Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, January 27, 1916, Image 7

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    ' W H E R E T H E Y W ILL R E G A IN D U R IN G T H E C O N T E S T , E X C E P T IN G 1 L E W E IK L Y . I R IZ IS .
Every article offered represents the
best prouuct in its line, with the furri>pire
bearing the well known Heywood Brothers &
Wakefield trade mark. In selecting these
prizes, we have spared no expense, not con­
tenting ourselves with selecting a fair grade
of merchandise, which would satisfy any
home, but rather choosing a higher and more
luxurious grade than any of us could ordinar­
ily afford to o ,\n.
Participating* Merchants
W. Givens
Bert N. Finch
Wm. Dale Co.
The Thousand Dollar Merchandise Prize
Voting Contest will begin Tuesday, February
1, 1916 and end at 12 o’clock noon, Wednes­
day. August 2, 1916.
Votes will be issued by the business
houses participating in the contest, at the
rate of 1 vote for each cent’s cash purchase,
except the Estacada Progress, which will is­
sue 1,000 votes for every dollar paid on sub­
scription accounts, whether renewals or new
All accounts charged and paid by the
10th. of the month following, will he consid­
ered as cash, with votes issued at the time of
On all old accounts incurred prior to
the opening of this contest and which are
R. G. Marchbank
Estacada Garage
and by . p cial arrangem ent
Estacada Progress
In annotneing this Voting Contest and
Trade Stimulating Campaign, we, Estacada
business men, desire to present herewith our
reasons for adopting this method of merch­
We do not wish to be misunderstood as
to our motives in this effort, nor do we wish
to pose as philanthropists in any guise.
As perfectly sane, ordinary business
men, we are primarily looking out for our
own selfish interests, but we believe we are
broad enough not to let our personal interests
be benefitted at the expense of our brother
merchants or patrons.
In making this offer, we have taken
into consideration all elements pertaining to
successsul merchandising and if we did not
believe that collectively we could increase our
^Participating Merchants
total gross sales sufficiently to allow of our
going to the expense of offering these valu­
able prizes, we would not do so.
We are merchants and business men of
Eastern Clackamas County, we are here to
stay and we are trying to build up our busi­
nesses honestly and if trade stimulation is
necessary, as we believe it is, we are willing
to furnish the stimulator.
Estacada and Eastern Clackamas Coun­
ty are peculiarly located, as regards trade
conditions, being too near a large city with
its constant attraction to the money, which
we believe should be spent at home.
This nearness to Portland and foreign
trading centers is a handicap to Estacada and
nearby merchants, as the average buyer is to
prone to buy at least a. part of his or her sup­
plies in Portland, and in some instances we
-■ ■■■■........... ...............
paid by noon, on M-irch 12, 1916, votes will
be issued.
No individuals will be permitted to so­
licit votes on any of the participating stores’
All merchants in this contest reserve
the right to promote special sales or give
t -ade discounts during the contest, but thte
ratio of one vote for each cent’s purchase
will be maintained.
A valuable weekly prize will be award­
ed each week to the contestant receiving the
largest number of votes during the proceed­
ing week, regardless of his or her standing
in the total vote. All weekly totals will, of
course, apply on the grand totals and any
contestant is entitled to win as many weekly
prizes as possible, and a grand prize.
are sorry to chronicle, the mail order houses
are receiving too big a part of the money
which should be kept in local circulation.
This arrangement, among us as mer­
chants, in different but not conflicting lines,
is not a banding together to win trade which
is now coming to Estacada, but an attempt,
which we believe will be successful, to create
more local patronage and promote more of
the “trade at home” spirit.
There will be no deviation from the
conditions of the contest as set forth here­
with, as the rate of 1 vote for each cent’s
purchase will be maintained throughout the
contest, excepting in the special arrange­
ment which we have made with our weekly
newspaper, The Estacada Progress, the cir­
culation and growth of which is of vital in­
terest to us as merchants, our patrons and
all residents of this community.
Votes will be counted every Wednes­
day afternoon by the judges, for the week
ending that noon. No votes will apply oh
the proceeding week’s standing that are
dropped in a ballot box after 12 o’clock noon,
The total standing of all contestants,
showing the winner of the weekly prize also,
will appear in the following Thursday’s issue
of the Estacada Progress.
Locked ballot boxes will be maintained
at the places of business of each of the par­
ticipating merchants, the keys to said boxes
being kept by the judges.
No member of the families of any of
the participating merchants, nor members of
the families of any employes of said mer­
chants, shall be allowed to participate in the
The following persons have been asked
to act as Judges, in the counting of the votes,
each week. In the selection of Rev. Spiess,
Mr. W. H. Holder and Mrs. L. E. Belfils of
Estacada, we feel we have made a selection
that will meet with popular approval.
Anyone residing in Eastern Clackamas
County may become a candidate.
The attached coupon will act as a nom­
inating ballot and will be good for 1,000 votes
for the candidate named. But one nominat­
ing ballot will be credited to a candidate.
Any person may become a candidate at any
time during the contest. Nominating ballot
coupons, similar to the attached may be had
at the stores of any of the participants.
The following named person
(W rite name of candidate here)
is hereby nominated as a candidate in the
Thousand Dollar Merchandise Prize
Voting Contest
entitling said candidate to 1000 votes.