Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, March 09, 1916, Image 10

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Henry V. Adix, M. D.
Physician and surgeon
Office Adjoining Residence
Local and Long Distance Telephone
The doctor’ s phone can be connected with your
home phone at night if requested. One long ring
Dr. L A. Wells
Associated w’ith Dr. H. V. Adix
Dr. R. Morse
Physician and Surgeon
Tests Eyes and Fits Glasses
Office on Main Str. between 1st and 2nd
Main and 5th Sts.
Telephone Connection
Claude W. Devore
Attomey at Law and Notary Public
Estacada. Oregon
Stone & Moulton
A tto rn e ys - at - L aw
Pacific 405.
4-5-6 Steven» Btdg.
Home A 270.
OreionCity. Or.
Oregon Fire Relief Ass’n
Of McMinnville. Oregon.
Also First Class OLD LINE Insurance.
Phone 513
Automobile Insurance A Specialty
Team Work, Hauling and Packing
W ood delivered, any amount or length.
10c per Rig.
W. M. Yonre
S. E. Wooster
Estacada, Or.
R e pr e se n t in g
Niagara Fire Insurance Co.
ORIENT INSURANCE c o . of Hartford
Established 1850
fH .
Cash Capital $1,000,000
g J t j v
^jnAftuc tion A'
Want and For Sale Column
FOR SALE Hatching Eggs —
Notice To Creditor»
5 cents per line. Cash in advance White Leghorn 0. A.C. 200 egg i Estate o f Thomas Samson, deceased.
Strain” . Also Tankard’s Best.' Notice is hereby given by the under-
Hitfhest $1.50 per setting. $8. per h u n - 1
administrator o f the estate
o f Thomas Samson, deceased, to the
price paid at Palace Meat Mark dred. Also Indian Runner Duck creditors o f and all persons having
Fred Jorg. ! ef?gs. Inquire or write -
j claims against, the said deceased, to
Cedar Brrxjk Farm, Eagle Creek. exhibit them, with the necessary vouch-
, ers, within six months after the first
publication o f this notice to the said
WANTED Someone to hatch administrator at the office o f his at-
I am buying beef cattle o f all
Advise me 50 or 75 chickens and I to fur­ ’ torney in the town o f Estacada, the
kinds, also sheep,
same being the place for the trans­
nish the eggs for same.
what you have for sale.
action o f the ousiness o f the estate,
Mrs. W. P. Ferrel, Barton, Or.
Jack Saunders, Currinsville.
in Clackamas Countv.
Phone care of Henry Githens.
W. J. Samson
Adminiatrator o f the estate of
FOR SALE Three fresh cows
Thomas Samson, deceased.
FOR SALE Kirsten One-man and their calves for $110, if taken Claude W.
Stump puller
cheap for cash if soon, as I have too much work to Attorney for Administrator
taken at once.
do. W. P. Ferrel, Barton, Or.
Dated, February 17, 1916.
Inquire at Progress office.
Sheriff’» Sale
Sheriff’s Sale
FOR SALE — Savage Rifle,
Case No. 14165.
In the Circuit Court of the State
32-40 caliber, 6 shot.
of Oregon, for the County of In the Circuit Court o f the State o f Or­
Inquire at Progress Office.
egon, for the County o f Clackamas.
National Bank o f Port­
FOR SALE Settings of thoro-
Oregon, a national banking
land, Oregon, a national bank­ land,
bred Buff Orpington eggs.
association. Plaintiff,
ing association. Plaintiff,
Mrs. E. W. Bartlett, Estacada.
| Clark W. Corey and Anna F. Corey
FOUND — A Good Old Line Clair E. Corey and Anna F. Corey | i husband and w ife. Defendants,
and Clark W. Corey her hus- j State o f Oregon, County o f Clack
Fire Insurance Company which
amas, ss.
band, Defendants.
sells insurance at a rate about as
By virtue o f a judgement order,
low as commonly paid for unre- State of Oregon, County o f Clack
j am^s, ss.
decree and an execution, duly issued
liable mutual insurance.
By virtue of a judgement order, I out o f and under the Beal o f the above
Wooster The Insurance Man
decree and an execution, duly is- entitled court, in the above entitled
Acclimated seed sued out of and under the seal o f j cause, to me duly directed and dated
cffrn y e llo w d e n t has ripened the above entitled court, in the a - ' the 7th day of February, 1916, upon a
bove entitled cause, to me duly judgement rendered and entered in said
well for past five years.
directed and dated the 7th day of court on the 24th day o f January. 1916,
February 1916, upon a judgement | in favor o f Merchants National Bank
i and i entered
i in said i court
* 0f P ortia ^ , Oregon, a national bank­
Rhode Island Reds 75c for a rendered
on the 24th day of January, 1916, ing association. Plaintiff, and against
J. W. Moxley,
in favor of Merchants National Clark W. Corey and Anna F. Corey,
Morrow Station.
Bank of Portland, Oregon, a na­ husband and wife, defendants, for the
FOR SA LE -B A R G A IN with tional banking association. Plain­ sum of $1,000, with interest thereon at
easy terms, 80 acre farm, in tiff and against Clair E. Corey and the rate o f 6 per cent per annum from
Lower Garfield, on good roads, Anna F. Corey and Clark W. the 30th day o f October, 1912, and the
■ A V i miles from Estacada.
Forty Corey her husband, Defendants, further sum o f $60., as attorney's fee,
acre under good cultivation, good ' for the sum of $2000.00, with in­ and the further sum of $17.50 costs and
live stream, big barn, good pas­ terest thereon at the rate of 6 per disbursements, and the costs of and
ture and many acres of virgin cent, per annum from the 30th upon this writ, commanding me to
timber, house in passable con­ day of October, 1912, and the fur­ make sale o f the following described
dition. This place has cost ow­ ther sum of $100.00, as attorney's real property, situate in the county of
ner $8500. but will sell at a big fee, and the further sum of $17.70 Clackamas, state o f Oregon, to-wit:
costs and disbursements, and the The Southwest Quarter (S. W. 1-4) o f
R. M. Standish.
costs o f and upon this w rit com­ the Southeast Quarter '(S . E. 1-4) and
Estacada, Or.
manding me to make sale of the the Southeast Quarter (S. E. 1-4) o f
FOR SALE Ford, 5 passen­ following described real property, the Southwest Quarter (S. W. 1-4) o f
situate in the county of Clacka­ Section Five (5i in Township Three (3)
ger. good condition.
mas, state of Oregon, towit: The South o f Range S'x (6) East o f the
Dr. Adix, Estacada, Or.
Southwest Quarter (S. W. Y \ ) of Willamette Meridian, containing Eighty
Thorobred An- the Southwest Quarter (S. W. %) (80) acres o f land, more or less.
NOW TH EREFORE, by virtue of
cona eggs for setting, direct of Section Four (4) and the North-
from Shepherd’s Strain.
$1.50 west Quarter (N . W . % ) of the said execution, judgement order and j
for 15 eggs or $8.50 per hundred. Northwest Quarter (N. W. %) o f decree, and in compliance with the
Section Nine (9) in Township commands o f said writ, I will, on Sat
T. W. Shankland,
25 E. 26th St., Portland, Or. Three (3) South o f Range Six (6 ) urday, the 18th day o f March, 1916; at
East o f the Willamette Meridian, the hour o f 10 o ’ clock A. M., at the
Duroc Jersey containing Eighty (80) acres Ol fron td oor o f the County Court House '
land more or less.
the City o f Oregon City, in said j
Boar. Phone J. M. Whelean,
NOW THEREFORE, by virtue County and State, sell at public auction,
of said execution, judgment order subject to redemption, to the highest j
FOR SALE Thorobred Chest- and decree, and _ in compliance bidder, for U. S. gold coin cash in hand,
with the commands of said writ, all the right, title and interest which
er White Hoirs—cheap.
I will, on Saturday, the 18th day the within named defendants or either
C. E. Kilgore, Springwater.
of March, 1916; at the hour of 10 o f them, had on the date o f the mort­
o,clock A. M., at the front door gage herein or since had in or to the
I°f the County Court House in the
capacity, Petaluma Incubator and City of Oregon City, in said Coun­ above described real property or any
part thereof, to satisfy said execution,
Brooder. Mrs. J. R. Hughes,
ty and State, sell at public auc judgement order, decree, interest
tion, subject to redemption, to the costs and all accruing costs,
highest bidder, for U. S. gold coin
W. J. Wilson,
FOR SALE Settings of Rhode cash in hand, all the right, title
Sheriff o f ClacKamas County, Oregon, j
Island Red Eggs 75c
and interest which the within
By E. C. Haekett, Deputy.
Mrs. Frank Ewing, Cazadero.
named defendants or either of Dated, Oregon City, February 17, 1916.
them, had on the date o f the
LOST In Springwater or on mortgage herein or since had in
hill, a riding saddle.
Finder or to the above described real Application For Grazing Permits
please notify
Notice is hereby given that ail appli-1
property or any part thereof, to
Frank Ewing, Estacada.
satisfy said execution, judgment cations for permits to graze cattle, j
horses and sheep within the Oregon j
order, decree, interest, costs and National Forest during the season of
Holstein Cow. all accruing costs.
1916, must be filed in my office at 506 I
will be fresh about March 19th.
Beck Bldg., Portland, Oregon, on or
W . J. Wilson,
Phone B. Schonburg. Estacada.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, |
March j o 1916.
Full inform»
charged and blank forms to be used in
FOUND Pair of good spec­
Bv E. C. Haekett, Deputy.
making applications will be furnished
tacles. Owner pay for this ad­
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., Feb- upon reguest,
vertisement. Dr. Adix. Estacada. ruary 17. 1916.
T. H. Sherrard, Supervisor. I
SPORTSMEN—Do you get the
‘ ‘Oregon Sportsman” ? It is one
of the best fishing and hunting
magazines published
- issued
quarterly. Subscribe for it now.
25c per year. Address
Bt#i S. Patton, Deputy Game
Warden, Estacada, Or.
FOR SALE - Turkey Hen —
good strain—splendid layer.
Call upor write Mrs. C. S. Allen,
Cazadero, Or.