Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, February 17, 1916, Image 4

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    Voting Contest Standing
Quarterly Business Meeting
Brides In India.
A bride in India never sees her hus­
The quarterly business meeting band until after the marriage cere­
o f the Estacada M. E. Church mony. The parents choose the wife
for the son o f the house without con­
will occur next Saturday after­ sulting either party. Sometimes the
bride is as young as fourteen. The
noon, at 2 o ’oclock, with preach­ child is gorgeously dressed and placed
on a dais behind a sheet, the women
ing in connection with it.
o f tlie family being iu attendance.
N e x t Sunday morning, Dr.
On the other side o f the sheet are the
Ford will preach in Estacada and bridegroom and many o f his young
men friends. The groom keeps throw­
at 7 P. M.’ will occupy the pulpit ing over jewels attached to flowers*,
at the Currinsville church. Ev­ which the women on the brides side
remove and place in her lap or on her
eryone is cordially invited to be , j»er8on.
This tirst ceremony is called the
Rev. H. Spiess.
shadee. and. although u man is allow ed
four wives, no other ever holds the
same position as the tirst rboseu for
Eagle Creek Dance
! him. The others are of little im|>or-
tuuce* living their lives more or less as
Fred Anderson advises that servants to the tirst wife. As the tirst
wife gets to middle age she is kuowu
bills will soon be out, announcing as the begum. — Pearson s Weekly.
a big dance to occur at Cogswells
Mystery of a Diplomat.
Hall, Saturday evening, March O f disuppearuuces most mysterious
4th, under the auspices o f the W. was the case of Benjamiu But hurst,
who vauished Nov. *«¿0. IHOil. while en
0. W. Camp. Everyone invited. gaged on u secret mission for the for­
Different Method*.
There lire two different kinds of men
fllve one n piere of rope and he will
tinner himself: trive a similar piece to
the other and he'll form a cordage trust.
— Washington Star
A Real Artist.
“ Is Rrushpen a irood artist?”
"Is he pood? Why. he not only can
draw pictures that are erood. hut he
can draw checks that are good ” — Pitts-
hurerh Post
By medicine life may he prolonged.
yet death will seize the doctor too.-
eign office. Vienna was the young di­
plomatist’s objective, and. with his
friend and valet, in a post chaise. I’erle-
berg. a small |H>sting town in uortji
Germany, hud been reuched.
Bathurst supped and slept, awaiting
the arrival of fresh horses. Waking,
he asked were tlie horses ready and
passed out of the door to make in­
quiries Eight people saw him go out.
but none ever set eyes on him again*
Various theories were set ufooi— N’a
poleon’s spies, robbers, illness.
1912 in the forest near IVrleberg a
skeleton was discovered with a hole In
the skull as £|om a heavy blunt in­
strument. Was it that o f ” the English
lord.” as Perleberg people surmised?
W e r e Giving - -
100 cents Worth of Value for each $ 1.
whether in Feed, Lumber, Shinnies, Lath, Sand or Gravel
4x12 inch Drain
$3.20 per hundred feet
30.00 ” thousand ”
Sand or Gravel
$2.50 per cubic yard
Estacada Lumber & Produce Co.
E. P. Allen
W. J. Samson
ii You Hove Any Broken Castings
• All Kinds Of Brazing
G ive Pesznecker A Chance
Pipe Fitting
Sheet Metal Work v
Electric Wiring
Yale Lights and Stoves
General Repair Work
All Work Guaranteed
S. P. Pesznecker
Hunt Bldg.
Main Street
Estacada, Oregon
Following is a list o f contest-
j ants and their respective stand-
W e are not in the V otin g Contest!
j ing in the Thousand Dollar Mer­
chandise Prize Voting Contest,
but we are going to give
as shown by the ju dges’ count,
ending Wed nesday noon, Feb. 16,
the prize being awarded to the
contestant, having received the
greatest num berof votes, during
the past week, being Mrs. Mable
Wooster, with 41,979.
for cash on every dollars worth you buy in
Parties, whose names appear
below and who do r ot wish to be
Furniture- Mattresses— Dishes Hugs
¡contestants, are asked to kindly
Carpets— Wall Paper- Utensils Ete.
advise the judges or the Progress.
Get our prices before buying elsewhere.
Mrs Mable Wooster
Mabel Keller
Lucile Jones
M E Church
Abbie Wagner
Mrs. Bittner
. Both we and the manufacturer are
Gladys Miller
so sure that you will buy either a
Myrtle Looney
Mrs Theo Harders
4,995 ‘Motor Washer’ or a ‘Turbine Vacuum Washer’
Erma Tenny
if you are in the market for a
Rosa Trachsel
Gaye Sarver
Mrs Chris Johnson
Mrs Della Vallen
Mary Woodle
Dora Currin
that we will gladly let you take either one o f
these machines to your home, use it for one
G W Morgan
month, doing the family washing and if you
Mrs Guy Wilcox
are not satisfied, you can return it to us and
you need not pay us a cent.
S. W. Benjamin
Veneta Page
The “ Motor Washer” hand power - $12.50
Ethel Horner
1,085 “ Turbine Vacuum Washer” hand power - $13.
Mrs Chas Duncan
With Premier Water Motors - $5.50 extra
E W Ficken
Gladys Joyner
Mrs Wm Kaake
Lucy Turel
Sadie Wilcox
Wilma Kitching
Mrs R T Carter
Della Coop
The following, each received
the nominating vote 1,000.
Gladys Carpenter
Echo Thomas
Echo Githens
Mrs Ed Douglass
Mrs W E Cromer
Mrs Frank Boyer
Gladys Townsend
Mrs Willis Yonce
Alta Reisland
Emma Barr
Janies G Hamilton
Mrs Dr Morse
Mrs Archie Yocum
Leta Posson
Doris Lovell
Elizabeth Mikulesky
Rosalia Allen
Roberta Reid
Helen Rartlett
Mrs Rov Douglass
Grace Denny
Mrs Guy Hunt
Mrs J W Stevens
Mrs J W Stuhhs
Hazel Freeman
Mrs R E Davis
Annie Krigbaum
Bertha Devore
Mrs Lou Baker
Hazel Beers
Albert Lichthorn
Edna Jorg
Mrs B 0 Bosw ell
Garfield Country Club
Ethel Tracy
Leila Howe
5 % Discount
30 Days Free Trial
Washing Machine
Estacada Furniture Co.
100 Votes
$1000 Voting Contest
Watch Cleaned
The third weekly prize,
Ladies’ Writing Desk,
will be
awarded the contestant receiving
the highest number o f votes,
during the week ending at noon
February 23rd.