Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, January 27, 1916, Image 12

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    Want and For Sale Column
5 cents per line. Cash in advance
price paid at Palace Meat Mark­
Fred Jorg.
M ILK and CREAM customers
Apply to
C. R. Lovell, Currinsville.
FOR SALE Bred brood sows
and stock hogs. C. R. Lovell,
One light buck-skin
colored steer, \ ' n years old, slit
in left ear and bell on, when last
Finder please notify
Wm P. Ferrel, Barton, Or.
$200. for lots 1
and 2 o f block 23, original town-
site of Estacada, corner o f Gth
and Broadway.
Enquire of
E. E. Hanna, Estacada, Or.
A black woolen
owner call at Progress
office and pay for adv.
Notice For Publication
There’ll be Something Doing
A t next Saturday night’s meet-1
Department o f the Interior, U.
S. Land Office at Portland, Ore­ | ing of the George Commercial & 1
i Social Club, there is anticipated
gon, January 18, 1916.
Henry V. Adix, M. D.
Notice is hereby given that | an interesting time, as the annual j
Physician and tirgcon
Virgil E. Waterman, of Welches, ¡election o f officers is to take
Adjoining Residence
Oregon, who, on April 8, 1909,
made Homestead Entry, No.
Local *r»H l ong Distance Teleph* ne
01781. forS G N E .'i and E ' A S E t f , are rival candidates for the pres­
The doctor’s phone can he connected with your
Section 9, Township 3 South, idency, with equal partisanship
home phone at night if requested. One King ring
Range 7 East, Willamette Mer­ being shown for the lesser offices.
This club, like any hustling or - 1
idian, has tiled notice o f intention
to make five-year Proof, to es­ ganization has its factions and
Dr. L. A. Wells
tablish claim to the land above | the honor o f being the president;
described, before the Register I naturally brings out rival candi-
and Receiver o f the U. S. Land | dates, although after the election j
Office, at Portland, Oregon, on j all members will probably "rally !
Associated with Dr. H. V. Adix
the 29th day o f February, 1916. 1 round the Hag” and join in sup­
porting the successful candidates'
Claimant names as witnesses:
and help them carry on the good
William E. Welch,
work of the club.
F. II. Tawney,
Dr. R. Morse
Edward M. Roberts,
I Ben Sufe Returned j a Winner
Physician and Surgeon
• Clyde 0. Tawney, all o f Wel­
Tests Eyes and Fits Glasses
“ Ben Sufe” the prize Persian;
ches, Clackamas Co., Oregon.
tabby, belonging to Mrs. F. L. !
Office on Main Sir. between 1st ami 2nd
N. Campbell, Register.
Heylman o f Estacada won a ll!
Residence: Main ami oth Sts.
Proof made according to law
honors in its class at the recent!
Telephone Connection
under which entry was made.
Queen City Cat Show, at Seattle, i
Mrs. Heylman is this week j
in receipt of a fine loving cup, ;
Chester White
We wish to thank our many as “ Ben Sufe’s” prize.
There are only five male cats j
brood sows, also good Chester ! friends and neighbors for the
White shoats. C. E. Kilgore,
help and sympathy shown us, ¡of this particular breed in the!
¡United States and as Mr. Hey 1- i
during the illness and death of
R. 3, Estacada, Or.
man says “ They are all Royal
our husband and father.
Gentlemen. ”
FOR SALE Lot in Rose City
Signed - Mrs. Marie Crane
Park, a bargain.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Culick o f j
! Ray Crane, Elgin Crane, Irene
Earl Jones, Estacada j Crane.
Heppner spent a few days re- j
cently renewing old acquaint­
HOGS FOR SALE 19 head o f | Henry Githens o f Currinsville anceships in the Alspaugh, Cur­
Poland China shoats, at the W ag-! is now visiting relatives near rinsville and Garfield districts.
They were the guests of Mr. and
Albany, Or.
ner farm.
H. B. Davis,
Mrs. J. W. Dowty of Alspaugh,
Miss Norma Randolph o f Viola whom they had known back in
T h e y also renewed
was tendered a surprise party Kansas.
last Tuesday evening, by her many friendships in the Lower
1 am buying beef cattle of all teacher. Miss Woodle and some Garfield section, as they had for­
kinds, also sheep.
Advise me | of her school mates.
merly lived in that vicinity.
what you have for sale.
Chester Randolph o f Seattle is
John Githens with his pack of
Jack Saunders, Currinsville.
at the home of his aunt,
Phone care of Henry Githens.
in rounding up and killing a coy­ Mrs. John Randolph of Viola.
In this community in I ote near Alspaugh.
N. C. Jannsen Of Portland
past few months, many dollars [ T h er e Is more Catarrh in this section , spent the week end at the home
the co unt ry than all other diseases
in insurance in unreliable mutual of
put to gether, and fo r year s It w as sup- ' o f his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. i
companies. I can give you “ Old [ posed to be incurable. Doctors p r e­ M. Jannsen of George.
scribed local remedies, and by constant- |
Line Insurance” at about the l y f a i l i n g to cure w it h local treatment, j
pronounced it incurable. Catarrh is a 1 Joe Youngferdorf o f Viola has
the same price.
See Wooster, local disease, g r e a t l y Influenced by con­
conditions and th er ef or e r e ­ returned after a two weeks ab­
The Estacada Insurance Man. quires constitutional
treatment. Ha ll's
sence in California, where he was
Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J.
Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is a con st i­ called owing to the death of his
There have been tutional remedy, is take n inter na lly
acts thru the Blood on the Mucous
some complaints of game birds and
Surfaces o f the System. One Hundred
r ew a r d is offered fo r any case
being killed in certain localities. Dollars
that FTall's Catarrh Cure fails to cure.
Anyone wanting to see the game Send f o r circulars and testimonials.
I J. C I I D N E Y & CO„ To ledo . Ohio. !
protected, can help by phoning
Sold by Drug gist s. 70c.
Estacada Main 69 or Main 139
H a l l ’s F a m i l y F i l l s f o r constipation.
and staling when and where
Next to your car in importance
is the tire question.
A tire at
hunters are out.
$17.50 guaranteed to run satisfac­
Ben S. Patton,
torily 6000 miles is certainly cheap­
er than a tire at $12. to $16. that
Deputy Game Warden.
In c re a s e Y o iir M ilk flw
Say Mr. Autoist!
Service Discontinued
Owing to inclement weather
and consequent traffic conditions,
the automobile passenger service
heretofore conducted by me. be­
tween Springwater and Portland,
will be discontinued until about
March 1st.
E. F. Donahue.
Carload Of Tile
Samson of Estatada
announce the receipt this week
of a carload of 4x12 inch tile
I rice $3.20 per hundred feet.
Adv. :
Y o u r C ow s
G iv e n s
h a d y
E s ta c a d a .
O regon .
■ B R O D K l
The wonderful ,
alfalfa and molasses feed.
Hundreds of the most success- j
fui breeders and dairymen en­
dorse it. Made by the largest A ‘
exclusive feed mill in the
world, w h r
>#*kr V *
Shady Brook Milling C*.
Walla Walla. Wu
will go only 3500 to 4000 miles.
Well the famous “ K N I G H T
tire is positively guaranteed to do
this and no quibbling over mileage
replacements if asked for.
good live rubber on tread, more
layers o f fabric than any other
tire made.
I f you see them you will like
them, if you try them you will love
“ The proof o f the pud­
ding is the T E S T IN G ” .
used, always used.
The first few buyers o f
K N IG H T tires and tubes (only
tubes known to be guaranteed'
will get good advertising prices.
Claude W. Devore
Attorney at-Law aid Notary Public
Estacada. Oregon
Stone 4 Moulton
Attor ney s - a t - L a w
Pacific 405.
4-5-6 Steven» Bldg.
Home A 270.
Dream ( ity. Or.
Oregon Fire Rtlief Ass’n
Of McMinnville, Oregon.
Also First Class OLD L IN E Insurance.
Phone 513
Automobile Insurance A Specialty
Team Work, Hauling and Packing
W ood delivered, any amount or length.
10c per Rig.
W. M. Yonce
S. E. Wooster
Estacada, Or.
R epresenting
Niagara Lire Insurance Co.
Established I860
Cash Capital $1,000,000
Drs. Brown & Brown
Veterinary Surgeons
will be in Estacada every Satur­
Those wanting veterinary
work done, call at Yonce’s Barn.
We handle a full line of veteri­
nary medicines and make a spec­
ialty of surgery and castration.
For rush calls, phone Broadway
2347- Portland, day or night.
911»*. fK. 9. .‘florid r
U t u t iu
n a fiu c lt o in y