W ant and F o r Sale C o lu m n 5 cents per line. Cash in advance Notice To Creditors In the County Court of the State of' PROFESIONAL CAROS In the County Court for the Oregon for the County of County of Clackamas, State of WANTED EGGS. Highest Clackamas Oregon. In the matter of the es­ Henry V. Adix, M. D. price paid at Palace Meat Mark­ tate of George E. Dibble, de­ in the matter of the estate of Edgar | et. Fred Jorg. Physician and surgeon J. Stevens, deceased. Citation ceased. Office Adjoining Residence I HAVE FOR SALE - 50M. Notice is hereby given by the To Mrs. Florence Miller, IN TH E N A M E OF T H E STATE first class mountain cedar shing­ undersigned administrator of the Local and Lo* g Distance Telepho» e OF OREGON: les. Come and get what you estate o f George E. Dibble, de­ The doctor’s phone can be connected with your You are hereby cited and required to want of them at $1.75 per M. at home phone at night if requested. Due long ring ceased, to the creditors of and all appear and be in the County Court of Demoy’s place. persons having claims against, the State of Oregon, for the Countv of WANTED Work of any kind. the said decesed to exhibit them, Clackamas, at the county court room of said Court, on the 8th day o f November A. J. Mills. with the necessary Vouchers, 1915 at the hour of 10 o clock in the fore Dr. L. A. Wells FOR SALE at all times Regis­ within six months after the first noon of said dav, then and there show Dentist tered Duroc-Jersey pigs, all ages. j publication of this notice, to said cause, if any ex st, why an order of sale of the real property of the estate of j administrator, at the office of his FOR SERVICE Registered Kdgar J. Stevens, deceased, should not Associated with Dr. H. V. Adix Duroc-Jersey boar. Phone Hill 860 attorney, Claude W. Devore, Es­ be granted, following is a particular de­ tacada, Oregon, the same being scription of said real property, being J. M. Whelean Garfield. the place for the transaction of situated in Clackamas County, Oregon, , FOR TRADE One full blood the business of the estate. as follows: Duroc-Jersey sow and ten fine Dr. R. Morse North part of Lot number four (4) in John Elmer Dibble, pigs ten weeks old for good cow in Section twenty-one (21) in Township Physician and Surgeon Administror of the estate of or sheep. Will give or take dif­ three (3) South of Range four (4) east George E. Dibble, Deceased. ference. Inquire at Progress. Tests Eyes and Fits Glasses of the Wdlamette Meridian, containing Claude W. Devore, about six (6) acres being that portion Office on Main Str. between 1st and 2nd WANTED Medium sized heat­ Attorney for Administrator. o said lot, lying north of the Franklin Residence: Main and 5th Sts. ing stove. Must be in good con­ Date of first publication, Septem­ Piearce D. L. C. No. 38 in said Town­ Telephone Connection ber 23, 1915. dition and cheap for cash. ship, and north o f the north line o f said S. J. Howe, Progress office. Date of last publication, October claim extended to the east line of said Claude W. Devore lut number 4. 21, 1915. A Iso Beginning at the northeast cor­ MONEY TO LOAN On first Attorney-at-law and Notary Public ner of the Franklin Pierce 1). L. C. in mortgage securities. Notice of Road Budget Meeting Section Twenty-one (21 1 in Township Estacada, Oregon P. F. Standish, Garfield or call Progress office. Notice is hereby given thrt, three (3) South of Range 4 East of the pursuant to Chapter 234, Gener­ Willamette Meridian, running thence Stone & Moulton PROGRESS subscription in ex­ al Laws of Oregon 1913, and East Three hundred and thtee (303) A tto rn e y s - a t - L aw feet to the East line of the Southwest change for $1. worth of quinces Phones- Pacific 405. Home A 270. Chapter 222, General Laws of quarter of the Southeast quarter of Sec­ or apples, this week. 6-7 Beaver Bldg. Oregon City. Or. Oregon 1915, a meeting of the tion 21; thence South along said line Progress office. legal voters of Road District No. One hundred and ten (110) feet to the FOR RENT Four room house 4, Clackamas County, Oregon, center of.the County road; then e along JOHN BR O W N center of the County road 319 feet to THE INSURANCE MAN and barn. $2. per month. will be held at the Currinsville the place of beginning, containing 0.50 Inquire Lena Underwood, School House, in said district on a> res, more or less. Oregon Fire Relief Ass’n Phone Main 150, Estacada the 10th day of November, 1915 Also Beginning at a point marked Of McMinnville, Oregon. Also First Class OLD LINE Insurance. at the hour of 7 o’ clock P. M., by a 3-4 inch iron pipe which is on the $5. REWARD For the return Phone 513 - Gresham for the purpose of considering East line 2040.7 feet North of the south­ of a gold bracelet with diamond east corner of the Franklin Pierce Do­ Automobile Insurance A Specialty the following estimates of the a- nation Land Claim, running thence west setting, lost in Garfield or on mount of money to be raised by 406.9 feet to corner marked by a 3-4 trail along Eagle or Delf Creeks. special tax in said District for the inch iron pipe; thence Northerly 567.34 & R. C. Deming, Ii. 1, Estacada. feet to a corner marked by a 3-4 inch ensuing year. iron pipe which is on the North bound­ STABLE ROADS AND HIGHWAYS - FOR SALE Two year old Jer­ ary line o f the Franklin Pierce Donation W . A . J O N E S , Proprietor. sey Hull. % mile east of Spring- Improvement and maintenance Land Claim; thence East on said D. L. Good Rigs and Careful Drivers of Taylor Road, $350. ; improve­ C. line 362.75 feet to the northeast cor­ water Store. R. D. Tracy. ment and maintenance of Stein- ner of said Pierce D. L. C .; thence SPECIAL ATTENTION F O R S A L E— The Garfield man Road, $375.; improvement Southerly on feid claim line 566.7 feet Given Hunting and Fishing Parties Containing Country Club has a lot of No. 1 and maintenance of Heiple Road, to place of beginning. five (5) acres, more or less. Cedar fence posts for sale. $275. ; improvement and mainten­ W IT N E SS the Hon. H. S. Anderson Team Work, Hauling and Packing Phone or ca 1 on G. T. Hunt. ance of Saling Road, $165. ; im­ Judge of sajd Court this 2nd day of Oc­ provement and maintenance of tober 1915. W ood delivered, any amount or length. ATTEST: I. M. Harrington Clerk. Main Road, $600. (Seal) F. A . Miller Deputy Clerk. BRIDGES - None. TIE SHED - c per Rig. STATE OF OREGON, ) PROBABLE RECEIPTS-None. „ i s». C ounty ok C lackamas . ' W. M. Yonce BALANCES - None. For Sale I, I. M. Harrington, County Clerk and Subscribed by three resident ex-officio Clerk of the Circuit Court of freehi lders of said district and the State of Oregon, for the County of Call on or write Lum ber by the road supervisor of said Clackamas, do hereby certify that the Klaetsch Mills district this 19th day of October, foregoing copy of Citation has been Bert Moore 1915. First class lumber of all kinds, promptly by me compared with the original, and Cazadero, Or. N. F. Heiple, Freeholder. that it is a correct transcript there­ delivered from big stock on hand. L. Hale, Freeholder. from, and the whole of such original Dimension material a specialty. W. M. Wade, Freeholder. Citation as the same appears (on ( le Phone or call at mill, at Dodge. Han Erdman of Sandy Ridge, J. A. Kitching, Road Supervi­ o f record) in my office and in my care Hartón, while digging a well last sor, Road District, No. 4. O. C. Klaetsch, Owner. and custody Saturday, received a bucket of In T E STIM O N Y W H E R E O F , I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the rock on the head, causing a par-! Economical Drs. Brown & Harrison seal of said Court this tial fracture of the skull and I 2nd day o f October, 1915 | Veterinary Surgeons gashed head. At last reports he '.(Seif? '! ■ I. M. Harrington, Clerk, j Land Clearing was getting along as well as of Portland By F. A . Miller, Deputy. | could he expected. will be in Estacada every Satur­ is done with the I day. Those wanting veterinary Geo M. Lazalle and Tim Me work done, call at Yonce’s Barn. KIRSTIN One Man Stump Puller iK o tn iin w i Getchie of Oregon City were Es­ We handle a full line of veteri­ O I L * & On display and for sale by tacada and Springwater visitors nary medicines and make a spec­ ialty i f surgery and castration. Piano and Vocal Instructor Albert Adlon South Estacada last Monday, in the interests of For rush calls, phone Broadway or inquire at Progress office. the county exhibit at the Land 2347 Portland, day or night. 405 12th St. Portland or Progress Product's Show. Livery, Feed cylutomobile 10 Sale