Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, March 16, 1916, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County
Formerly Estacada Progress
V olume 9,
E stacada , O regon ,
N umber 26
Wrestling Matches Interest
Both Sexes
Court Appoints Road Boss
and Engineer
One of the biggest crowds
which has gathered in a long
time, last Friday evening filled
the Estacada Pavilion to capacity,
where they spent the evening and
an average of two-bits per head,
enjoying the much advertised
French Carnival, staged by the
Student Body of the Estacada
High School.
Between two and three hun­
dred men, women and children
from all communities in this
section, entered into the spirit of
the carnival, not only witnessing
the minstrel show, but taking a
peep at all of the side-shows,
from the “ blind-pig” to “ Ka-
zeema” the mysterious.
For original stunts, attractive
decorations and alluring exhibits,
the French Carnival was another
tribute to the originality, hustle
and “ pep” , which has always
characterized t h e
The minstrel show, consisted
o f the regular line of black-face
jokes and musical numbers, given
by sixteen of the high school
boys, assisted by Messrs. Hunt,
F e a t h e r s and M a r s h a l l .
While the chorus singing of the
sixteen strapping big fellows,
was about as loud as a bashful
c h u r c h c h o i r , attempting a
strange hymn, and part of the
repartee was sotto-voce, it fur­
nished good amusement for the
The candy booth, with its e-
qually inviting confections and
pretty girl attendants, was a
money getter, with other stunts
doing their share towards mak­
ing up the deficit in the Student
Body exchequer.
The finale, climax or whatever
the main event is called, consist­
ed of a card of as good wrestle-
ing matches as any sport fans
would care to witness. The pre­
liminary bout between Otto Jann-
sen and Herman Greenberg of
the high school, was short, but
snappy, while it lasted, with
Jannsen obtaining two straight
falls in about as many minutes.
The main bout, between Otis
Wagner, the champion wrestler
o f the local high school and Tony
Whitbeck, the Estacada cham­
pion, brought the fans to their
Concluded on page 8
With the return to his official
duties, of Judge Anderson, fol­
lowing a few weeks illness, the
county court last week transacted
several important matters of bus­
The purchase of the Canby
Fair Grounds by the court was
consumated; so any complaint
which the taxpayers may have
registered against the proposed
purchase, may as we'l be forgot­
ten. as the court abided by the
recommendation of the famous
December 14th Taxpayers Meet­
ing, when a few Canby people,
together with others more or less
financially interested, r e c o m ­
mended that the court buy up
the remains of the defunct fair
The purchase price of $7,950.00
covered the amount of the mort­
gages against the property and
probably the land is worth more
than the actual amount paid.
The court also entered into an
agreement with the Clackamas
County Fair Association to let
that organization continue to
stage the annual fairs, paying to
the county G % interest on the
purchase price, as long as the
grounds are used for fair pur­
The property can later, if nec­
essary, be used as a Poor-Farm
and judging from the statement
of one of the Fair Association
stockholders before the Commit­
tee of Fifteen, the property is
admirably adapted with its sand
soil to the making of a “ poor
farm” .
A more important and sensible
action taken by the county court
Iasi week, was the appointment
of a county road boss and a coun­
ty road engineer. The court had
been considering such appoint­
ments for sometime and after in­
vestigating the merits o f several
applicants, selected T. A. Roots
of Clackamas as road boss, with
S. A. Cobb, as engineer.
Mr. Cobb, who has been work­
ing for the county for several
weeks, will attend to engineering
problems in connection with the
road work; while Mr. Roots, who
has had ten years experience at
the Kelly Butte rockpile for
Multnomah County and two years
$1. P er Y ear
T hursday , M arch 16, 1916
Boring Delegation
Arguing New Road
A party of Boring men, com­
prising John Meyer, road super­
visor of District No. 5; Wm.
Morand, postmaster at Boring
and W. R. Telford, a Boring
merchant, visited Estacada last
Monday, in the interests of the
new road now being opened up
between the “ Swede Settlement”
east of Barton and connecting
with Boring, crossing the canyon
above the famous Boring Hill
Road about a mile further up the
The visitors called on a num­
ber of the local business and pro­
fessional men explaining the main
features of this new road, with
its proposed connection from Bar­
ton, making a direct highway
from Estacada to Portland.
A delegation of Boring men
will attend next Monday’s meet-
ing of the Taxpayers’ League at
Currinsville, when the question
of opening up a new highway in
place of the Boring Hill road,
will be discusbsed, although it is
likely some friction will arise, as
the Barton residents are propos­
ing a slightly different route,
crossing Deep Creek above the
Boring Hill, then joining with
the Boring Hill Road at the top
of the canyon. It is hoped that
a compromise can be affected at
this meeting, which will prove
agreeable to all.
County Judge,
District Attorney
And Others Expected
The next regular meeting of
the Eastern Clackamas Taxpay­
ers’ League will occur Monday
afternoon, March 20th, at Ely’s
Hall, in Currinsville, starting
promptly at 1 o’clock.
Judging from the list of speak­
ers who will probably be on the
program, and as several vital
matters will be up for discus­
sion, this meeting should be a
lively and important one.
President John C. Miller ad­
vises, that County District At­
torney Gilbert L. Hedges will
probably be one the speakers
and that County Judge H. S. An­
derson has been invited to give
the taxpayers the talk on tax
matters, which he had promised
to give at the last meeting, but
which owing to illness, he was
unable to do.
Bob Schuebel of Canby will
appear on the program, present­
ing his reasons for urging the
formation o f a county organiza­
tion of taxpayers, similar to the
local league.
Inasmuch as a jolt may be
handed some of the county news­
papers at this meeting, it is to be
expected that “ ye editors” will
answer “ present” at the roll-
call, to either talk back in open
meeting or wait until they can
answer through their news col­
Pay As You Enter Teas
The ladies of the C. I. C. are
What may end in either a good
about to inaugurate a series of
discussion, an arbitration or a
“ pay as you enter teas,” the ex­
fight, will be the question to be
act nature of which has not been 1 brought up, relative to the relo­
decided upon yet, but will be an­
cation of a road to offset the
nounced later.
present bad Boring Hill road, up
the Deep Creek Canyon. This
road is of importance to this en­
as road supervisor at Clackamas,
tire part of the county, as the
will confine his efforts largely to
stretch of highway mentioned is
the problems of grading.
part of a main road from Estaca­
The appointment of these ex­
da and surrounding country into
perts is a step in the right direc­
Portland. A big delegation from
tion and if they are men well
Barton will present their plans
qualified for the work, the good
for this new road and a similar
will and cooperation of the road
delegation from Boring is expec­
supervisors should be obtained.
ted to submit a slightly different
Although it will always be a hard
matter to obtain good cooperation
There is no doubt but this will
from the supervisors, with sub­
be an interesting meeting and
bosses over them, until the Coun­
all taxpayers are urged to post­
ty Court itself, is more willing to
pone work next Monday after­
abdicate its stand as the highest
noon and become better acquaint­
authority on road building, and
ed with the work that is being
willing to vest that highest pow­
done by this league.
er in expert engineers.