Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, November 11, 1915, Image 6

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    E. H. S. E C H O E S
Estacada Progress
(I n c o r p o r a t e d )
Published every Thursday at
Estacada, Oregon
H. M. Standish,
Editor and Manager
Entered at the postoffice in Estacada,
Oregon, as second-class mail.
S u b sc r ip t io n
K ates
Fcho Wade,
Managing Fdltor
Paul Frazier,
'porting fcdtor
Della Lovrll,
Local bditor
Lizzie Marks is again in school
after a two weeks absence, ow­
ing to her mother’s misfortune in
breaking her arm.
is also used in serving hot apple
dumplings: 2 cups of flour, 4 tea­
spoons baking powder, 'A tea­
spoon o f salt, 2 tablespoons but­
ter, H cup of milk, 4 apples cut
in eighths, mix and sift dry in­
gredients, work in butter with
tips o f fingers, add milk gradual­
ly, mixing with a knife, toss on
floured board, pat and roll out,
place apple on middle of piece of
dough and sprinkle with 'i tea­
spoon salt and nutmeg, bring
dough around and carefully lift
into buttered mold or five pound
lard pail, cover closely and steam
1 hour and 20 minutes. In serv­
ing, place hard-sauce at side of
serving dish, that it may be add­
ed a little at a time.
The old flag which we have seen
flying, mid rain and shine, over
the school house for so many
Thursday, Nov. 11, 1915
years, has been discarded, and a
new one is now waving its wel­
The Oregon City Commercial come to us.
Club is inaugurating a “ Buy at
The picture man was in Esta­
Home ’ campaign, similar to like cada Tuesday and before leaving
campaigns in other parts of the visited the school, taking pictures j
of each society, class, the faculty, j To Visit Columbia Highway
foot-ball squad and the girl’s bas-1
The name “ Buy at Home” is ket-ball team from each class.
Invitations have been issued
explanatory of the purpose of this The pictures as a whole are good, by the Clackamas County Court
wise movement and while Esta­ but in regard to some individuals. and the Oregon City Commercial
Club to the road supervisors of
cada is always working with the One person moved and caused the county, the newspaper pub­
same object in view, it has
another moved and as a result his lishers and a few others, to make
never as yet entered into a reg­ eyes are on his chin.
an automobile trip over the Co­
ular campaign, one reason being
If the required number is sold, j lumbia River Highway, with
that the residents tributary to we get a compensation, which lunch to be served at the Port­
land Automobile Club. The lat­
Estacada are already firm be­ will be added to the student body ter feature being thru tne cour­
lievers in patronizing home in­
tesy of the Warren Construction
The city speed limit has been Co.
extended into the school, as now
The majority of the eastern
Many of the Estacada tax pay­ no one is allowed to run up stairs Clackamas supervisors contem­
ers are now asking the council to faster than a gallop, safety first. plate making the trip, which oc­
consider hard surfacing Broad­
The first High School party, curs next Saturday, Nov. 13th.
way from the railroad tracks to when the Freshies were enter­
Prank Miller and sons of Bea­
3rd St., instead of merely cover­ tained by the Sophies was a grand
Or. have rented, on a
ing the one block. There is no success. Forty two were present two year lease, the 80 acre prop­
doubt but what such an improve­ and because of this large crowd erty in Garfield, known as the
ment is needed and would great­ every body had a good time. Re­ Stokes-Wooster place, formerly
freshments were served in spite
ly add to the attractiveness of of the barbarous invasion, of the owned by a Mr. Henderson of
the business district, especially Junior and Senior boys.
to visitors on their first glimpse
Notice for Levy of Additional Road Tax
Next Friday, Nov. 12, will oc­
of the city, from the station.
cur the regular monthly meeting
Notice is hereby given that we,
Every tax payer should make of the Student Body. One of the undersigned Tax Payers, con­
it a special point to be present the main questions for discussion sisting of ten per cent, of the Tax
at the coming annual road meet­ is “ Shall the Basket Ball Girls Payers in City of Estacada Road
ing, November 26, when the vot­ receive E’s for playing so many District, Clackamas County, Ore­
halves.” The boys pay their gon, hereby give notice to the Tax
ing on a special fiye mill tax will Semester dues, so do the girls. Payers of said City of Estacada
The boys receive E ’s, why should Road District that there will be a
take place.
not the girls, also?
meeting of the Tax Payers of said
As the State of Oregon has re­
District in the City Hall at Esta­
ceived unlimited publicity and
penter, Mary Woodle, Jessie Han­ cada, Oregon, on the 26th day of
advertising from the wonderful nah and Helen Keith, were sent November, 1915at 2 o’ clock P. M.,
showing made by theO. A. C. foot as delegates to the Epworth to vote an additional tax in said
District for road purposes, as pro­
ball team against the Michigan League Convention held in Salem vided by an act of the legislature
Aggies, whom they defeated 20
in 1913, Section 6321, Page 24, of
to 0, a few days ago; so also does all got back safely.
the Road Laws of Oregon.
1 W. D. Henthorn
the City of Estacada receive a
2 C. C. Miller
goodly amount of publicity and
Miss M c Q uaid
3 R. Eschleman
advertising by having a winning
high school foot-ball team. Es­ GIVING PUUDiNG: Roll com­ 5 J.hnZobiist
tacada has already received pub­ mon crackers, making \ '/\ cups- 6 Bert H. Finch
licity in the state press for its ful. Put in bowl, pour over them 7 E. B. Byers
consistent winnings. The public 4 cupsfui of scalded milk and let 8 Fred Jorg
stand to cool. Then add lump of 9 Irwin D. Wright
should attend the games, not on­ sugar, 4 eggs slightly beaten, '/i
10 C. M. Sparks
ly enjoying the sport but helping cup melted butter, 1 teaspoon salt 11 F. E. Boner
to finance this cheap but effective and half a grated nutmeg.
12 ’A. Morrow
Cool; \ '/t f ups of raisins in boil­ 13 L. A. Chapman
advertisement. It is always a
good thing for any community to ing water, just to cover, until 14 S. P. Waterbury
Add to 15 C. D. Havens
get together and root for the plump, ct^l and seed.
first mixture, turn into buttered j 16 R. G. Marchbank
home interests, whether it be deep bread pan. Set pan in larg-; 17 Ouray O. Bland
athletics, politics or improve­ er pan containing boiling water j 18 Wm. Dale
and bake in slow oven 3 hours, j 19 G, H. Lichthorn
Stir al ter first half hour of cook­ 20 Phil Wagner ’
Attend Convention
ing to prevent raisins from set­ 21 S. E. Wooster
The Misses Mary Woodle, Helen tling. When done, serve with | 22 W. M. Yonce
23 W. B. Simmons
lemon and hard-sauce.
Keith. Jessie Hanna and Gladys
24 J. T. Irwin
HARD-SAUCE :— Y i cup but­ 25 John P. Irwin
Carpenter of Estacada attended
26 W. Givens
the State Convention o f the Ep­
teaspoon lemon extract,
worth League, in Salem, last Fri­ spoon vanilla cream butter ex­ 27 E. E. Hannah
28 H. V. Adix M. D.
day and Saturday, representing tremely well and add sugar grad­
29 Will Kaake
ually and flavoring. Hard-sauce 30 A. E. Sparks
the Estacada Epworth League.
One year
Six months
Judge a Bank
by its financial soundness, by the
standing and character of its direct­
ors and officers, by its readiness to
be of service to its depositors. That
is the way we wish this bank to be
judged and we invite the strictest
When you have made it
we solicit your account on the result
of your investigation.
Estacada State Bank
P resident
V ice
P resid en t
Interest paid on time deposits
C. E. Lucke
Livestock Buyer
Hogs, Cattle, Sheep
All shipments made from
Estacada Stock Yards
Phone W . Givens, Estacada agent,
and advise him of what you have
lor sale, and I will call and
and s h i p m e n t .
c^ n n ou n cem en t
Having taken the agency for the
Wirt Nursery Stock
in this section, 1 will be pleased
to call on anyone wishing
Good Nursery Stock
Write, Phone or Call on
Sam J. Howe - Estacada