Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, February 24, 1916, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County
Formerly Estacada Progress
V olume 9,
N umber 23
E stacada , O regon ,
T hursday , F ebruary 24, 1916
More Candidates in the Field
Oregon City vs Estacada
As usual, Oregon City is claim­
In the past week, the announ­
ing the county title, but in this j
cement has been made of two or
instance it is justifiable, as far
three more residents of this part
Arrangements Under Way
as,Estacada is concerned, for the
of the county, who are willing to
county-seaters clearly demon­
To Stimulate Alfalfa Culture
shoulder the responsibilities of
their superior basket ball
the cqmmissionership.
At a meeting of the directors
ability last Friday night, when
John Githens of Alspaugh, one
o f the East Clackamas County
they defeated the Estacada High
of the best known men in this
Fair in Estacada last Monday
School team at Oregon City, by a
section, has annouced that he
forenoon, H. C. Stephens o f
score o f 45 to 9.
will run for the nomination on
George was elected president for
A return game will be played
the ensuing year, with Ed Shear- j the Democratic ticket.
Estacada, at the pavilion, next
Contrary to the rumored re­
er of Garfield, vice president.
evening and a good
The election of a secretary and
crowd of local fans should be
dy would not run for the com-
other officials will occur at a
present to see if consistent root­
missionership, his declared in­
later date.
ing will help the E. H. S. squad
tention of so doing, was herald­
The News wishes to herewith
make a more creditable showing.
ed through the county press the
correct an error in last week’s
The .ineups for the teams were
past week.
issue, i n which it mentioned
As was to be expected, some
Sudan grass, as being the forage
Estacada-center, Dale; guards,
of the residents of Eastern Clack­
crop which the fair committee,
Denny and Jannsen; forwards,
amas are claiming a “ frame up”
through the P. R. L. & P. Co.,
Wagner and Harkenrider.
wished to obtain plantings of.
in connection with the recent
Oregon City center, Green;
By mistake th e name Sudan
political meeting in Estacada,
guards, King and Farr; forwards,
grass was furnished in the news
which endorsed Messrs. Reed
Miller ana Milliken.
and Stephens for the commision-
item to the editor, instead of
alfalfa, which is the crop which—
ership and legislative office.
Bound Over to Grand Jury
the farmers are asked to cooper­
Any fair minded person who
ate in by experimental quarter
was present, will admit that the
The second trial of Paul Light-
and half acre plantings.
voters at that meeting compris­
ner o f Eagle Creek, for alleged
ed representatives in fair propor­
The P. R. L. & P. Co., have
assault, wfith Dave Hoffmeister
generously offered to contribute
tion from all nearby districts,
of Eagle Creek, as complainant,
in any way possible to help the
f r o m Barton, Eagle Creek,
came up for a hearing in Justice
experimental work in acclimat­
G e o r g e , Garfield, Cazadero,
Devore’s court last Friday morn­
ing alfalfa to this section. They
Springwater and Estacada and
have offered to secure the best
the number from Estacada was
Assistant District Attorney
availaule authorities on the sub­
too small in proportion.
Burke of Oregon City, acted as
ject of alfalfa culture, to help in
The Progress, (or rather the
prosecutor with W. A. Heylman
this work and have written to
News) has received several let­
representing Lightner, ending in
the 0. A. C., asking for such an
ters and verbal complaints in the^
Justice-Devore binding the de­
expert to give a practical talk on
last week, from Oregon City and
fendant over to await the action
the subject at a public meeting
o_her points, kicking against the
the April grand jury, the de­
in Estacada t j oe nelu Saturday
repo -t tnat Eastern Clackamas
fendant being released on his
aiternoon, March 4th, although
was trying to hog all of the
own recognizance.
later announcement wnl be made
if this uate is finally decided
political jobs. Eastern Clacka- j
mas does want to be represent­
School Fair Staged Tuesday
Already the News has received
ed in the county court and legis­
Value OF Domestic Science Evident
word from many local farmers,
lature, but aside from that is not
expressing their willingness to
Need Of Manual Training
interested in any other offices,
experiment carefully and thor­
except as possibly some of its
On Tuesday, February 22nd,
oughly wah tlu culture of alfalfa
and it is hoped that seed for such
citizens may nave private aspir­
the Estacada schools were closed
plantings will soon be available.
ations for political honors.
as far as the regular sessions
In a recent talk at the Portland
It would be as fair to blame
were concerned, but the annual
Union Stock Yards, the agricul­
Oregon City collectively with
fair was staged, with a
tural expert for the Northern
wanting too many political offices,
goodly showing of exhibits from
Pacific and Great Northern Rail­
just because a number of its
all departments, from grammar
ways, stated, prosperity of the
farmers of the Willamette Val­
citizens have private yearnings.
to high school.
ley, depended upon a cheaper
The exhibits in the Domestic
production of pork. He stated,
Registration Light
divisions, including cook­
t h a t certain distant sections,
Eastern Clackamas seems to
ing, sewing and kindred work,
where pasturage is given to hogs,
be no exception to the rule, when
were themselves the strongest
the pork is produced at a cost of
from 3 to 3>4c per pound, while
it comes to apathy in the matter ! argument which could be ad­
the statistics showed the oost in
of registration and with the pri­
vanced demonstrating the value
this part o f the state to be near­
maries but a few months away,
this practical instruction, and
er 6c. The 0. A. C., as the re­
it wdl mean a last day rush for
a surprising thing was the num­
sult of late experiments, an­
ber of prize winning exhibits dis­
nounce they have been able to
produce pork as low as 4'jC and
played by the boys.
With the added vote o f the
expect to decrease that figure.
women, Clackamas County should
First prize ribbons in this de­
The 6c figure is about a fair
poll a vote of about 14,000 at the
partment, were awarded to the
average for pork producing cost
coming election, but s e v e r a l | following pupils, for sewing or
here and the work now being un-
Concluded on page 9
thousand have not registered yet.
Concluded on page 5
$1. P er Y ear
Other Sections Eagerly Watching
Estacada’ s Attempts To Form
Community Church
Aside from the main value,
which would accrue to Estacada
and vicinity, as a power for good,
the advertising value of a com­
munity church, would be an as­
set, similar t o t h e Estacada
While no noticeable advance
has been made in the past week
in the actual formation or form­
ulating o f plans for community
worship, t h e attempts which
have been made to date have al­
ready attracted the attention of
a number of other sections, judg­
ing from the space given to the
subject in the two Oregon City
papers, as well as in the Port­
land press.
The Oregon City Enterprise in
an editorial, commends a similar
action which has taken place at
Scio, Oregon, in which the five
denominational churches h a v e
joined in forming a Federated
The Woodburn Inde­
pendent in discussing this new
church, predicts that within a
year, the membership will be
The Enterprise further states—
“ Estacada has under considera­
tion a plan of consolidating the
protestant churches o f that town,
and the plan could be tried out.
probably with success, in a num­
ber of other communities.”
Editor Brown of the Oregon
City Courier in the course of a
half column article, after duly
complimenting and making fun
of the editor of the Progress, for
his stand on the subject, seems
to feel that the formation of a
community church would be a-
bout as likely of consumation, as
the formation of a “ community
political party.” Editor Brown
recognizes the value of such a
united effort, but in the follow­
ing extract has the idea the spir­
it of Christian unselfishness is ab­
sent saying:— “ It appears that
almost every church in the Esta­
cada country is willing to be T HE
community church, but no church
has yet been found which is will­
ing to dissolve its own individu­
ality and merge with some other
Some disapointment has been
expressed at the outcome of the
informal meeting, which was ad-
Concluded on page 6