Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, February 17, 1916, Image 5

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    Eagle Creek Notes
From Stockings to P in s -----------
Dry Goods, Millinery, Corsets, Notions, Etc.
The place to buy it is at
The W. 0. W. play, “ Millions
in I t ,” at Eagle Creek Saturday
evening was very well attended
and a good time enjoyed by those
where you tret
I Vote for each I cent purchase
Mrs. Kate Courter and son,
James Taylor, left on Tuesday
for their home in Dufur.
Headquarters for —
Childrens and Infants Wear
Miss Selma Bock, of Damascus,
came up to Mrs. Howlett’s Sun­
day and will remain and assist
with the work for a while.
W. W. Cooke was a guest at
the home o f his grandmother,
Mrs. Howlett, Sunday.
E. L. Hollander is busy these
days clearing some of his land.
Mrs. Hattie Clester was a guest
at the home of her son, Guy, a
part of last week.
A couple o f horse buyers were
in the neighborhood on Monday,
but found no horse that suited
Miss Edna Kennedy was the
week-end guest of her sister,
Mrs. Marshall Alspaugh, o f Port­
R. B. Gibson and wife were
Estacada visitors Saturday.
On Subscription Accounts
The Estacada Progress
Light in Weight
Strong in Power
and Endurance
Six-$895, here
Odd C u re s F o r S e a sic k n e s s.
T e a ch e s a Lesson.
.Money Is never spent to so much nd-
i vantage as when you have been cheat­
ed out of it for at one stroke vou have
pnrchMsod prudeme Schopenhauer.
Here is a six, weighing 2100 pounds,
T h s S p it of C e re m o n y.
yet is large enough to carry five
! Among the Akikuyu of blast Africa,
people comfortably.
described by Mr and Mrs. \V. S. (tout*
ledge in •‘ With a Prehistoric People.**
to spit u | m * ii a person or thing indicates
good will
'Tlie blacksmith spits upon
the sword he has forged before hand­
Business judgement demands that ing At over to rfie owner. So. too.
vou consider this new O A K LA N D Six courtesy demands that a man should
In Ids hand t*»foiy offering it to a
if you are in the market for a light car. ‘ spit
friend, and the female visitors spit
upon the newly arrived youngster as a
Demonstrations Gladly Given
sign of welcome ' Even in England
there are relics of the same custom in
the habit among the lower classes of
Wm Underwood
Estacada, Or. i spitting on a coin.
Develops 30 to 35 horse-power, and,
with its light weight, will carry you
easily over any road.
Estacada Garage
Laugh For An Hour And A Halt
Amorim curious remedies for seasick
With t h e pleasant, weather
ness is that which is popular anioiitf
1 the mariners in the levant—the dally here, the attendance at the pic­
swallowing of Iron rust, which Is oh
ture shows is improving and next
ruined by the simple process of scrap
ing It off rhe anchor or anchor chain Wednesday evening's five part
I Hut this Is only part of the treatment. Kleine comedy, “ The Fixer” will
: for a small pouch containing roasted
I furnish an hour to two o f enter­
salt and dowers of thyme must he tied
j upou the abdomen as firmly as ran In* tainment, which will be one con­
i borne, this being considered to counter tinuous laugh.
act the effect of tin internal disturb .
«lice caused by the rolling of the ves- !
Leap Year Party
I sel
Known to the ancient <¡reeks as
| 'thymlan salt." the'preparation has at
One o f the first leap year par­
least the authority of old age. while
Its efficacy Is not without modern tes­ ties of the season was held last
timony. And the belt Is lietter than Saturday evening, at the C. I. C.
salt and faith better than the belt
hall, when about a score o f the
fair sex of Estacada and vicinity,
entertained an equal number of
the men.
Dancing was the order o f the
evening, followed by refresh­
ments, the festivities continuing
until a late hour.
A four year old colt belonging
to Eb Lacey o f Springwater was
seriously injured a week or so a-
go by careless hunters, the ani­
mal receiving a bad bullet wound
in thp rump. Mr. Lacey reports
that considerable other damage
has been done in his neighbor­
hood in the past few months by
reckless hunters.
Mrs. Howlett received a call
from Mrs. Roy Douglass on Sat­
E. Naylor and wife, W. F.
Douglass and Janies Taylor were
Estacada visitors on Monday.
Mrs. J. W. Cahill called on Mrs.
Howlett last F riday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Douglass
were entertained at dinner Sun­
day by E. Naylor and wife.
Mrs. Domm visited w i h M rs.
de Ronne Sunday.
A. D. McMillan and wife have
moved to their new home down
near Gresham.
Mrs. H. S. Jones was the guest
o f her mother, Mrs. Viola Doug­
lass, recently.
Miss Meda Murphey called on
Mrs. Rosa Baker. Monday.
Mrs. Cora Udell spent last
Wednesday with Mrs. R. B. Gib-
| son.
M rs.
or three
Roy Douglass’ father,
Moehnke, and brother,
were her guests for two
days last week.
Mrs. Bessie Douglass was vis­
iting with Mrs. Howlett last Wed­
A. W. Cooke and wife, o f Da­
mascus, were the guests of Mrs.
| Howlett for a couple o f days last
i week.