Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, November 25, 1915, Image 6

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    9 0 Pounds in 6 0 Day»
¿714r Hog R aiser
Barley-Shorts and Kaffir Corn Meal,
Extra Heavy Shorts and
Ground Barley
Are the feeds you are going to need to properly top off your hogs.
For Dairy Stock-
Alfalfa Meal and Shady Brook
To get the best results from your milch cows.
A good supply of all other Stock Food and Flour on hand
E. D. Allen
Estacada Lumber & Produce Co.
w. J. Samson
The Week That
Saves You Money
Edward Shearer of Garfield,
the winner of one of the pedi­
greed Poland-China boars at the
fast East Clackamas County Fair,
awarded by the P. R. L. & P.
Co., reports that the animal has
made a wonderful growth in the
past sixty days, having added
over 90 pounds in weight.
This fine boar is of the Oregon
Grand Champion strain, its sire
being the famous champion boar,
belonging to J. R. Cole of Molalla.
Six of Mr. Shearer’s neighbors
have agreed to each purchase a
pedigreed Poland-China sow, so
that the 1 DIG East Clackamas
Fair will contain entries of some
of the finest pedigreed hogs in
the state.
G arfield H onor Roll
Those on the Roll of Honor of
the Garfield school for October
included Howard Davis, Evelyn
Davis, Leo Pesznecker, Everett
Krigbaum, Lucy Krigbaum, Wil­
liam Shearer, Gilbert Shearer,
Catherine Laing, Leta Posson,
Harry Duncan, Edith Perry,
Laura Robinson, Tom Robinson,
Fred Robinson.
Invincible C oncert
The Invineibles, the young la­
dies class of the Methodist Sun­
day School is planning an inter­
esting concert to be held next
Tuesday evening, November the
thirtieth in the High School au-
The program which will consist
of musical numbers readings and
“stunts” will begin at 7:30 sharp.
The admission price for young
and old is ten cents, and the en­
tire proceeds will be used to help
defray the cost of the new base­
ment of the church.
Gifts To Fit Any Purse
Few Yuletide Hints
Massage Vibrators
Sewing Machine Motors
Library Lamps
Curling Iron Heaters
Coffee Percolators
Chafing Dishes
Washing Machines
Shaving Mugs
Luminous Radiators
Vacuum Cleaners
Kitchen Ranges
Milk Warmers
Boudoir Lamps
Shaving Mirrors
Tea Kettles
Cigar Lighters
Hair Dryers
Flat Irons
Waffle Irons
Foot Warmers
Disc Stoves
And many other useful and practical things.
A »mall deposit will hold any article Until Called For
L ie z *
I ï Æ j I
Mr. and Mrs. Weltie and Mrs.
Fredlie of Monroe, Wisconsin,
are guests at the J. E. Schenk
home in Springwater this week,
en oute to the San Francisco
Exposition. Mrs. Schenk has
been confined to her bed fi r the
past few days, suffering from
an attack of apjn dicitis.
The home of Mr. and Mrs.
S anford Cox of Elwood was
brightened last Monday by the
advent of a 7 lb baby boy.
Charley Tallman and family
of Springwater expect to leave
soon for Goldendale, Wash.
B oy L oses E ye
Charles, Jr., commonly known
as “ Buster,” the two year old
son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E.
Dubois of Estacada, underwent
an operation last*
* Saturday at St
Vincent’s Hospital in Portland,
which resulted in the removal of
his right eye.
The little fellow for sometime
past has suffered from an affec­
tion of the eye, but until he was
examined by a Portland special­
ist recently, it was not supposed
to be anything more serious than
a muscular trouble. On investi­
gation, the specialists discovered
a tumor inside of the eye, neces­
sitating the removal of the en­
tire organ.
Since the operation, "Buster”
has felt much better and within
a few days will be brought home
from the hospital.
Youth A ccid en tly Shot
Tuesday Morning’s Gregor ian,
contains t h e following item,
which owing to the phone lines
being out of order, the Progress
has been unable to authenticate:
“ Grenville Cupper, 19, who lives
at Eagle Creek, Or. received a
discharge of a shotgun in the
right knee yesterday afternoon,
when a shotgun which his broth­
er was cleaning was accidently
discharged. He was taken to
Portland last night to the Good
SamarLan Hospital.”
Pacific Internationa I
L ivestock E xpositor)
The Portland Union Stock
Yards Company extend a cordial
invitation to all residents of
Eastern Clackamas County to at­
tend the fourth annual Pacific
International Livestock Exj osi-
tion, to be held at North Port­
land, December 6 to 11, 1913.
G ro w in g O ld er.
As 1 sot» it. g ro w in g oidor is rho p ro c­
esa of th e ro<-onfiliation oí lito sp irit to
life L iv in g is sim ply g e ttin g a c q u a in t­
ed w ith th e w orld w e live in. T h e real
p u rp o se o f a body is th a t it sh a ll l>e
used up. w o rn o u t—an d th o u th ro w n
a w a y —in footling th e sp irit. W h a te v e r
h ap p en s to you in Hie o u te r w orld
tr a n s la te s Itse lf finally in to sticli u su b
stan ce. T liu t is w hat it is for. Just a s
th e p u rp o se o f food Is not to look p rêt
t.v on ch in a p lates. Imt to bo t r a n s ­
form ed in to blood an d m uscle It is in
th e n a ru ra l o rd er of th in g s th a t th e
body sh o u ld be th u s used an d e x h a u s t­
T h e m in a tu ru l an d h o rrib le tilin g
is th a t th e body should be w orn out
and yet th e s p irit rem u m un nou rish ed .
-A tla n tic .
C o rre c t D ia g n o sis.
Jo h n F isk e. th e h isto rian , w as once
in te rru p te d by. his w ife, w ho co m p lain
ed th a t th e ir son hud been very d isre ­
sp e ctfu l to som e n eig h b o rs. M r F isk e
called th e y o u n g ste r in to his stu d y .
••My boy. is it tr u e th a t you called
Mrs. Jo n e s a fool?”
T h e hoy h u n g hi* bead. “ Yes. f a ­
th e r.”
“ And did you call Mr. Jo n e s a w orse
‘ Yes. f a th e r .’
Mr F isk e fro w n ed an d pondered for
a m inute. T h en be said :
••Well, my son. th a t is J u s t ab o u t th e
d istin ctio n 1 should m a k e ”
No F ir e W ith in .
T u n es h a v e ch an g ed . O u r fa th e rs fo r
iouie s tr a n g e reaso n p re fe rre d a cold
m eetin g ho u se to one w hich w as w a rm ­
ed by artificial h eat. W hen a sto v e w as
p u t in to th e Old S outh c h u rch . Boston,
in 17X1 a n e w sp a p e r o f co n tem p o rary
d a te co n tain ed rids sig n ifican t lam en t:
E x tin c t th e . s a c r e d fire o f love.
O u r z e a l g ro w n < old a n d d e a d .
In th e h o u s e o f G od w e fixed a s to v e
T o w a r m u s In th e ir s te a d .
M isun dersto od .
“H ow n o w ?”
“T ills fellow told m e he w as going to
show m e th e b eau ties o f th e to w n “
“ W ell, d id n ’t h e?”
’T ie m en lit park« and office buildings.
J w as p rep ared to see som e fem in in e
lovelin ess.” —P ittsb u rg h Post
T h e V a rie t y .
’’W h at kind of a m elon is ft w hich
th e co rp o ra tio n s c u t? ”
“ W ell, ju d g in g l»v th e co n d itio n of
th e ir stock. It m u st o ften lie a so rt of
w aterm elo n ” B altim o re A m erican
B etw een frien d s freq u e n t rep ro o f
m ak es th e frie n d sh ip d is ta n t.—C onfu­