Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, March 09, 1916, Image 9

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Educators Visit Schools
While we hive no competition
r oo
Coun'y School Superintendent
J. E. Cnlavan and Assistant State
Superintendent o f Schools E. F.
Carle'on visited t h e Estacada
high school last Tuesday after­
noon, i n the interests o f the
Teacheis’ Training Courses and
|Standardization of four y e a r
course high school .
W e Strive To W in
you" approval and patronage
by our service.
I v V N / T IT IS
The Eagle Creek W. O. W. art
advertising a big dance to take 1
place April 1st, at Cogswell’s j
Hall, with a good time promised.
The Logan Base Ball Club are
planning to stage a colored min­
strel troupe at the Logan Grange
Hall, April 8th to which every­
one is invited.
A. M. Jannsen, Jr., o f Portland
spent the week end at the home
o f his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.
M. Jannsen o f George.
Cash Paid For E ggs
Kill those Squirrels
You can rid your place of all pests by using
Red Dragon
Squirrel and Gopher Poison
Be sure you get the RED KIND.
Estacada Pharmacy
T h e ^tehcaJU L Store
FOR SALE—950tt> Hamiltonian
buggy and saddle horse—4 year
old gentle and sound. Bargain
a. $50.0«.
0. S. C. Gerber, Estacada, R. 3
Saw Filing and Hammering
Electrical Wiring and Supplies
Steam and Gas Engines and Supplies j
for Sale and Repaired
That's Why
Getting The
$2. a day.
Hotel Estacada
$10. a week
Modem Conveniences
One o f the most delightful Resorts
on the Coast
Local and Tourist Trade Solicited
In Y o u r
FOR SALE—Buck Lambs from
registered Lincoln Buck a n d
grade Lincoln Yews. Send in
your order any time before March
25th. Price $10. each. C. M.
Folsom, R. 3, Estacada.
FOR SALE—One Brood Sow
with 9 pigs. A bargain.
Earl Day, Estacada, Ore.
Tinning and all kinds o f Metal Work
Have Music
These are just a few
of the Good Values
in Used Pi anos and
Organs to he had at
FOR SA LE -G ood Team Horses
(bay and gray) wagon and har­
Price $225. complete.
Horses well trained and able to
haul two cords wood on one load
from Springwater tq Estacada.
Address John Herring, Spring-
Sold under a positive money-back guarantee.
by WETMAN-BKUTON COMPANY, SO U mod Squar«, New York Gty
FOR SALE Hoosier G r a i n
Drill. E. C. Suier, Eagle Creek.
Estacada, Oregon
A t the
FOR SALE Grade J ersey heif­
er will be fresh in April. L. H.
McKenney, Estacaaa.
Phone Main 83.
chew. W-B GUT Chawing—the Real Tobacco Chew, u$w cut, long tkrod—taates like
you want it to taate—and lasts longer (ban the ordinary kind. As soon as men team
it. you hear them telling their friends about the Real Tobacco Chew. Get a pouch.
To Late To Classify
Palace Meat Market
Fred Jor$,
T E A D Y tobacco Mtiafaetioa—all day, every day, from a cltan. small
Portland. Oregon
Western Cottage
Kimball, Chapel
Kimball, style 141, 6 oc­
tave, oak case
Kimball, style 111,
walnut case
Kimball, style 459.
mahogany finish
FOR SALE—Single horst, Bug­
gy and Harness One Horse Wag­
on 2 Incubators— 14 Hens and 1
Rooster, Full Blooded White Leg-
j horns.
F. L. Bundy
R. F. D. 1. Esiacaua, Ore.
“ Our hens pay because they lay”
S. C. White leghorn eggs for
hatching. Our breeding stock is
direct from Tancreds z60 egg
laying strain. $1.50 per 15- .$0
per 100. F. O. B. Estacada.
Phone or write, Geo. G. Cook
Estacada R 1.
To half pint of water add 1 oz. Bay
Rum. a small b ox o f B arbo Compound
and '4 ox. of glycwrtna Apply to the hair
twice a week until It bacomss the desired
tRm4$ Any druggist can put this up or
you can mix It at homo at very little coat
Pull direction« for m aking and use come
In each b ox o f Barbo Compound. It will
gradually da *.en streaked, faded gray
hair, and rem oves dandruff. It is excel­
lent for fa l'ln g hair and will m ake harsh
hair soft and glossy. It will not co lo r the
scalp. Is not stick y or greasy, and doea not
rub off.
Player Piaros ' -
$ 100.
- 150.
- 325.
10 % Down
R. M. Standish
Estacada Representative
Wm. Hicinbotham, las. Ham­
ilton. Mrs. E. Craft and Mrs. M.
L. Sevier o f Viola, made a trip
to Portland one dav last week.
The late snow storm has brok­
en down the phone lines in Viola.
John Hughes o f Redland ship­
ped a load o f hogs to Portland
last week in Jas. Sevier’ s auto
How’s T h i s *
W a o ffe r One H un dred D o lla rs R e ­
w a rd f o r a n y ca se o f C ata rrh that c a n ­
n o t be cu red b y H a il’s C a ta rrh Cure.
H a ll’s C ata rrh Cure has beeu tak en
by ca ta rrh s u ffe re rs f o r th e past
t h ir t y -liv e years, and h e s b ecom e
known as the m ost re lia b le re m e d y lo r
C atarrh . H a ll's C ata rrh C ure a cts thru
the B lo o d o n th e M ucous s u rfa ce s , e x ­
p e llin g the P o iso n fro m th e B lo o d and
h e a lin g the disea sed p o rtio n s .
A fte r yo u h a ve tak en H a ll’s C ata rrh
C ure f o r a s h o rt tim ; y o u w ill see a
g r e a t im p ro v e m e n t in y o u r ge n e ra l
S ta rt ta k in g H a ll's C atarrh
C ure a t o n ce and g e t rid o f ca tarrh .
Send fo r te stim o n ia ls, free.
F. J. C H E N E Y A CO.. T o le d o . Ohio.
Sold by a ll D ru L gists. 75c.