Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, March 09, 1916, Image 5

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    Thousand Dollar
Merchandise Voting Contest
we re in the
Votes issued on every cent spent at the
A FORD CAR, five passenger, regular price $493.25, carries with it
at $443.25,
OAKLAND SIX costing $895. carries with it
The DENBY Trucks,
44,325 Votes
89,500 votes.
or an
ranging in price from $1050. for a 3-4 ton to $2150. for a 2 ton,
the same
rate of
for $1.
Votes will be issued for money spent in Garage Charges, Automobile Hire,
Repair Work or on the purchase of any and all kinds of parts and accesssories.
Tires, Horns, Oils, Gasoline, Presto-Lighting Outfits, Chains, Starters, Etc.
Dont put off your buying, as your sales now apply on the valuable weekly prizes, as well as on the Grand Prizes.
Sky Riders Take In $50.50
What One Cent’s Worth
Of E le c tric ity W ill Do
Heat an 8 inch Electric Stove for 30 minutes
Operate Sewing Machine for 6 hours
Keep a 6 pound Iron hot for 35 minutes
Heat an Electric Curling Iron 42 minutes
Percolate 12 cups o f coffee
Lift 300 gallons o f water 100 feet
Give Light of 250 candles for 1 hour
Toast Bread for 20 persons
Operate Luminous Radiator for 30 minutes
Warm baby’ s milk 6 times
Cook a Welsh rarebit in a chafing dish
Keep Heating Pad hot for 6 hours
Operate a 12 inch Electric Fan for 6 hours
Vulcanize 12 automobile tire patches
Keep Foot Warmer hot for 1 hour
Operate an Electric Griddle for 30 minutes
Correspondents’ Names Wanted
Votes Given On - -
Drinks * Tobaccos - Fruits
R. G. Marchbank's Store
The editor wishes to thank the
many people, who are sending in
news items from their respective
communities, but requests that
¡all such contributions be signed
by the sender, not that the name
will be printed, but in order that
the publisher may be able to
vouch for the authenticity o f the
items, in case it should become
Slides Hit River Road Again
The item in last weeks News,
The $50.50. proceeds from the
performance o f the “ Sky Riders’ ’ stating the River Road was open,
as given by the dramatic, talent proved premature, but the road
of the Junior Class of the Esta­ was open at that time, although
cada High School, last Friday I since, the storm has caused great
night, were fairly earned, for quantities o f earth to slide from
¡.he play was one o f the best if the overhanging hillsides, com­
not the best amateur perfo m- pletely blocking traffic.
Road Supervisor John C. Miller
ance ever given in Estacada.
While the class wish to thank reports that the road will be
the people for their patronage, cleared up just as soon as the
weather permits.
the attendants need no especial
In the meantime, parties trav­
thanks, for the show was more
elling towards Portland, can go
than worth the small admission
via Boring Hill or cross the
Clackamas at Barton, thence
The credit for this success, is
down the south side o f the river.
not only due to the Juniors par­
ticipating, but to the careful
Returns To Old Love
drilling o f the coach, Miss Bea­
trice Lilly, as the parts were so
This is not the title o f a book
well learned, that a prompter ¡o f fiction, nor the account o f a
was unnecessary.
patched up martial fight, but the
I term used by Doc Adix, in de­
Ernest Hoffmeister o f Eagle scribing the purchasing o f an-
Creek has gone to Portland, I other Dodge car by A. E. Sparks
where he is visiting his uncle, o f Estacada. “ A. E. ” last year
while having an artificial arm toured California a n d covered
! made, to replace the arm which many thousand m i l e s in his
was amputated last fall, follow­ Dodge, later in the season dis­
u s in g o f same and replacing it
ing a hunting accident.
, now with a 1916 model.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ewing of
, Cazadero, entertained a number
of friends at the Hotel Estacada,
last Thursday evening, where an
evening o f duplicate whist was
enjoyed, followed by a chicken
tamale supper.
Hog Prices Up
The March 7th report from the
P o r t l a n d Union Stock Yards
quotes the hog market as having
raised 15c, remaining steady at