Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, January 13, 1916, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County
V olume 9,
N umber 17
Efforts Being Made To Install
Business System
The question may arise in
many minds, as to why the Prog­
ress and its- publisher, are dis­
playing such an active interest
in matters pertaining to church
work. The answer being as sum­
med up in the opening lines of
that good old hymn—“ God moves
in mysterious ways, His wonders
to perform.”
While this article deals more
directly with the support o f the
Estacada Ivi. E. Church, the same
appeal is made for the financial
support of all churches in our
Our schools, of which we are
justly proud, are supported by
taxation but it is up to each one
o f us individually, w h e t h e r
church attendants or not, to help
support our churches, if for no
other reason than our sense of
civic pride.
While the Progress does not
like to chronicle these facts, it
seems best to i»resent them to
the public, Kor instance, Rev.
Spiess. who has been in charge
o f the Estacada M. E. Church
since last October and who dur­
ing that time has accomplished
wonders, not only in a spiritual
way, but by his tireless work in
connection with the ne a church
basement, has not received his
salary for the past four weeks.
This salary only amounts to a-
bout$9.62 per week, which is
mighty small for the services
rendered, but owing to its small-
ness, it is all the more reason
that it should be forthcoming
Other expenses are probably
equally in arrears and no one is
directly to blame, except maybe
all of us together. Much credit
is due a few church workers,
who are doing more than their
share to make both ends meet
It costs but $12.50 per week to
conduct the work of this church
or a yearly expenditure of about
$650. This amount is divided as
follow s:- pastor’s salary, $500;
janitor, $52; lighting, S12; insur­
ance on church and parsonage,
about $6., and $80. as their share
towards the state denomination’s
Last year, this church raised
and expended $705.03 but a part
of this sum had to be raised at
E stacada , O regon ,
T hursday , J anuary 13, 1916
the last mini te of the fiscal year
by popular donations and the
disagreeable job of soliciting
these donations, fell to the lot of
a few ardent workers.
It is to the credit of Estacada,
that a good response has always
been made to these late appeals,
but if the present plan works
out, these last resort appeals will
become a thing of the past and
, all expenses will be met, when
The Progress is printing a sup­
ply of church pledge cards and
regular monthly business state­
ments, which will be used in an
effort to place the Estacada M.
E. Church finances on a purely
business basis.
There are many of us, who
owing to selfishness, are not di­
rectly interested in church work,
but who are willing to help fi­
nancially, in a small way at least.
There are many Estacada people,
who when appealed to, gladly
gladly give from $5. to $50. in a
lump sum each year, to make up
a deficit.
If the present plan carries, it
will eliminate the asking and
making of such donations by all
church members and friends be­
ing asked to sign a regular year­
ly pledge card, agreeing to pay
each month, on receipt of a reg­
ular business statement, o n e
twelfth o f their yearly pledge,
whether it be a few cents or a
few dollars.
This church now has but sev­
enteen regular signed pledges,
and on these seventeen about
one half o f the church support is
forthcoming each month.
effort will be made at this time
to secure at least twenty-five
j more pledged contributions, on
which an assured monthly in­
come can be relied.
Pledges of from 10c per month
up will be asked for and should
be received, thus doing away
with requests for donations later.
T h e greatest hindrance to
church collections lies in the con­
tributor getting in arrears a few
months and then having to pay
up, that which collectively looks
like a big sum o f money. The
new arrangement o f sending out
regular monthly statements, as a
reminder, would greatly over­
come this trouble.
To any church, in Estacada or
tributary country, which desires
to inaugurate a similar business
system for the handling of church
finances, the Progress will do­
nate a supply of printed pledge
c a r d s and statement blanks,
printed as desired.
School Rate Promised
The establishing of a special
rate by the P. P. L. & P. Co.,
for school children, between
Barton, intermediate points and
Estacada, will soon be announc­
ed by the railway company.
A reduced fare, to allow pupils
from down the line to attend the
Estacada schools, has been under
consideration for several months
and within a week or so the
Progress will be able to announce
theexact fare, which will average
from l t f c to ly2c per mile, prob­
First Carload Of Year
Buyer C. E. Lucke bought and
shipped a carload of about 90
hogs from the Esiacada yar s
last Monday, being the first ship­
ment for the 1916 season, with a
slightly better price paid than
during December, as the price
this week was $6.25 tops.
If the second years growth of
these yards with their livestock
i buying is in proportion to the
first year, Estacada and adjacent
country will become noted as one
of the pork producing sections.
Anoiher shipment will be made
Monday, January 24th, parties
having stock for sale should no­
tify W. Givens, Estacada.
To Load Livestock At
Eagle Creek
Traffic Manager F. D. Hunt
announces that arrangements are
being made to-install at Eagle
Creek, a chute and pen, for the
loading of hogs and other live­
stock into the cars.
This added facility is the out­
come of the growth of the Esta­
cada stock yards and will be a
great convenience to the Eagle
Creek and nearby shippers, who
formerly have had to bring their
livestock to Estacada for loading.
Game Violaters Get
Suspended Sentence
Game Warden Ben S. Patton
of Esiacada and Special Deputy
George Kitzmillerof Eagle Creek,
last week, arrested Charles Me
Creary of Troutdale and Lee
Cooper of Dover, for alleged vio­
lation of the game laws.
McCreary and Cooper, in Jus-
tice Devore’s court in Estacada,
Tuesday, pled guilty to having
killed a doe deer, the skin of the
animal being used as evidence.
Owing to the youth o f Me
Creary, who is about 16 years
old, and who shot the deer. War­
den Patton, after consultation
with the Juvenile Court author­
ities at Oregon City, suspended
sentence on the boy and let him
off with a reprimand.
In the case of Cooper, who is
of legal age, he was fined $25.
and costs, but on promise of good
behavior hereafter, the fine was
remitted and the costs of about
$7. were collected.
$1. P er Y ear
Big Delegations From All Districts
To Attend
The first regular meeting of
the Eastern Clackamas Taxpay­
ers League will take place next
Monday afternoon,at 1 o’clock, in
the Family Theatre in Estacada.
A big crowd is expected, as
word has already been received
from the district representatives,
saying that good sized delega­
tions would be present.
The first business of the meet­
ing will be reports from the var­
ious branch organizations; the
appointed presidents of each com­
as fol­
lows, being requested to give a
report outlining the sentiment of
the taxpayers in their respective
districts, regarding cooperation
w ith the League:
Barton George Turner
Eagle Creek Homer Glover
Estacada E. W. Bartlett
Currinsville—John Ely-
Upper Garfield—Guy T. Hunt
Lower Garfield—Fred Bates
George—H. C. Stevens
Springwater—J. C. Kilgore
Sandy District—W. A. Proctor
and A. C. Thomas
Viola Ray Miller
Logan -G. A. Kohl
Cazadero A lf Drill
Boring—Z. Lake
Damascus S. Dallas
Dodge Fred Horner
Dover H. H. Udell
Stone F. E. Brown
Kelso Mr. Karl
Clackamas A. Mather
The principal speaker of the
meeting will be Frank B. Riley
of Portland, who will talk along
matters pertaining to road con­
struction and its direct benefits
to a community. Mr. Riley is
well known to many local people,
being not only one of the best
public speakers in the slate, but
being a man well posted on com­
munity development and kindred
While no definite announce­
ment can be made, it is hoped
that at least one member of the
Clackamas County Court will be
present and say a few words, al­
though Judge Anderson is unable
to attend, as Monday is his regu­
lar day for the handling of pro­
bate matters.
It is likely that Editor E. E.
Brodie of the Oregon City Enter
prise, Hon. Geo. C. Brownell and
others will be present.
Great interest is being display­
ed on all sides in the formation
(Concluded on back page. |