and a member of the
East Clackamas County F a i r
Board, and the past six years,
h a s acted as the Republican
County Committeeman from Pre­
cinct 1, Estacada.
R. C. Deming of Garfield re­
turned home Monday, after a
four months absence in the east,
where he visited his parents at
Yonkers, N. Y.; attended the
National Canners’ Convention at
Louisville; investigated the east­
ern and mi ’die western market
conditions for Oregon fruits and
especially loganberries and at­
tended to other business matters.