Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, January 27, 1916, Image 8

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Eagle C reek Not?»
1916 Bush Auto
5 Passenger
4 Cylinder
Best V alue
th e
F. 0. B. Chicago
28 H. P.
Completely Equipped
A ge
No Extras
Electric Lights and Starter
Mrs. Kate Courier was the
guest of Mrs. S. F. Howlett last
Mrs. Ed. Douglass, receiving
word that her brother’s, Ells­
worth Clester, children are sick
with the whooping-cough, went
to Molalla the other day to help
nurse them.
Mrs. Hattie Clester has been
at the home of her son, Ells­
worth Clester, for several days,
helping to care for the children.
Mrs. Katie Douglass called on
Mrs. R. B. Gibson last Wednes­
day afternoon.
Herman Duus and wife were
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, Walter Douglass Sunday.
For Specifications See
E stacada,
Ladies Attention
In as much as we are one of the Estacada business houses
participating in the'
Thousand Dollar Merchandise Prize Voting Contest
we have decided to postpone further drawings on the
Weekly Set of Dishes, until about September 1st.
with each lc cash purchase
R em em ber we give in 1 vote
the new Voting Contest.
D ry G oods
N otions
M illinery
to the home newspaper,
and a desire to help its circulation and prestige and make it a power for good
in the community, is the reason the Estacada merchants, now conducting the novel
The Estacada Progress
to give
1,000 Votes
for every
paid on
Subscription Accounts, whether Renewals or New Subscribers.
Stop and consider
a renewal of your subscription now for $1. will entitle you
to just as many votes as a $10. purchase would bring elsewhere.
The Progress is the weekly newspaper of Eastern Clackamas County and over
<»5"„ of its subsribers renewed during 1915. so renewals and new subscribers are not
hard to get. So-get in the contest early, while the “picking’s easy.”
Call at the Progress office and let us help you get started from our lists of names.
The directors of district No. 50
put in some new window-lights
and oiled the floor of the school
house last Saturday.
Fred Hofifmeister’s horses that
have been sick for several days
are reported on the road to re­
Mr. Orke and T. C. Me Kay
took some hogs over to Buyer
Lucke, at Estacada, on Monday.
A. D. Me Millan and wife were
Portland visitors the latter part
of last week.
Jesse Douglass and family, and
sister, Mrs. H. S. Jones, of Port­
land, were the recent guests of
their mother, Mrs. Viola Doug­
lass. Mrs. Jones returned to her
home Monday morning, but Mr.
Douglass, decided to remain for a
few days longer.
Mr. and Mrs. John Reid and
son, Chester, and Henry Udell
and children were guests at the
home of James Gibson Sunday.
Miss Edna Kennedy made a
trip to Portland last Saturday,
returning to Eagle Creek Sunday
Mr. Kirchem, of Sellwood,
paid a visit to his farm on Deep
Creek recently.
T h « K in g 1« D e ad , L ong L iv a th e K in g .”
A b io g rap h er o f I-ouis X IV . o f F ra n c e
sa y s his <leutb w as an n o u n ced by th e
c a p ta in of th e b o d y g u ard fro m a w in ­
do w o f th e s ta te a p a rtm e n t a n d th a t,
"ra isin tr his sta ff of office ab o v e his
beud. h e b ro k e it in th e c e n te r an d .
th ro w in g th e pleops am o n g th e crow d,
ex claim ed In a loud voice, 'L e rol eat
m o r tr i'T h e k in g is dead !') T h en se a t­
ing a n o th e r sta ff he flourished It in th e
air. sh o u tin g . V ive le rol!’ ('L o n g live
th e k l n g r r T h e p h ra se w as used in
a n n o u n c in g th e d e a th o f o th e r F re n c h
k ings an d fo r th e last tim e a t th e
d e u th o f L ouis X V III. It Is o ften q u o t­
ed to sig n ify th e q u ick n ess w ith w h ich
official a u th o rity an d p o p u lar a d m ira ­
tio n a re tr a n s f e r re d from a d e a d ru ler
to a liv in g one.