Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, December 02, 1915, Image 6

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    E. H. S. E C H O E S
Making It Fit
at the start is all that is required
on a job clone with our lumber.
You dont need to allow for dry­
ing or shrinking for our lumber
is all thoroughly seasoned when
we send it to you. The more ex­
perience you have had with green
lumber the better you will ap­
preciate our kind.
Full line
Good Supply
Flour and Feed
Lumber and Shingles
Always on hand.
Estacada Lumber
& Produce Co.
F.. D. Allen
W. J. Samson
The Week That
Saves You Money
Gifts To Fit Any Purse
A Few Yuletide Hints
Massage Vibrators
Sewing Machine Motors
Library Lamps
Coffee Percolators
Curling lion Heaters
Chafing Dishes
Luminous Radiators Washing Machines
Shaving Mugs
Kitchen Ranges
Vacuum Cleaners
Milk Warmers
Shaving Mirrors
Boudoir Lamps.
Tea Kettles
Cigar Lighters
Hair Dryers
Flat Irons
Foot Warmers
Waffle Irons
Disc Stoves
And many other useful and practical things.
A small deposit will hold any article Until Called For
Among the guests at the W. I!.
Reid home in Garfield on Thanks­
giving Day. were Mr. and Mrs.
H. G. Trowbridge of Estacada.
Miss Esther Revel 1 of Damascus
and Harry Reid of Portland.
Mrs. B. M. Hurst and family
of liisley Station, were Thanks-
* vifl* visitors at the parental C
F. Hurst home in South Estaca­
hcho Wade. Wa- add g Td lC r
Pel' a Lov II, local tditor
Jam Bars *p"rtlng Edi or
“ A Scrap of Paper” , the High
School Play, will be given Jan. 14.
The characters are busy learning
their parts. Miss McQuaid is
Chester Womer, one of our
Alumni, visited school, while In
EstacSda during the Thanks­
giving holidays.
Miss Jones, a member of last
years faculty, spent the Thanks­
giving holidays in Estacada.
The debate tryout of the YVeb-
sterian-Adelphic Literary Soci­
eties. for the State team, will
occur, Friday Dec. 3. The State
team will consist of four debat­
ers instead of six as last year.
The High School should be well
represented as there are three of
last year's debaters with us,
One of the chief difficulties
they encounter, is the obtaining
of sufficient material because of
the lack of current magazines.
If the people of the community
would note the issues of the
magazines that contain at tides
on armament, and report them
to Mr. Guthrie, or the debaters,
they will aid us greatly.
Remember Dec. 7, the date for
th e Annual School Program.
Every body come—to the Family
Theatre a t 7:30. Bring your
friends and some one else’s also.
Admission 10 and 20c.
Tfie Thanksgiving program
given by the Websterians, Wed.
Nov. 24, was interesting from
every standpoint.
There will be no program this
Friday, other than that to be
given by the debaters.
The Juniors are considering
their play which is to occur Mar.
It is very evident that the
High School appreciates the ac­
tion taken by the voters at the
recent meeting; as whenever
manual training is mentioned,
smiles are quite abundant. Word
of this advancement has evident­
ly reached Corvallis, as congrat­
ulations have been received from
a member of our alumni, Albert
Mr. and Mrs. Guthrie, with the
help of the Misses Gladys Town­
send and Grace Denny, gave the
annual foot-ball banquet at their
home last Tuesday night. Sam
Barr was elected captain for next
season. Only the letter men,
Manager Kimmel and the coach­
es, Irvine and Morton, were pre­
sent as the domestic science class
is to feed the scrubs. The scrubs
have the sympathy of all.
T o H ig h e s t B id d er
With the settlement of the es­
tate of the late Edgar J. Stevens
of Estir-ada. now being hand'ed
by C. W. Devore as attorney and
R. M. Standish a< administer,
there will be placed on the mar­
ket for sale to the highest bid­
der, one of the best small 11'.,
acre farms In this district.
The Stevens property lies with­
in a mile of the business section
of Estacada, at the top of the
gravelled Wilson Hill road, lead­
ing towards Garfield. The place
contains one of the best young
bearing oi chards, 10 years old,
in the county and has other im­
As Estacada values go, this
place should be of interest to
anyone looking for a convenient­
ly located, productive small home
place at a bargain. For further
details, reference can be made to
the Administrator’s Sale notice
now running in the Progress.
F in e M ovie S how s
Wednesday night’s five reel
production of the Magic Skin, an
• adaptation from Dumis’ story,
was one the best ph»>tj plays ev­
er shown in Estacada. The act­
ing and scenic affects were ex­
ceptional and the audience thor­
oughly enjoyed the hour and half
Next Wednesday night’s photo
play will be ‘‘The Naked Truth,”
which promises to be an equally
good feature.
If the people of Estacada and
surrounding country, wish to
have regular motion pict; res
shown here, they will have to
patronize tnese performances
more liberally. Manager Sparks
is going to a big expense to stage
high class multi-reel features,
but unless the patronage is bet­
ter than for the past two weeks,
it is likely Estacada will have to
get along this winter without
this attractive form of amuse­
A p pr eh e ns iv e .
L ittle Violet h ad been c a re fu lly
couched us to th e n ecessity fo r q u ie t­
ness upon th e occasion o f h e r first
ch im b a tte n d a n c e
She rem em b ere d
a d m irab ly . K eeling th a t h e r b e h a v io r
w as w o rth y of som e u u d lh le reco g n i­
tion. sh e said to h e r m o th e r at th e clo se
o f th e serv ice:
“Say. m o th er. I d id n 't w ak e an y b o d y
ill*, d id IV * -W o m a n ’s H om e C o m p an ­
A N a r r o w Escape.
“ I’ll give yon a h n m b u rg ste a k .9* b e­
gun th e k ind lady. “ If y o u ’ll ch o p ” —
H ere th e m an d a rte d out o f th e y a rd .
“ If yon « hop th e m e a t.” sh e c o n ­
cluded. "C om e back If ydlTre h ungry.
I w o u ld n 't th in k of a s k in g you to ch o p
w ood.9*—L o u isv ille C ourier--Journal
Its Place.
“T h is Isn’t th e pla<*e. you stu p id , to
secu re y o u r acco m m o d atio n on th e
ste a m e r. T h is Is th e city h ealth d e­
p a r tm e n t.*9
“ W ell, o u g h tn ’t I be ab le to g et in ­
fo rm atio n n ere on th e b erth ra te ? 99—
B altim o re A m erican.