Saturday Specials Men’s Wool Shirts, regular $2. shirt. All wool, $ . double breasted Newssay W hat will the Saturday after you have had your 1 Warm Beds are the Best Weapons of Defense and should be Prepared Now lie Cotton Blankets, Best rt» i quality, tan or gray «P 1 . Larger sizes in k white, rt* 1 gray, mixed colors 1 • Night Gowns, Men’s (t» i Flannelette, big, roomy *P 1 • made, one piece $ 1 |j sanitary ^ * * Pajamas, Flannelette, Men’s fine- quality, jC 1 ntedium weight ™ * Cotton Batts, On piece o A in Best (t* e\ quality, size 64x76, pair Gowns, Larger sizes in all good ri» mixed and plain colors «pU. j rt A& ' Wool Batts, Ready Wool Blankets, « Cotton Batts, good quality, white cot- ton, full 14 ounce rolls Battle With Winter Colds Canvas gloves, regular 15 ^cent quality, heavy with knit writ Specials Ladies’ Best quality flannelette, € 1 large size 50c and ^ * 3 »* roll 90C Cotton Batts, Bestqual- o n ity and pure white L U C EAST CLACKAMAS SUPPLY CO. ‘ ‘ YOUR SATISFACTION H o lid ay ’s P ro g ra m Annual School Entertainment at the Family Theatre, Tuesday Evening, at 7:30 o’clock, December*7, 1915. January 1,—New Year’s Day____ _____________ Primary Room February 1 2 ,- Lincoln’s Birthday_____ ____ ___ __ ,8th Grade February 14, Valentine’s Day,—________ 2nd and 3rd Grades February 22,—Washington’s Birthday________ ______8th Grade April ?, Arbor Day............................. ..........___6th and 7th Grades May 30, Memorial Day .................................... 2nd and 3rd Grades July 4, Independence Day_____ 1______________Primary Room September ? Labor Day__________________ 4th and 5th Grades October 12, Columbus Day,_______________ 4th and 5th Grades November ? Thanksgiving Day....... ...............4th and 5th Grades December 25, Xmas Day........... ............................. Primary Room Closing of the Old Year _______ ___ 6th and 7th Grades Admission, Adults 20 cents; children 10 cents. Proceeds for school apparatus. IS OUR SUCCESS” F r ie n d s h ip L i n k s Start A Friendship Bracelet Each Link Is A Fond Rememherance Of Some Friend Or Relative. Make your Xmas selections n o w -- Beckwith, The Jeweler Mrs. A. G. Bartholomew, of Former Editor Visits Estacada Heppner, Oregon, is visiting her Garfield Grange held a very G. E. I^a Follette, formerly ed­ children, Mrs. E. E. and Mrs. C. interesting meeting Saturday. A itor of the Estacada Progress and C. Saling of Currinsville and F. goodly number of members were at present editor of the Helena Bartholomew of Estacada. present and quite a lot of enthus­ j (Mont.) Independent, spent a day visiting among friends in Es- iasm was manifested in laying Mrs. W. R. Blackburn and fam­ ; tacada this week. He is headed plans for better work for the for his ranch near Crescent, Or. I coming year. The next meeting ily of Oregon City spent a couple where he w ill take a lay-off until I being election of officers it was l)* days last week at the home of next Spring. voted to meet on Dec. 18th, in- her sister - in - law, Mrs. Willis A number of Mr. La Follette’s old friends tendered an impromp­ stead of the 25th. The lecturer y once °f E stacada.__ tu turkey dinner in his honor, announced that there would be al “ free for all spelling match” at Mrs. L. Marrs of Salem, is vis- Monday evening. tne next meeting. A bountiful: ¡ting her daughter. Mrs. L. Hale Mrs. Ben Tannler, of Viola, is dinner of chicken, cakes, pies, and son. R. H. Currin of Currins- visiting at the home of her daugh­ ter, Mrs. Forbes of Portland. etc., was enjoyed by all. j ville. G a rfie ld G ra n g e $2. a day. $10. a week Hotel E stacada Modern Conveniences One of the most delightful Resorts on the Coast Local and Tourist Trade Solicited Miss Maud Sturgeon and moth­ er of Estacada returned home last Monday night, after an e: - tended trip through California, where they visited the fairs and resorts, and enjoyed a needed rest.