Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, December 02, 1915, Image 3

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    Fresh Groceries
Of All Kinds
You Get One Vote
In T he Voting Contest
Ending W ed n esd ay E vening, D ecem ber 22nd
Creamery Butter
Forth, cyllurninum W a re
Fresh Every W eek
Dry Goods, Shoes and Rubbers
Tip Top and Holsom Bread
Special for Saturday
Kitchen Outfit
“ The Quality Store”
Complete with Electric
Starter and Lights
$ 745 .
Free Demonstrations Gladly Given.
H. P. Jochimscn
in O ur
W indow
1 large, covered, Combination Kettle 2 sizes large, lipped Sauce Pans
1 large Savory Roaster
2 sizes Pudding Pans
1 large Tea Kettle
2 Open Kettles
1 Rice Boiler
1 Coffee Percolator
1 Fruit Strainer
Broadway at 2nd
Waterbury & Chapman
15 cents per carton
Com prising twelve fine pieces of G uaranteed R ival Pure A lum inum W are
H olsum C akes in Cartons
E stacada,
Park & Ciosner's
For each cent’s purchase at
Estacada, Oregon
Estacada, Oregon
Stock Journal
W . O. W . D ance
The Western Stock Journal,
which has been published in Ore­
gon City for the past four years,
by Grant Dimick, was sold last
week to the Portland company
publishing the Western Farmer,
of which E. E. Faville is editor
and manager.
Prospect Drill Company, No.
140, Woodmen of the World of
Portland will give a big dance at
Cogswell’s H?ll in Eagle Creek,
Saturday evening, Dec. 11th in
honor of the newly formed Eagle
Creek Camp No. 539, W. O. W.
A big crowd of Portland soci­
ety folks will make the trip by
special cars to attend this affair
and everyone is invited to join
with them. Tickets will be $1.
with good music and lunch prom­
ised. During the intermissions,
the Portland Drill Team will pull
off some fancy stunts.
1 5 8 ,5 7 9 Pounds
Potato Buyer Chris Johnson of
George this week completed the
buying and shipping of potatoes
from the George district, through
Estacada, amounting in all to
158,579 pounds, or four carloads,
for which he paid over $1200.
C ow M istaken For D eer
P ow er H ouses O pen
Supt. Fred Robley of the River
Mill and Faraday power houses
wishes to announce that during
Electrical Week, now being ob­
served, all parties desiring to vis­
it and inspect the power stations,
may do so without having to ob­
tain the regulation permit. This
courtesy will be extended until
nextSunday night, l)ecember5th.
The Naked Truth
Curt Wilcox of Garfield, while
rounding up some of his cattle in
Ceorge K1 dne Attraction
thé mountains, in the vicinity of
5 Reels
the headwaters of the North
Fork, discovered one of his beef W ednesday, D .cem her 8th
7:30 P. M.
cows dead, with two bullet holes
through the heart, The animal Admission
10c and 15c
had probably been killed by some
amatuer hunter during the final
days of the deer season.
Universal Program
L argest D an ce O f Season
National Mazda Lamps
If you want the best light, call and get
N ational M azda G lobes
Gasolene Engine Fittings and Repairs
P lum bing
S aw Filing
Electric W iring
C. C
T inning
M etal R epairing
A re Y ou G oing?
llth Episode Black Rox
The Thanksgiving dance given
Animated Weekly Comedy
by the Estacada Volunteer Fire
Saturday Afternoon
Department last Thursday even­
and Evening
ing at the Pavilion brought out
the biggest crowd that has a t­
2 o ’clock and 7 P. M.
tended a dance this year.
5c and 10c
The music by the Bronson-Er-
ickson orchestra, with Miss Hat­
tie Belfils at the piano, was ex­
cellent, with latest airs played
and fine time maintained.
The affair netted the firemen
Toil and Tyranny
over $20. clear above expenses.
Probably many local farmers
and livestock growers are plan­
ning to attend the coming Fifth
Annual Pacific International Live­
stock Exposition to be held at
North Portland, December 6th to
It has been suggested that a
special car be chartered and a
date set for another Estacada
excursion. If all parties contem­
plating visiting the show will
advise the Progress office and if Coon Boyer of Estacada, who
a day can be decided upon, a was arrested and placed in jail
special car can be arranged for. Thanksgiving night for disorder­
Mr. and Mrs. Max Klaetsch of ly conduct, was released the fol­
Estacada entertained twenty-one lowing morning after a justice
friends and relatives at a Thanks­ court hearing, asihe complainant
failed to aopear.
giving dinner last Thursday.
Who Pays?
Bold Bad Boys Comedy
Sunday Evening, 7 o’clock
Admission 5c and 10c