Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, January 20, 1916, Image 3

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    Our success has been due to our
Courteous Treatm ent and Close A ttention To Your W ants
We have a new full line of
A fresh supply of
N ew Idea Patterns
Country butter, bacon, hams, lard and eggs
All patterns carried in stock at all times
We have on hand at all times
Our full line of
Our stock in
are selling fast
is complete
Get the Habit and Trade at
Broadway at 2nd
Estacada. Oregon
The Oakland Six 8 8 0 ^
For a merchant to offer his
Estacada Price
m rchandise at cost and below, means
We are not ready to die,
nor are we closing out,
so we are offering
Hj.iest G j j J s at Honest Prices
‘Sturdy as the O ak ”
Not GIVING them away,
In designing this new Oakland Six, Model “32, ” the engineers have met the
demand for a car devoid of every bit of excess weight which added nothing to the
endurance of the car or the riding comfort of the passengers.
They produced, in
Model “32,” a motor car with every advantageous mechanical and engineering
feature found on high priced cars.
And so well did they plan that the result is a new Oakland Six at $895. the FIRST
real, full-sized six-cylinder car to sell at less than $1000.
This car possesses all of the essentials of the most exacting motor car service.
The car is roomy, with wide seats and plenty of leg room.
Long, resilient springs
and deep upholstery insure perfect riding comfort on any road.
Demonstrations Gladly Given
but S E L L I N G them.
Y ours for a square deal
L . A. C hapm an
“ The Quality Store”
Wm. Underwood
Few Changes Among
Local Supervisors
Complete w ith Electric
Starter and Lights
$ 745 .
Delivered at Estacada
Demonstrations Gladly Given.
H. P. Jochim sen
E stacada Garage
Miss Josephine Wiederhold of
Vancouver, spent last week at
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. Wiederhold of George.
Reserved Seat Sale
Estacad;'., Oregon.
Shearer Awarded Piemiums
The reserved seat sale for the
Ed Shearer of Garfield the
C. I. C. play, “Three Hats” opens popular poultry raiser, received
The following is the list of road at the club room, January 22nd.
|supervisors appointed by th e Regular admission price is 25c by Monday’s express two lx>xes
of trophies awarded him at the
I county court last week and ex­ with reserved seats, 35c.
recent Grays Harbor Poultry
cepting in districts No. 49 and
Association’s show.
j 45, the supervisors are the same
Eby To Head Live Wires
Among the prizes was a hard-
as in 1915: Currinsville district,
The Oregon City Commercial | some silver loving clip, awarded
4. Albert Kitching; George, 9.
Fred Lins; Garfield. 10, Ohas. Club at their annual election of for the best pen of fowls at the
officers last Saturday, elected O. show, against a field of over MiO
Duncan; Garfield (Upper! 49,
Ralph Lemon: Barton, 20, John 1). Eby as president, succeeding birds. Two smaller silver cups,
one for the largest and best
C. Miller; Springwater, 33, Frank T. W. Sullivan.
showing of Brahmas; one for the
Millard; Eagle Greek. 41, H. H.
At t h e Christian Endeavor best showing in the Asiatic class.
Udell; Eagle Creek, 43, Fred Meeting at the George Presby­
Blaisdell; Viola, 55, G. Hively; terian Church, Sunday, the 9th, One percolator cutfee pot tor the
Elwood, 45, P. Elliott; Boring, the following officers were elect­ best pen of Brahmas. These
prizes are now on display in the
40, D. L. Erdman.
ed for the ensuing year: Rose window of the East Clackamas
Jannsen, president;Otto Paulsen, Supply Co. an advertisement for
Feed the Birds
vice president; Harold Joyner, Eastern Clackamas and its poul­
If the present fall of snow secretary and Wm. Lins, treas­ try claims.
continues, it will soon become a urer.
hard m atter for the game and
Mrs. Mamie Murphy of Tacoma.
song birds to obtain food so all On Friday night a delightful Washington, a sister of Mrs. C.
farmers and townspeople are dancing party was given at the j E. Surfus. is visiting at her home
asked to throw out some feed George Club, the hosts being in Estacada.
Hen^v Renner and Edw. Scheel.
for their feathered friends.