Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, February 24, 1916, Image 2

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    Parent Teacher Association
The following program was;
given at the January meeting of!
the Parent Teacher Assn: -
Piano solo
Bertha Devore
“ Pure Literature in the Home” I
Rev. Spiess|
Bible Stories
Mrs. Devore
Books Children Enjoy
Miss Anderson
The School Library
Miss Wash
Books High School Students En­
Miss Lilly
The Civic Club Library
Mrs. Morton
The National Reading Circle
Mrs. Boswell
Violin Solo
Katie Murphy
The February meeting was
held in connection with the fair
at the school.
Dr. De Busk of
the U. of 0. delivered a very in­
teresting lecture on the “ Life of
George Washington” . The lec­
Herman Wallace, the local chief turer attributed the success of
forest ranger, who has been sta­ the national hero to three causes;
tioned at the Oak Grove Ranger first know ledge, or the amassing
Station for several months past, ! and storing of facts; second; wis­
and who, with his sister, had dom, or the utilizing of facts;
previously lived at Cazadero, has third, enthusiasm, without which
rented and is occupying the E. neither knowledge nor wisdom
M. Miller house in Estacada.
is of any avail.
The next meeting occurs March
Mrs. A. Tenny of Springwater 9th at 3 o’clock.
is spending the week with her
daughter, Mrs. Ray Miller of
The Viola School will have a
program Friday, under the su­
Mrs. Cockerline, mother o f pervision of Miss Woodle, the
Frank and Clark Cockerline of teacher, the parents of the pupils
furnishing the refreshments.
Viola, is making them a visit.
C. I. C. Dance Enjoyed
Last Monday night’s C. I. C.
dance at the Estacada Pavilion,
besides furnishing an evenings
enjoyment for a good sized crowd
of dancers, incidentally netted
the C. 1. C. between $10. and
$15. profit, which will pay for a
couple dozen more good books for
the library. An extra fine lunch,
comprising home made chicken
salad, sandwiches, cakes and cof­
fee was a much appreciated at­
traction to the affair.
The Eagle Creek Camp, No.
539, Woodman of the World of
Eagle Creek have already gotten
out posters advertising a big
dance to be held at Eagle Creek,
under the auspices of that organ­
ization, o n Saturday evening,
March 4th, to which all are in­
Does Your Kitchen or Bath Room Need
Drifted Snow Flour ..........;
+ + + + + + + + + + + + * + + + + + + + + + + +
was officially awarded the
Grand Prize
Chevrolet Car
The price is only $675.
and you get everything that is in a higher priced
car and that means much more than is in a
cheaper car.
The upkeep is remarkably low,
the power ( valve IN h e a d motor ) exceeds
specifications and the speed, beyond many cars
of higher price.
Get your money’ s worth and comfort.
Clackamas Garage
f stacada, Oregon.
This Is The Highest Possible Award
* and was Given over All Competing Brands
♦ -
Try it
It is the Best
Ware Cash Premiums
+ + 4--I- + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Beginning Saturday, with each cash
purchase we will give a Receipt Ticket.
Dont Forget To Ask About Our New
Our plan of exchanging these for alumi­
num ware will be announced 'ater.
Get interested in these Receipt Tickets
for they mean A Real Saving to you.
This is not a very big deal, nothing
startling at all, but each customer paying
cash gets the same return for a dollar.
* + ♦ + + + ♦♦ + ♦♦ + + + + + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
+ +
Eagle Creek Notes
Call and inspect our sample lines of O IL E D , E N A M E L E D
Grange met Sat- i
F IN IS H E D W A L L P A P E R S , that can be washed and clean­
members being
ed. Variety of designs - 40c and up per roll.
present. As Master M. C. Glov­
er is away and the overseer ab­
If you want to save money on W all Paper*— remem­
sent. Past Master Edwin Bates'
ber we are the selling agents for the famous Boll’ s Wall Paper occupied the chair. A pleasant
and profitable time was spent. |
Co. of Portland.
The five officers who were absent j
from the January meeting, were
Get the Habit and Trade at
installed Saturday, Mrs. S. E. j
Bates, assisted by Will Still, act­
ing as installing officers— those
Broadway at 2nd - Estacada, Oregon
installed being Mrs. L. Glover,
Chaplain; Mrs. Linnie V. Gibson;
Ceres; Mrs. Jennie Smith, Pom­
ona; Miss Myrtle Hoffmeister,
Flora; and Miss Ethel Hale, Lady
Assistant Steward. Among the
visitors present were Mrs. IdaE.
Hicks of Chicago; Mrs. Martha
Wilcoxin of Indiana: Mrs. Ida E.
Sullivan of Seattle; and Mrs. I
Freda Kirchem of Logan.
at the Panama Pacific International Exposition
at San Francisco
“ Your Satisfaction
Repapering ?
Is Our Success”
19 16
” 25 ”
Complete with Electric
Starter and Lights
$ 745 .
Delivered at Estacada
Demonstrations Gladly Given.
H. P. Jochimsen
We Big One
R. B. Gibson and wife and H. !
S. Gibson were calling at the
home of H. S. Gibson of Barton,
Never Would Have Gotten Away
Mrs. Freda Kirchem of Logan
if you had used
! was the guest of her sister, Mrs.
! Walter Douglass, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Benson of Logan
visited at the Roy Douglass home
After several years experience in using and
Milt Marshall and wife and J. selling fishing tackle of all kinds, I shall now
! P. Woodle and wife, of Estacada, handle the famous Backus & Morris line ex­
called upon Mrs. Howlett Sun­ clusively and my new stock comprises every­
day afternoon.
thing from high grade rods, to flies, lines,
reels,, baskets and hooks.
Mr. Rudolph Christman, the
| new owner of the former Stokes Leave your order with Ed Boner Estacada, Ore.
ranch in Garfield, is building a
garage for his new 1916 Franklin Lunches ■ Confectionery • Cigars • Kodaks
Morris Fishing Tackle