Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, February 17, 1916, Image 2

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    Suggestions As To
Church Financing
The following letter from W.
R. Reid, o f Garfield, represents
the ideas of an experienced busi­
ness man, on the question of
church support and finances.
Mr. Reid’s suggestions a r e
right, except that he is overlook­
ing the ever present obstacle of
getting someone or more inter­
ested church members, to do the
Soliciting f o r any
work is disagreeable, but the ob­
taining o f church funds is a little
harder and unthanked for job,
than any.
easier and better. Suppose e-
nough people sign a Bankable
Bond to secure the payment of
$1200.00 in twelve months at the
rate o f $100.00 per month, each
bond man to mark the amount
opposite his signature that he is
willing to secure. The Bond is
placed in the bank, then the
church finance committee would
send out a subscription paper and
solicit from all who are interest­
ed in church work, the amount
paid in on subscription to be
turned into the bank to pay off
the bonds, the deficit if any to
be paid by the bond men. My
plan is to have all church bills
paid each month at the bank.
W. R. Reid”
“ Pear Editor:—
Pardon me if I “ butt in” on
church talk. I have had some­
thing to do with church finances
and 1 have found that ministers
Easily Managed.
are expected to pay their grocery
Ktrst Cilrl I m en» to l>e eneaped
bills just the same as other peo­
^hen I'm nineteen
Second Girl — Hut
ple. Ministers generally are not «upposim; you nin'i mnmtve If* Kirst
capitalists. I f the church stands G irl-T h e n I slutII reimim inneteeu nn
for anything why not finance it; [ r<l I »in enquired.
pay the minister when his salary
More Effective.
is due and have all the other good
Husband— 1 saw the dnrfor today
things that go with the church, H * says I must iru aw av and rest.
W ife— Did you show him vour ton sue*»
music and such things as will H nshand-No. hut I told him abom
help the minister do his w ork, yntirs
Which rooms are you going to repaper this Spring?
W a l l P a pe r s
have taken the agency
Bolls Wall Paper Co.
the high costs of genuine dye stuff because we cannot
i.i.port it from the belligerent nations who make it.
“I D E A L " Work Shirts and Overalls
A t The Same Old Price
Ideal Overalls
90c and $1.
These are the genuine Indigo Dyed
garments and carry our guarantee.
Ideal Shirts still sell at 50c
We advise that you come in now
and buy shirts for the summer’s
use as this price will only hold
This is an excellent value at 50 cts
and probably cannot be duplicated
as long as the war lasts.
“ Your Satisfaction
of Living
On Tuesdays and Thursdays of
each week, the cooking classes
o f the domestic science depart­
ment o f the Estacada Schools,
bake, broil, cook, stew, boil or
whatever the process may be, a
variety o f dainty foods, ranging
from bread and puddings, to
cakes and macaroni.
In Spite Of
To Lower High Cost
Habit and Trade at
Broadway at 2nd
the high cost o f cotton caused by its extensive
use in the manufacture of explosives, and
for the
You can make your selection from our extensive line
of samples or you can select from their salesrooms
in Portland and charge to your account with us.
Get the
In Spite Of
Estacada, Oregon
Owing to the cost o f the in
gredients, it has been customary
Chevrolet Car
The p ile is only $675.
and you get everything 'hat is in a higher priced
car and that means much more than is in a
cheaper car.
The upkeep is remarkably low.
the power ( v a l v e in h e a d MOTOR) exceeds
specifications and the speed, beyond many cars
o f higher pri<;e.
Get your money’ s worth and comfort.
Clackamas Garage
htacada, Oregon.
in the past to allow each pupil to
merely make up a very small
portion of the food, in fact, sam­
ples only. These girls are every­
one o f them good cooks and they
can do better work if they can
prepare a full sized batch o f food
at one cooking, but the obstacle
o f the cost o f the raw material
has so far interfered.
In order to made it possible
hereafter, for the girls to cook
in larger quantities, without ad­
ded expense, arrangements have
been made to sell the finished
products, at the bare cost o f the
raw materials.
For instance twice per week,
the classes will have for sale, a
Is Our Success”
few full sized loaves o f fresh
bread, two or three cakes, a cou­
ple o f puddings and the like.
Parties wishing to avail them­
selves o f this opportunity to buy
home made dainties, even better
than mother used to compound,
at cost prices, should immediat­
ely advise the girls o f the class,
or Miss Shrepel, the domestic
science teacher.
All o f the food prepare«! is ex­
cellent and under the supervis­
ion o f the instructor, cleanliness
is the first rule and all goods
sold are guaranteed to give satis­
faction. Leave your order now,
and you can ttnd out a half week
in advance the'fcoi.d things to be
with LO C A L. A P P L I C A T I O N S an th ey
cannot reach the s it >f th disease.
Catarrh is a local d.s a e great!y in­
fluenc'd ►y constitutional conditions
and In order to cure it you must
take an internal remedy
H a l l’s C a­
tarrh C u r« Is taken intern ally and
acts thru the blood on th' mucous su r­
face» of the system.
Mall's Catarrh
Cure r a s prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for v ars It
is composed of some of the best tonics
known, combined with « o n « of the
best blood purifiers. The perfect com­
bination or the Ingredients In H a ll’s
Catarrh Cure Is w hat produces such
wonderful results In catarrhal condi­
tions. Send for testim onials free
F an
* - C O - P ro p s .. Toledo O.
A ll DrusirlJta. 7,
H a lls Fam ily P .la fo r constipation.