Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, January 06, 1916, Image 4

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    A ssistant Buys A Dodge
Assistant Manager, Lee Bron­
son of Tracy & Givens, last week,
We have recently arranged with the County Clerk’s Office
with his brother-in-law, Dave
to issue H unting and Fishing Licenses here.
Fleming of River Mill, purchas­
Call and get yours at any time.
ed the 1915 Dodge automobile,
formerly owned by Ed Folsom of
Dont let the Snow and Rain dampen your mail
We are now offering U. S. Mail Boxes, 20 gauge galvanized
N ow complications, alterca­
iron, approved by the Postmaster General,
tions and falsifications have be­
gun to brew' in the Tracy & Giv­
ens establishment, for while the
Have you seen our Silent Salesman, with practical working dem­ boss firmly believes that his Ford
machine is the best little travell­
onstrations of the Steel A djustable Cow Stanchion
er in this county, he doubts
whether it would be entirely ap-
H arvester D ouble A cting H ay C arrier
! propriate and in good taste, for
| his assistant manager to be driv­
R eliable R ound T rack B arn Door H an g er
set ing down the road in a luxurious
Dodge car. Still the boss prom­
ises to throw so much dust on
Bert H Finch -
Im plem ents
Lee’s car, that the respective
wont be discernible.
- Estacada
Hunters and Fishermen Attention!
D odge B rothers
Those who have h f t years of
experience driving motor cars are
its most enthusiastic owners.
The car satisfies them completely.
They admire its beauty.
dwell upon its comfort.
insist in the most emphatic way
upon the high quality of its
The m otor is 30-35 horsepower
The price of the Touring Car or R oadster com plete is $780.
(f. o. b. D etroit)
Clackamas Garage
W oodm en’s Dance
Bills are already out, inviting
everyone to be present at the
dance to be given January 22nd,
at Cogswell’s Hall, Eagle Creek,
by the newly formed Eagle Creek
Camp of the Woodmen of the
It is planned to have special
cars run from Portland, bring­
ing the Multnomah County Wood­
men, so with the local dancers, a
big crowd is assured.
The majority of the local col­
lege students, who have been
spending the holidays at home,
have returned to college, a-
mong them being Miss Rachel
Reed. Ken Bartlett, Chester Wo­
men LeRoy Gard, Miss Edith
Anderson and others.
Sleds R esu rrected
With the present fall of snow,
all kinds, sorts and conditions of
sleds, coasters and toboggans
have been resurrected by the
boys and girls. A crowd of Es­
tacada youngsters have been
coasting from daylight till dark,
on the hillside on the Holder
property, on Shafford Ave. and
on other nearby hills.
A nnual Ball Big Success
The seventh annual ball of tne
Estacada Volunteer Fire Depart­
ment, held New Years Eve at
the Estacada Pavilion, brought
out a big crowd, with the high
I school students much in evidence.
With t h e Bronson-Erickson-
■ Belfils orchestra dispensing their
usual good music, the dancing
continued until 3 A. M., with a
half hour intermission for lunch,
said lunch being up to the stand­
ards formerly set by the firemen,
the affair netting over $40.
Dillon Wins The Beauty Prize
J. R. Morrow, Prop,
At a reception held Thursday
evening, in honor of Rev. Spiess,
at the Garfield Zion Church, a
voting contest was held to deter­
mine the homeliest man present.
While Alex Botkin and Rev.
Spiess put up a good run for the
honor, W. W. Dillon won by two
The reception consisted of a
musical program, interspersed
with games and ended with re­
Coons C elebrate
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin D. Wright,
of Estacada, entertained about
fifty friends Thursday evening,
at a novel black face party, in
the Odd Fellows Hall.
All guests entered into the
spirit of the affair by assuming
the most ludicrous of nigger cos­
Born—January 2nd, to Mr. and
tumes, from porters to darky
dudes, minstrels and wenches, Mrs. C. M. O’Neel of Currins-
ville, a son.
with “Topsies” plentiful.
With dancing, refreshments
Mrs. A. K. Morton and family
and games, the party held on un­ of Estacada have moved into the
til the early hours of the morn­ Adix house near the Methodist
ing, while the black grease paint Church, formerly occupied by C.
is still holding on, behind some F. Frazier and family.
of the ears and around the necks
of the merrymakers.
Miss Helen Keith, of the Esta­
cada High School, returned Wed­
Earl Wagner of Estacada has nesday morning from her home
returned from a two months so- i at La Center, Wash., where she
journ among relatives on thej
spent the holidays with her folks.
Have you a
W atch, C lo c k
or piece of
Jew elry
My Work and Prices are
my best advertisement.
Let me show you.
F. E . B e c k w i t h
Watchmaker and Jeweler
Read the Following Proposition
To Our P a tro n s:-
As you know, it is impossible fo r any fu rn itu re
store in a small city to carry com plete lines o f
furniture, especially of the high-grade lines in stock.
The buyer naturally, desires to buy where he
or she can select from a big assortm ent and a t the
sam e tim e, where a charge account can be obtained.
In order to fill this demand, we have a rra n g e d
w ith Hey wood Bros. & Wakefield Co. of Portland,
who are one of the largest furniture m an u factu rers
in the country and m aintain the larg e st salesroom s
and m ost complete assortm ent of fu rn itu re in the
N orthw est, to serve our custom ers direct.
When you are in the m ark et for fu rn itu re , call
and let us give you a le tte r to the Hey wood Bros.
& W akefield Co., then you can select the fu rn itu re
from th eir imm ense stock, and have same charged
to your account with us.
It will cost you no more than as though you
w ere buying direct for cash—you will get the
finest of fu rn itu re and you will be patronizing
your home m erchant.
Isn ’t this a fair proposition?
All we ask
is th a t you give us the opportunity to serve you.
F u rn itu ie —M a ttre sses—D ishes— Rugs
C arpets—W all P a p e r—U ten sils—Etc.
Get our prices before buying elsew here.
Estacada Furniture Co.
U ndertakers
We have just received cuts and
specifications of the new 1916
model Samson
Trac tor
intwosizes, viz:-4 to 5 horse pull
and 8 to 10 horse pull. The small
machine will pull 2 large plows on
the level and 1 large plow up a
20% grade. The large machine
has a 4 cylinder motorand will pull
2 large|plows, 1 disc cultivator and
1 spike harrow all at one time.
In otfering these machines we do
not hesitate to say that they are
the highest class, most practical
and best value of any tractor on
the market.
After comparing
these machines with the good
points of all other tractors and
horses, then we are ready to take
your order.
W. R. Reid & Sons, Distributors
- Oregon