Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, January 20, 1916, Image 6

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    Esta.ada Progress
or as the name
If the court
the Canby
Published every Thursday at
Fair Grounds, it will not be with-
lis tacada, Oregon
R. M. Standi-h,
Editor and Manager out a precedent, for the court in
the past has used its own discre-
Rntcre' l at the poatoffice in Estacada, j tion regarding other recommen­
County Has 1303 Miles Of Highway
Of All Sorts And Kinds
County Judge H. S. Anderson
has ju st prepared a summary o f
the reports of county road super­
visors for the year 1915, which ,
shows the class o f highway and
the work done on the roads d u r -!
I Irejfun, as aerond-i'latts mail.
ing the past twelve months. The
j The Progress fi-eis real hurt at report shows 1303 miles o f road i
S u b sc r ipt io n K a tk s
$ 1 . 0 0 the claim that it would be better altogether, composed o f the fol-1
One year
Six months
■ M
pleased to have the county fair lowing varieties:
staged at Estacada or Barton.
¡ Gravel or rock road redress, 58
Thursday, Jan. 20. 1916
All the Progress has urged is a j Plank Road
fair deal and that means locating Ï Gravel Road
The following letter from
the annual fair in a centrally lo- i Crushed Rock Road
O r e g o n Agricultural College eated place alon#fgood transpor-1 Bituminous Macadam Road
should he o f interest.
cation facilities.
Plank Road built in 1915
7 l/?
Mr. R. M. Standisti,
Last week, Governor W ithy- j Gravel Road built in 1915
Publisher Progress,
combe declared the charters of a Crushed Rock built in 1915 20 V?
. Estacada, Oregon.
My Dear Sir:
j list of corporations, among them Bituminous McAdam
built in 1915 ___
VVlirn we were at your insti - 1 being the Clackamas County Fair,
tute a few months ago there were some forfeited; owing tO failure to Sllb- I GraVel ° r R<xk R° ad mlreSS, 58
questions asked regarding the eradica-,
, ,
278 cement and iron eulverts
tion o f ferns from some o f the lands in i ni t an annUal , e P0 r t t o r t h e la8t ! have been installed in 1915, tak-
the vicinity o f Estacada.
I have re- t w o y e a r s ,
i ing the places o f that number of
cently receiveil from the Department o f | This last move forces the fu- plank culverts or bridges.
Agriculture, Washington, D. C., a bill- ture o f the county fair into the I There are reported in the coun-
letin No. 887, Farmers’ Bulletin, deal­
hands of the county court and : ty 512 bridges.
ing with the eradication o f ferns on some .
- n
The reports show further that
lands in the Ün.ted States.
I thought t h e r e 18 n0 l l m e llk e th e h r s t o f
has , been
that those who wish to read this bulletin ! the year to get busy at it; first 32 miles
, . of new | road
G aye dm
year, and that about $9000 has
been donated in labor or cash for
road improvements.
In road machinery owned by
the county, the principal items
are: 5 road rollers, 11 rock erush-
|ers, 1 gravel screening plant, 1
road oiling and asphalt heating !
outfit, 34 road graders, 40 road
drags, 79 wheel scrapers, togeth-1
iness matters, in a recent letter with a long list o f slip scrapers,
to the Progress, states that he is piows and other small tools.
Under the heading "D isg ru n t­
investigating t h e
led” , the Canby Herald last eastern market conditions, es­
Does it not seem odd that j
week handed out the following:
pecially as to the demand for Clackamas County, which De­
‘Speaking of the recommenda
cember 31st last, bragged of the
tion of the recent County T a x -! '»errie« and small fruits,
fact that the prohibition law
payers’ Meeting that the county j Re >’eP°rts a good demand for w'ould close but seven saloons in
could get a eopv gratis from the De- decide where it will be held; then
partment o f Agric ulture, so that you
appoint a lair board early.
could probably publish in your paper
the name artfi number o f this bulletin.
To Attend
Trusting that we may be able
to be (if some assistance to you in any
matter pertaining to vegetable garden­ National Cannera’ Convention
ing in your community, I am
R. C. Deming o f Garfield, who
Sincerely Yours,
j is now' in New y ork , visiting his
A. G. B. Bouquet,
folks and attending to some bus­
A ss’ t Professor o f Vegetable Gardening, i
make herewith an a n­
nouncement which will
be of importance to all
people in every walk
of life.
Estacada State Bank
j ° P en et^
purchase the fair grounds at this d ^ T n V
5 ? ^
A ?-oh? > !to ^ ? ro?i:i:
, . „ r, .
----- ------- — prunes, but to date ate the sum of $3,000. from the
place, t h e Estacada Pi ogress i the loganberry has not met with
. .
---------- .
------------------- --------- taxpayers money to enforce the
Under t h e conditions, j popular favor among eastern con- prohibition law'in this county?
the court has no alternative but sinners, although the loganberry
As near as we can ascertain, j
to do as instructed, but Commis­ juice seems to be gaining popu­ but one other county in the state j
appropriated any extra money for j
sioner Mattoon for one, says he
Mr. Deming intends to return the enforcement of prohibition, I
will not sanction the purchase,”
to Estacada next month and en- not even Multnomah County.
etc., etc. Looks as though Mr. route will stop at Louisville, K y .,
Are the taxpayers getting a
Mattoon deliberately and arbitra­ w here he will attend the sessions
good economic run for their mon­
rily says in effect that he will not
ey, under such circumstances?
obey the law as it is generally
Furthermore t h e
Progress, inasmuch as it is speak­
ing in condemnatory terms o f the
action o f the taxpayers and cites
Mr. Mattoon’s position in fur­
therance o f its view, it in sub­
stance commends a public official
for his announced intention to
disobey the law.
The Progress further charac-j
W e Recommend the proceedings of the
Taxpayers’ Meeting in part as
■foolish recommendations
were enacted by county seaters I Shady Brook Alfalfa Meal and Molasses - $ 1 .5 0 for 1 0 0 11, sack
an d th e
Canby delegation. ’
Doubtless if those ‘County seat-,
ers and the Canby delegation’
had recommended that the coun­
ty fair be moved to Estacada o>-
Barton the Progress would have
been better pleased.
It still remains a question with
many taxpayers as to whether
the so-called recommendations of
the Taxpayers' Meeting are law
In a short time we will
tra o v n. W AtkfR.
P re*i«ie«i
P re«.«lrn l
IRWIN D. WNil.III. Cashier
Interest paid oti time deposits.
C. E. Lucke
Livestock Buyer
Hogs, C attle, Sheep
AU shipment* made from
Estacada Stock Yards
Winter Rations
Phone W . Givens, Estacada agent,
for the Dairy Cow
for sale, and I will call and
Plain Alfalfa Meal
and advise him of what you have
and s h i p m e n t .
Bran and Shorts
(W e have just received a complete new stock of the above!
Trees, Shrubs, Vines
in need o f
Finish or Dimension
Gravel — see
Order NOW Before its too Late
Estacada Lumber
E. D. Allen
Produce Co.
W. J. Samson
Write, Phone or Call on
Sam J. Howe - Estacada