Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, January 20, 1916, Image 5

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Would you expect
A F ellow T o H a v e A ny R ed H ot B arg ain s
i'o M
weather whin every thing else is frozen op.
Well 1 always have a few bargains,
no matter what the time or weather.
Molasses Dried Beet Pulp
Is E n tirely O ff T h e M a rk e t F o r T h is S eason
But in place of this we recommend the feeding ef Shady Brook
Alfalfa Meal, which is No. 1 alfalfa and pure cane molasses.
A great milk producer $29. f>er ton $1.50 a sack.
Ask for o u r f re e p am p h le t “ R ation* t h a t h av e b een trie d and found E xcellent*’
Just Arrived
A C a r o f N e b ra sk a C orn
The best hog feed on the market
$36. per ton
Better lay in your supply of corn, for when this car is cleaned
up there will be an advance in price and this car wont last long.
If you would get more eggs
F e e d y o u r h en s A lfa lfa L ea v es a n d Blossom s
Natures greatest egg producing feed.
2516 sack - 65c
Every thing in GROCERIES and prices that are right.
We still have a few of our Kitchen Reminder Calendars left and
they are yours for the asking, and REMEMBER, we handle
all of the groceries that are shown on this calendar.
“ A Satisfied Customer is the Best Advertisement”
W a l t e r Givens
$2. a day.
$10. a week
Hotel Estacada
Modern Conveniences
One of the most delightful Resorts
on the Coast
Local and Tourist Trade Solicited
Picture Show C h an ges Dates
Manager Sparks of the Family
Theatre announces that hereafter
the Sunday evening moving pic­
ture performances wili be dis­
continued, with ‘‘Neal of the
Navy” and the regular program
given Saturday evenings instead.
A t Wednesday night’s per­
formance, January 26th, will be
given the 6 part Kleine jungle
masterpiece. “ Between Savage
and Tiger.”
C h ristia n C h u rc h S ervices
The Old Peoples’ Meeting, pre­
viously announced, has been in­
definitely postponed, owing to
bad weather-
Remember the rally Jan. 23 to
Pastor Jones will preach morn­
ing and evening, tne 23rd and
Monday evening.
Elder Swander will conduct the
services from TuesJay to Satur­
day, with services morning and
evening, Sunday the 30th.
Estacada, Oregon.
1 spirits. They say t h e name
S chools C losed
“Oregon City” is not as invinci­ It is reported that owing to an
ble as they had imagined, while epidemic of scarlet fever and
Echo Wade, M anaging Fditor
t h e treatment they received diptheria, the schools at Eagle
Della Lovell, Local Editor
there was the ‘‘best ever. ” The Creek, Boring and Gresham have
rendering the 2-1 decision been temporarily closed.
Sam Barr, Sporting Editor
jin favor of Estacada were, Mc-
At the regular monthly meet­ ¡Cormick, a former supervisor of
ing of E. H. S. Student Body Clackamas County; Gary, former
last Friday the following officers county school superintendent;
. were elected for the coming and Read, instructor in Klinton W . M . F e d e r m a n n , a L e a d i n g D r u g g i s t
Kelly School.
of K a n s a s C . t y , S t a n d s B y H i s
Con v ictio n s
Gladys Carpenter, President;
Monday morning Mr. Guthrie
Paul Frazier, V. President; Josie received a telegram from Earl
Harkenrider, Sec; Helen Frazier, Kilpatrick, sec. of the High
Treas; Sadie Wilcox, Yell Leader; (School debating league saying,
Ruth Saling, Ass’t. Yell Leader; i "Team winning tw o debates in a
Millard Trullinger, Sargeant-at- j triangular contest eliminates the
other two teams from further
competition. E. H. S. has anoth-!
There will be no literary pro­ er chance. Not yet have theyI
gram this week as Semester heard who ihe winners of the
Exams, will occur Thursday and other triangles are.
Friday. Everyone is looking for­
ward to this great event, with
Franklin High School beat us|
some hopes of passing.
28 to 21, which is not quite as
W . M . K b D L H , Vi A IN IN
bad as expected as Franklin has
l h a v e u lw u y *
h*. mu id .
The debate was a grand success. a strong team and this is our "th *’ at
a (IrUKKiat'M first «July is* h , the
The Affirmative team proved as first game of the season.
h e a lth o f b is cuHtom ers. I tell m y |a*o
pie f r a n k ly that a *11fe. a e n tle . lu e s -
much of a success at home as
At the first of the game our p e n s iv e la x a tiv e . such a«* R e x a li O rd e r
the negative team at Oregon city.
men seemed ahle to put the ball lie s, kept in tin* home, w ill p a y the Ida
The Affirmative team was com­ thru the net from most any place lie sf d iv id e n d s o f a n y in ve stm e n t eve r
I recom m end it as the l»est
posed of Lloyd Ewalt, Carl Kim- on the floor but Franklin could m
f a m ily la x a tiv e . I m su u so It Is pur up
mel and Paul Frazier.
not put it thru out of four or In ta s ty r a n d y tablet fo rm that appeal*
w om en and c h ild re n a lik e , and
The negative team composed five throws. Then at the end of Is to a m s en.
d e lig h tfu l and p le a sin g to take as
lof Gladys Carpenter, Charles the game things changed and j It 1 h h e a lth fu l."
| Spackman, a n d Lewis Jones our men could not hit the Itoard W e h a v e th* e x c lu s iv e « e llin * r ig h ts fni
which debated at Oregon City all the time ami Franklin put her t h is g re a t la x a tiv e T r ia l ‘»ize. Jn ren t
I returned home in the best of thru the net most ev'*ry throw.